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Everything posted by AndreaColombo

  1. https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/85094-px2-31-enemies-like-to-slaughter-innocent-people-instead-of-me/ Probably the same issue; allegiances seem to be broken in this build.
  2. http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/84990-survival-racial-accuracy-bonus-bug/?do=findComment&comment=1785833
  3. Probably the same issue as you're having with the pet. Textures are working fine for me on these spells.
  4. It's a proc from one of your items; probably one of the newer ones which is missing a string for its proc name. Are you wearing the Glittering Gloves (or however they are called)?
  5. Interesting. I checked Edér's character sheet, and under "Binding Rope" is only says "+2 Constitution, (Suppressed)" (basically there's no name for the Stuck proc). Removing the helmet (which grants retaliation) removes the suppression as well. Putting the helmet back on keeps the effect going, but the helmet's Retaliation is suppressed. So the belt needs to be equipped first, before any other piece of equipment that has a retaliatory proc (being it the classic retaliation, or a status proc like Lavender Wreath's); this way, the Stuck proc will work, but the other will be suppressed. EDIT: Saving and loading will restore the suppression on the belt's proc and take it away from the other item's. Clearly a bug; hope it's already fixed in 3.02
  6. Bump for visibility; would like to confirm whether the item works at all and, if it does, whether it works as intended
  7. Bump for visibility. Hopefully it's not a global issue but just to confirm.
  8. I know a number of bugs of this very nature have already been reported, and hopefully fixing one will fix the problem globally. However, for the sake of completeness and because this time the bug has gone far enough to make me post about it, here's another example of "mixed-up alliances". SAVED GAME: link OUTPUT LOG: link REPRO STEPS: Load the attached saved game. Select the party and walk downward; you'll run into a bounty almost immediately. Observe that part of the soldiers that are supposed to fight you do, in fact, not; rather, the run in the opposite direction and start killing all innocent bystanders in the map. If you follow them, engage them, and hit them they will disengage and keep going for the innocents (one of whom is a quest giver and of course you can't have the quest if they kill her.) This happened to me in other areas as well—enemies fighting innocents or other enemies—so it looks like 3.0 broke some part of the code that handle creature allegiances.
  9. That's likely an unintended side effect of some other code change they made. I doubt they went out of their way and wasted development time to remove a feature that was harmless at best.
  10. That's a pretty reasonable response, but if somebody can jury rig a fix as quickly as they did - as evident from those links - then it stands to reason that the devs can find a solution too without an insurmountable effort. Development time is a precious thing. We do not know how long it took the IE Mod maintainers to develop their solution, and we do not know whether it is completely bug free. Obsidian never officially supported the use of the console anyway; I'd rather they focus on fixing gameplay bugs for these last few patches, especially if this feature can be had via mods.
  11. ^ if you are referring to DAOM, it is possible after entering Act III; in Act II it might be feasible but also tedious (I find it tedious enough in Act III already.) In the Ethik Nol cave there's a merchant that sells 5 a day. If you solve Rinatto's quest in his favor, he'll be at the Celestial Sapling and sell, among other things, Skaenbone (3 a day if memory serves.) Opal is sold by shady nighttime merchant in Ondra's Gift, and the lady merchant in Dyrford who asks you to fetch a dragon egg for her.
  12. http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/84831-301-large-shield-looks-strange/?do=findComment&comment=1785235 For the weird rendering.
  13. Yeh, 3.02. Should be a juicy patch
  14. I usually decide the builds and equipment for my full party before starting a play through, so I know exactly which gear to enchant and how beforehand. I generally stick to that plan and rarely do any enchantments beyond the planned ones. Food, I use Rauatai Sweet Pie and Pearlwood Chicken on everyone; Casità Casserole on casters and Paladins. Potions, I use DAOM all the time; Major Endurance if needed; Llengrath's Displaced Image occasionally.
  15. Doesn't everyone else in the bar become hostile if you kill them?
  16. The change to GM never really made any role playing sense; it was made back when PER was useless for casters to make her attribute spread less terrible. Companion attributes weren't changed when PER switched to Accuracy just like the rest of the game was not rebalanced around that. If Aloth could do CC earlier, he still can. Edér is pretty decent at DPS if built right, and can take quite a beating with his CON score. Companions aren't min maxed but they are perfectly viable on PotD (as people mentioned, talents and abilities are a lot more important than attributes in this game.) If you don't like them, why not hire mercenaries? Oh, and by the way: Durance isn't min maxed. No stats below 9 and his demeanor bespeaks RES in spades
  17. So true! I though the same as I typed those lines. If there was a penalty for abusing the potion my characters would be suffering from it all the time except in combat, when they finally get their fix XD
  18. ^ potion of alacrity doesn't stack with Frenzy. Boeroer--true that. I always take potions of alacrity for granted as I do, in fact, quaff them all the time
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