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Everything posted by AndreaColombo

  1. Charge would come in a lot more handy than Into the Fray for these Monks. Same with Steadfast as it grants Dimensional Shift 1/rest (not sure it's the accurate name but it lets you shift position with another party member.) There are stronghold boots too that are very good for saving squishy characters but I can't recall their name; I'll post when I'm home from work.
  2. Stormcaller and Bittercut for sure (and Durance's Staff now too.) Dragon Thrashed and other DOT effects are a different bug; that one I do not know whether it has been fixed in 3.02, but it wasn't before.
  3. What level are you? What spells does your Wizard have? Do your Fighters have Charge? Is anyone wielding Steadfast?
  4. To clarify: the issue I'm referring to was preventing weapons like Bittercut from benefiting from elemental talents. Lashes as in the enchants you can apply to weapons have been working fine all along that I know of (elemental talents apply to them but the increase in damage is hardly worth a talent.)
  5. Annihilation: https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/85203-302b-annihilation-doesnt-seem-to-be-working/?do=findComment&comment=1788659 The other bug I tested myself when 3.0 released, then further sought (and got) confirmation from Aarik in the bug thread. It's too old and inconvenient to dig up from my smartphone though, so link will have to wait until I'm home from work.
  6. ^ fairly sure it's a bug. By design Durgan Steel should stack with everything IIRC.
  7. Annihilation has been recently confirmed to be working as intended by Aarik; bonus damage is additive and is applying. The other bug you mentioned has been fixed since 3.0
  8. As of 3.02, it should be in the Abbey of the Fallen Moon.
  9. Well, I didn't say he's hostile ... I said there's a reason he's not worried
  10. Fairly sure Garodh's Chorus gives +3 MIG, not +4. The helmet that gives +4 MIG is Maegfolc Skull.
  11. ...and as someone else (I think PrimeJunta) said in another thread: There's a reason why the landlord isn't worried about the mercenaries laying siege at his place.
  12. Bump for visibility; the Caed Nua barks appear to trigger too often.
  13. I've just checked the quest item and it does not give +3 MIG. The version of the ring that can be kept in your inventory is just an ornamental ring of 200cp of value; it cannot even be equipped.
  14. A well-organized sticky would be enough, imo; broken down by class, with builds for each class in alphabetical order and with a brief, one- or two-line description of what they do.
  15. The issue with Twin Sting is general: all soulbound weapons from PX2 aren't flagged as universal right now.
  16. It's probably the same bug as this: https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/85255-the-item-mourning-gloves-should-heal-the-wearer-15-endurance-per-kill-instead-it-hurts-the-wearer-that-same-amount-per-kill/?do=findComment&comment=1787953
  17. Caed Nua resting bonuses exist for all stats and amount to +3; same applies to the +2 bonuses from food. +4 items exist for all stats, but no +3 item is there for INT. Weapon bonuses to attributes, which stack with bonuses from other equipment, are available for MIG, CON, and RES (can't recall any others.)
  18. I suggest KDubya's Juggernaut Monk, and a Fighter with either the Lady of Pain or Braven's Glass Tsunami build. Have a look at Boeroer's Backlash Beldam build for the Cipher too while you're at it; it's pretty badass
  19. Are you on 3.01? I definitely did not have this problem when fighting the Kraken—I remained behind the crystals to buff and fight the tentacles that spawn with the Kraken on PotD and the Kraken remained there, congratulating itself on its fat Jabba look. I do agree that the fight was underwhelmingly easy. A legendary, massive beast like the Kraken should probably be level 15 or 16 and a lot tougher.
  20. I can provide a saved game if needed, but reproducing this is as easy as to equip The Unlabored Blade on any character and using the console to unlock it whole. This is what the unlocked blade looks like in game: Bright and with golden decorations. This is what it looks like in your inventory: Dull and black. Very minor inconsistency issue, but it's a pity that such a good-looking dagger is stuck with a dull look in your inventory
  21. ^ Fairly sure I've already reported that one; should be fixed in 3.02
  22. Hi Zeraili, the 0-recovery variant of this build has the highest single-target melee DPS attainable, especially if you use Maegfolc Skull, Lilith's Shawl, and the +3 MIG resting bonus from Caed Nua. No point in dual wielding anything if you can reach 0 recovery with a two-hander, for two-handers pack the highest base damage to begin with (and estocs, in particular, come with a handy 5 DR bypass to boot) Rogues have higher burst damage thanks to their class abilities (I've seen bursts as high as 300+ damage in other players' screenshots and videos), but likely fall behind this build in terms of sustained DPS. Rangers, on the other hand, can probably be built to have a higher single-target DPS if used ranged in conjunction with their pet (they can have very good AoE DPS too using Stormcaller with Twinned Arrows and Driving Flight.) In the next few days I will be posting some updates and observations based on my most recent play through, so stay tuned
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