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Everything posted by AndreaColombo

  1. You could also use the Unity Console mod to change their proficiencies without losing achievements.
  2. I for one think that night tracks add a lot to the atmosphere of the game. They were a good idea in BG and are a good idea in Deadfire. You may disagree with the particular choice that was made for a track in this case, but the proposition was sound. Also, while Deadfire is a different game from BG, it is quite explicitly marketed as its spiritual successor. It is not unreasonable for people to desire things that evoke memories of their playing the BG games while they play Deadfire. That doesn't make them lunatics at all.
  3. Frankly, I don't think it's as good as it may sound at first. If you want it to be better than Devil of Caroc's Breastplate in a way that makes some difference, you need 20 in Atheltics. That's something you can only attain late game, or by playing a Fighter with Berath's Blessings and a the adra potion (in which case, you get it mid game.) Even then, a -20% is what DoC's breastplate had when the game was released, and it wasn't gated behind a series of high-level arena fights.
  4. I figured we'd gather all missing/inconsistent keywords here as a collective effort, that we may then present them in the bug subforum for the devs' consideration. Chanter Thrice Was She Wronged: missing the Electricity keyword Her Revenge Swept Across: missing the Electricity keyword Seven Nights She Waited: missing the Frost keyword ...And Evil Turned Away: missing the Fire keyword Her Tears Fell Like Rain: missing the Frost keyword Cipher Antipathetic Field: missing the Acid keyword Soul Ignition: missing the Fire keyword Priest Iconic Projection: missing the Frost keyword Wizard Minoletta's Minor Missiles: missing the Acid keyword Kalakoth's Sunless Grasp: missing the Frost keyword Concelhaut's Corrosive Siphon: missing the Acid keyword Concelhaut's Draining Touch: missing the Decay keyword Death Ring: missing the Decay keyword Kalakoth's Freezing Rake: missing the Frost keyword Minoletta's Missile Salvo: missing the Acid keyword Have I missed any?
  5. If it weren’t, Tekehu would go from special to bland faster than you can say, “dad bod in plate armor.” Once experienced his story, there would be no reason to take him over a custom-made Druid.
  6. I thought the point of fighting was the fun of the fight itself. People have been complaining that the game’s fights were too easy and this DLC provides harder fights.
  7. Agree that 30 is on the steep side; thank you Achilles for that mod. I’m surprised you want the explored map one. How do you tell where you’ve been and where you still need to go without the FOV?
  8. You could also use it to gain Energized on a character (e.g. Monk using Thunderous Blows, or any character on whom a Priest casts Champion's Boon), then switch to another weapon of your choice. I really like that particular ability
  9. The rapier looks amazing. Possibly the best-looking piece of the new gear, followed by the flail. I used the console to check them out. There are also two new trinkets I didn’t bother checking.
  10. A rapier, a battle axe, a hide armor, and a piece of headgear. I'll console them in later to check them out.
  11. It does. Briefly (I'll leave it to others to collect screenshots and whatnot): New breastplate that gives -1% recovery per point of Athletics; looks tribal New helmet that gives concentration New helmet that gives +2 PER and charm beast on beast kill New helmet that is good for riposte builds New cloak that does the same as the above helmet (probably you get to choose) New cloak that I can't remember what it does New sabre that is good against beasts New pike New arbalest New war bow New flail that looks amazing and is good for Priest of Magran (extra Burn damage in AoE on kill that improves with Religion) New small shield I've probably forgotten a few. EDIT: New brigandine that is very good for focusing on unarmed attacks and looks cool (it's got spikes all over.)
  12. That's what they had promised, though, is it not? They said they'd add abilities for Rangers and they did exactly that.
  13. You can reach 25 with a dwarf or aumaua starting at 20, plus a STR inspiration (not necessarily from a Priest.) No items involved
  14. Was the recovery penalty from the Transmuter’s ogre form ever brought in line with other medium armors? Though the awkward club-wielding animation with no clubs and the fact that female Transmuters still get a male ogre form are both turn-offs. That’s on top of the harsh “lose 2 spell schools” penalty, of course.
  15. That I know of, it was only mentioned in the Fig comments during the campaign. I can't remember if perhaps this was also mentioned over these boards during the campaign; maybe, or maybe not. I agree this was very poor communication and I absolutely understand the frustration of those who didn't know they wouldn't get a physical copy. The wording on Fig indeed suggested there would be disks in the box. Having backed at the signed CE tier, and having read about the absence of a physical disk on Fig during the crowdfunding campaign, I do not feel cheated or defrauded at all. The CE is beautiful and packed with goodies. However, it is absolutely true that backers at the non-CE box tier got a very bad deal compared to the Obsidian edition sold on Amazon. Their case is certainly unfair.
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