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Everything posted by AndreaColombo

  1. Curious, considering how the ability was pegged as lackluster when it was revealed.
  2. It looks like the time limit to edit your posts on this forum is, in fact, 48 hours. Since I can no longer edit my earlier post, I'll make do with a new one. The Hulk Smash variant of this build has been growing into a bit of its own thing and I figured I'd give a more detailed breakdown for those interested in it. Since it shares the basic principles of the Lady of Pain, I do not think it deserves its own thread; by the same token, anything that is not explicitly mentioned below can be inferred to be the same as in post #96. Race, Class, Background Attribute scores Talents & Abilities Skills Equipment Weapons Buffs
  3. ^ I reported that way back in the thread linked above. I'm afraid there won't be a fix for that (more of a reactivity issue, really)
  4. Odema's speech looks deliberately ungrammatical (it's packed full of comma splices too, btw) to reflect the way he speaks. Most of those lines are voiced and written text tries to convey his pacing and generally syntactically challenged way of expressing himself. But if you've found more typos or grammar/syntax errors, they should be reported here.
  5. What I know off the top of my head (the rest I'd have to test or look up): 4. All of them. 5. Pretty much. 6. Rounded up from .5 up, down from .4 down. I believe this rounding is just for display and all math is handled under the hood with one-decimal precision.
  6. +4 INT is a ring; I'll post a screenshot tonight. No idea where to get it though; I know it exists because I did data mining when PX2 came out.
  7. Known bug. Distant Advantage was broken by 3.0. Hopefully they'll fix it in 3.1.
  8. "Hulk Smash" variant of the Lady of Pain: https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/80748-buildpreview-lady-of-pain/page-5?do=findComment&comment=1777435 One thing I forgot to mention about the Hulk Smash variant in my guide (will see if I can still edit it tomorrow after work): One of your ring slots will be free so you can populate it with the ring from PX2 that gives +4 INT. With Casità Casserole, your INT goes to 16; if you solve Llengrath's fight peacefully, you get to 17 (can be 19 if you redistribute the other two points from Llengrath's talent to INT, either by taking them into account at character creation, or by respeccing.)
  9. Chiming in to show some love for Justin. PoE's soundtrack is indeed very atmospheric and evocative. I love it as a whole
  10. Already reported and acknowledged by QA; hopefully it will be fixed in 3.1
  11. Just checked the game files: There's no item bearing Llengrath's name except from her grimoire. I doubt her armor exists beside the appearance of her character model. What stat buff did you get, out of curiosity? Do you think the number of bog scales you get is the same as if you kill the dragons? But above all ... do Llengrath and her minions stay there if you solve the quest peacefully? If your character is the duplicitous child of a deceptive b**ch, you can solve peacefully then attack at your leisure after enchanting your armor to Legendary, reaping the benefits of a stat boost and of choosing careful positioning before starting the fight
  12. Already reported by Kaylon and acknowledged by QA.
  13. https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/84471-mowrghek-îen-major-spoilers-ahead/#entry1777495
  14. I would understand the complaint if low-level spells stopped being viable at higher levels, as was the case in (A)D&D. In PoE, however, spells scale very well and remain viable throughout the whole game. Getting 4 uses per encounter of level 1-4 spells would have been a massive power spike that would have made casters overwhelmingly superior to every other class. It also would have made spells beyond level 4 much less attractive: Either you wouldn't have had a need for them (DAOM, Shadowflame, 4 x Fireball = everybody dies. Rinse; repeat) or you would have saved them for emergency and relied on per-encounters anyway.
  15. My must-haves from the mod are: - disable engagement - cyan circles for neutral NPCs - additional console commands - remove recovery penalty while moving - autosave only every 15 minutes upon area transition (and save before entering the area)
  16. Just noticed that Fulvano's Gloves have apparently received a buff. IIRC, they used to give +5 Reflex; now they give +2 DEX. Quite a bit better.
  17. It's not that 3.0 made it no longer worth it so much as I changed my play style since then. I prefer to sip a potion of Deleterious Alacrity of Motion as my opening move, then brute-force my enemies in melee. Opening with a ranged weapon then switching to melee is still perfectly viable for those who prefer alpha-strike openers. In that case, Quick Switch is most definitely a talent to consider instead of Bonus Knock Down.
  18. There's a chance it's getting suppressed by the damage bonus from Novice's Suffering as both are talents. Which bears the question—is it intended?
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