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Everything posted by AndreaColombo

  1. 184 on PotD. I'll probably need to go with 2 tanks, 1 cipher, 1 priest, and 1 wizard and nuke it into oblivion.
  2. I briefly wrote about my experience in the beta patch thread. I believe Corrosive Solvent to be an attack that deals Corrode damage in an AoE and clears your active buffs, even though the combat log only shows the AoE damage. I can’t use my SoT-spam cheese against this boss because of it, as I repeatedly find myself wondering where my buffs have gone. On PotD I can’t seem to beat this thing (I had a much easier time with Belranga.) Granted, I haven’t tried weapons that deal elemental damage but being unable to stay buffed keeps me at a net Accuracy/Deflection disadvantage (my casters have a hard time landing debuffs) and the ooze hits like a truck.
  3. It appears to be targeting Deflection. It deals Corrode damage in an AoE and the combat log doesn't really show that your buffs have been cleansed. I can't tell in advance when it's going to happen. Its other attacks: Symbiote makes smaller hostile black oozes appear. If you don't kill them, after some time they merge into a bigger ooze. Over time they keep merging until you get a gigantic black ooze almost as big as the megaboss and with only slightly inferior stats. It's a pretty hard fight. I can't seem to beat it with my habitual party. These are the megaboss's stats (I'm using the Higher Is Always Harder mod but it shouldn't matter, as I expect the megaboss to be a level-20 encounter):
  4. You can't. I did suggest in the bug forums that devs let us upgrade soulbound weapons from the base game to legendary, and QA picked it up—let's see if anything comes of it.
  5. No DoT. You can buff again afterward but either it expires or the boss clears your buffs again.
  6. The new megaboss is a biatch, guys. It has a Corrosive Solvent attack that clears your buffs on top of dealing a boatload of damage, so good luck trying to keep them up with Salvation of Time—nothing to keep up once Corrosive Solvent removes them. It also deals a lot of damage with its regular attacks, and it attacks rather fast. Holy heck it is one tough son of a biatch XD
  7. Because all these things are notoriously handled by the same people.
  8. And what if they did? No big deal. More power to them if that's how they like to play. Only reason I can see is achievements, and I'd rather be locked out of achievements than to be locked out of options. I'd never play without the mods I like, nor would I play without Blessings—but I'd love to have Galawain's challenge on all the time.
  9. ^ I’m like that 100%. I want enemies to be as cool as my character, not my character to suck as much as the enemies XD
  10. Just checked. Challenges still disable both mods and Blessings. Very disappointing; hope this is reconsidered.
  11. Exactly. I’m happy to give up on whatever achievements will be tied to the challenges; I just want gameplay options.
  12. ...and undo the Wildstrike nerf, of course.
  13. Challenges + Blessings should be possible from the get-go. I really don’t get why they chose to let you play Challenges on Story Mode but Blessings are out. Hope they’ll reconsider and let us use Blessings and Challenges together. Are mods usable with Challenges now? (They really should be.)
  14. Agreed. Don’t care one bit about challenge-related achievements but I’d love to mix them with the Blessings and use them with mods.
  15. Could someone confirm Challenges and Blessings can bow by used in conjunction? If using two pets, do their effects stack? Amazing patch, anyway—thank you Obsidian!
  16. Maybe, though I've always got the distinct impression that the PoE lore books were purposefully written to avoid spoiling in-game plot twists. It seems to me like the choice to write based on what the people of Eora know or believe is pretty deliberate, and what they know or believe isn't necessarily the whole truth, or even true at all.
  17. Agreed the update looks super sweet. Also looks like the Challenges will be available with mods and Blessings? Amazing if that is the case. I just need to mod Brilliant back to restoring resources every 3s
  18. Spiritshift isn’t good, huh? Might have something to do with the gratuitous, uncalled for nerf it got in 1.1. But I digress...
  19. My issue is that I don't really like to play Rangers; I'd rather have a Priest spell to do that
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