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Everything posted by AndreaColombo

  1. +0.5 crit damage is currently bugged and does nothing (hopefully fixed in 3.02); that said, if you reach 0 recovery with both setups, then the sabers will have a higher DPS--but with Rimecutters you can reach 0 recovery wearing plate, which is pretty good. Depends on how much you value DR.
  2. Yeah, I think trouble with these boots was reported during the 3.0 beta so hopefully 3.2 will fix it
  3. Is your main character wearing Fenwalkers? It stopped happening to me when I removed them.
  4. The Unlabored Blade is a dagger; it is covered by the Weapon Focus talent that you have so it benefits from it (Steadfast benefits from WF: Knight.) Try it with a different one and you'll see it doesn't work. It's the same with Twin Sting, and possibly all new soulbound weapons.
  5. You don't have to be naked to reach 0 recovery; just stack attack speed bonuses. Use a durganized speed weapon with Swift Aim and Gauntlets of Swift Action (1.2 * 1.15 * 1.15 * 1.2 = -90% recovery before DEX if you want to stick to a crossbow.) If you dual-wield and both weapons are durganized (but only one of them has the speed enchant): 1.2 * 1.2 * 1.15 * 1.15 * 1.15 + 1.2 = -139% so you can wear a durganized plate and still have 0 recovery (or, if you want to use Vulnerable Attack, a durganized leather armor.)
  6. The Unlabored Blade and Twin Sting are also affected (you don't see it from your screenshot because dagger are covered by Weapon Focus: Noble); they are not set as being universal. The issue has already been reported and acknowledged, though; hopefully it will be fixed in 3.02.
  7. SAVED GAME: link OUTPUT LOG: link Screenshot: The screen is from the protagonist's ability. Suppressed by what exactly? It seems odd as Knock Down has a similar bonus to damage and doesn't read "Suppressed" in its description.
  8. I think this has already been reported and acknowledged. Hopefully it will be fixed in 3.02.
  9. You can charm your men back, though (but I agree Suppress Affliction should work.)
  10. well, the Alpine Dragon is a 14th-level creature; could be done at 11th but it ought to be really challenging. Perhaps try again when you're level 14?
  11. Yup, Survival has a third tier, which makes the bonus from Sanguine Plate a boon. You can either make it Superb and stack DR like your life depended on it, or get +2 to an attribute 'cause you're gonna get +3 DR from Survival anyway
  12. Ah. Sorry, didn't get that you were experiencing it as still Slow. Likely a bug, yes.
  13. Ah, the "cre" part must be why I overlooked it. Will try it this evening.
  14. It was changed to Fast on purpose in the second iteration of the 3.0 beta patch. All items that carry it were also changed to Fast.
  15. Is it now? What's the item code for Llengrath's robes? I remember looking for it and not finding it.
  16. At least it proc's for you! XD for me it does nothing. EDIT: My saved game and output.log are in this other report about the same item. This appears to be related.
  17. Settings are kept in Window's registry. If you clean it up after uninstalling the game, settings should reset.
  18. I love the +2 Survival on the Sanguine Plate, actually. Now that bonuses from Survival are so good, a boost is always welcome. Don't think I've ever given +2 to a stat with the plate; just packing DR like a buffalo
  19. Indeed, PoE levels matter more than D&D levels but that's because you gain too much, not because you gain tout court Matt's analysis explained why there are so many levels between completionist and non-completionist runs in PoE, whereas that was not the case in I.E. games.
  20. I still like Sanguine Plate better even if the color scheme on that character is less suited to it. That armor just looks good. but yeah, there's no accounting for personal taste. Do the ondrite monks actually drop their blue/indigo outfits? Would be perfect for my Hulk Smash build.
  21. I've had this happen to me several times since 2.0 but it seems to happen erratically. Could never find reliable repro steps. I fought that troll earlier this evening and had the exact same issue, though.
  22. Nothing looks better than Sanguine Plate and you know it Personally I've found Maegfolc Skull acceptable on human models with the Aedyran striped clothes. With plate it looks rather asinine, though.
  23. You'd be surprised what lengths I can go to justify using mechanically subpar equipment because it looks good
  24. You can still duplicate it with the Helwax Mold, "force Azzuro's hand" by making in-game time pass until he shows up with a second Rimecutter to sell, or reach 0 recovery with a scale armor.
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