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Everything posted by AndreaColombo

  1. It's Exceptional and has Second Chance, IIRC. Also looks bad ass
  2. Search this forum for a thread called "attack speed 2.0"; it's got all the info you're seeking
  3. You'd like a penalty for severing the bond on top of their not being universal? You really want soulbound weapons to be bad. Unique weapons can achieve the highest DPS in the game and there are many with great on-hit or on-crit effects. You don't see many builds around here that use soulbound weapons versus unique weapons--how can that be if soulbound weapons are so much more powerful and convenient? The one variant of my DPS build that uses a soulbound weapon is the one with the lowest DPS despite its having the highest MIG score attainable in the game without cheating.
  4. Soulbound weapons are not the most powerful in the game. Not by a very long shot.
  5. Dude, soulbound weapons are attuned to your character's soul in a setting in which souls are the be all and end all. What sense would it make for your character to be more proficient with any other weapon? None. Also, soulbound weapons already have class-based restrictions and are generally overshadowed by unique weapons with Durgan steel. A talent spent specifically for one of them, especially of a weapon group I wouldn't normally use, would be a wasted talent. I'd rather use soulbound weapons without but at that point, why use them at all? Unique weapons offer better DPS anyway. Removing their universal nature would be a sure fire way to make most people ditch them (and it would make no sense from a lore perspective.) Last but not least: designing items and mechanics around the fact that "people can respec anyway" is poor game design. Not everyone abuses respec in immersion-breaking ways to get out of a talent and into another because that trivializes character development choices. There are players (not me) who would even prefer to have no respec in the game for that very reason. Oh, and +6 Accuracy is a lot better than ++ in BG because it increases your chances to crit. Besides, it's not free at all for soulbound weapons: You still have to invest a talent in it. It just gives you the freedom to use these weapons alongside your favorite uniques.
  6. It's very much intended; it was announced by Josh before PX1 came out.
  7. It's to avoid awkward moments like when you specialized your BG2 Paladin to dual-wield swords and then HELLO, CARSOMYR! EDIT: I can think of two more reasons but I'm not gonna type them from my smartphone because inconvenience.
  8. Ah, I see now. I've always talked to Penhelm before fighting; next time I'll attack first, ask questions later
  9. Dual speed + Durgan is 1.2 * 1.2 * 1.15 * 1.15 = 90% Two Weapon Fighting stacks additively, so 110%
  10. I tried to pump my RES to 18 before talking to Osric and I didn't get a dialog option to tell him I had to fight for the armor (in fact, there were no unqualified interactions shown; what I saw were all the dialog options there were.) Could you post the exact same dialog sequence you used to get the armor?
  11. I've had this issue with two weapons so far. If you turn your character to face in the other direction, you'll see the shield through him. For me, weapons that had this behavior also randomly disappeared from sight during combat, leaving my character unable to attack (even though they were still in the quick slot.) I didn't report it because reloading would remove the coloring issue and I could not find a way to reliably reproduce either issue.
  12. I think this was reported during the beta for 3.0. Sounds like a job for ... BMac! Nanananananana BMac, BMac, BMaaac nanananananananana ;D
  13. Indeed. At a certain point I stopped trying so I never noticed it got fixed. Good to know
  14. I haven't really tried one yet, but I think light-armored Monks are viable. Monks rely on taking wounds, after all, and a lower DR lets you accumulate them faster (and at level 11, if memory serves, you get Iron Wheel that grants you +1 DR per wound.) Besides, even if you went for the Monk's Outfit, you could still upgrade it to Superb (DR 9) or even Legendary (DR 11) and add Second Skin (+2) and a bonus from Survival (+2 or +3), which imo is plenty enough unless you were soloing. If I built a light-armored Monk (which I will, sooner or later), I would most certainly make them wear the Lavender Crown and Binding Rope and take Rooting Pain. This would passively hurt and disable enemies that hit you so you'd maintain an edge even when taking punishment.
  15. Same. I like the idea to reduce clutter in the bar, and I understand bars can get hellaciously long when you're very high level, but it would be nice if the backpack grouping was optional. I appreciate the idea behind it, but in practice I find myself forgetting about stuff I have because I don't see it at a glance when I select my characters.
  16. Movement speed bonuses and penalties only work in combat.
  17. I was asking because FreeRecipesToggle would always let you enchant even if requirements were not met and/or the engine wouldn't normally allow it. So you're saying if you have the ingredients, you can actually upgrade BotEP to Legendary? Interesting ... I wonder if the same is true of a Sanguine Plate made Superb, for example. Would be quite good, 'cause otherwise aiming for the Legendary enchant would require planning for it since the beginning and going through most of the game without enchanting your gear until you get the ingredients you need.
  18. I think you also need the character's name to add the talent. Type FindCharacter followed by your PC's name to see it. Talent names all have the tln_ prefix which must be used in the console too afaik.
  19. Why don't you use the console to give yourself the blood pool talent you want? Much quicker for this game; next play through, you'll do the real deal
  20. Imho the launcher is pretty great. Lets me switch between modded and unmodded real smooth and doesn't require moving or overwriting files. Snazzy.
  21. Fairly sure I've seen this reported and acknowledged in the tech forum last week.
  22. I must stress this; when you pack many damage modifiers (as is definitely the case with Rogues), achieving 0 recovery is the ultimate DPS driver.
  23. The cost increase was a design decision and is working as intended.
  24. ^ I suggest using spoiler brackets for the code; it's very long
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