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Everything posted by AndreaColombo

  1. ^ Fairly sure the shield can bind to a large list of classes. Not sure about the armor. I know it can bind to a Monk but can't recall the others.
  2. Soulbound items are: a medium shield, a breastplate, a dagger, a sword, a crossbow, a 2-handed hammer and I think another one I can't recall off the top of my head. Hammer, sword, and shield can bind to many classes. Crossbow binds to Cipher, Rogue, or Ranger. Can't recall the rest.
  3. ^ that's at least madness, if not even Sparta. Fighters are awesome
  4. ^ maybe don't start from Crägholdt Bluffs. That area's for level-14 characters.
  5. I consolled them all in to check them out but I cba to screenshot them XD Some of the new soulbund are very interesting... Other items are generally good/very good mechanically, with some of them being kick-ass aesthetically too My main gripes: Sanguine Plate helm has a lackluster effect; they changed Raiment of Wael's Eyes to use low resolution textures in-game (it was the only robe that didn't and it looked absolutely stunning; now it looks like a fugly piece of crap )
  6. There is only one way to start TWM: You need to talk to the Steward in Caed Nua. What level are you?
  7. That's GoG's fault, really; not Obsidian's.
  8. In a bout of frustration, I must say that updating this game and installing the expansion is a retarded mess. I've spent more than 30 minutes installing both the patch and the expansion only to find out that absolutely nothing had been installed for some reason. I then reinstalled the patch, ran the game to ensure it was installed (it was) and now—of course—the PX2 installer says current game version is not supported. Bottom line: I must now spend north of one hour to uninstall and reinstall everything. By the time I'm done, I won't have time to run the game. Brilliant.
  9. ^ Nope. Notes are incomplete. Not the first time for a Pillars patch—they fix a thousand bugs and add a thousand features, so it's hard to keep track of everything and compile comprehensive change logs.
  10. There are many ways to cheese this game, young padawan. It is time to master the others (appropriately star-wars-themed hieratic emoticon.)
  11. Looks like someone will need to submit a bug report /groan
  12. Fairly sure this was in the known issues section of the latest beta patch notes.
  13. Enkeli, my answer was entirely for Inspector. I wondered how your asking the devs what the optimal level would be for TWM pt. II would render your commentary of Act III level scaling invalid. Because it doesn't. I would love for an optional scaling that cranked Act III and IV all the way up to level 16. Completionists will easily be able to approach that level by the time they get there (maybe make Elmshore and some of the tier II and III bounties level 14-15) and they'd still be able to get a challenge. As it is, if you're a completionist and/or like to optimize your builds, you inevitably end up ROFLSTOMPING everything in sight by the time you get to Act III. Basically you stop having fun the moment real fun is supposed to begin.
  14. You can only do it if you have enough enchantment slots available for the enchantment you want. In this case, you'd have to have 4 slots available even if the upgrade would effectively only eat up 2 more. Silly, but that's how the system works. TWM pt. II increases the enchantment limit to 14, so you should be able to do this upgrade then.
  15. I always have a Priest in my every party and cannot conceive a party without one. Whenever other players ask for advice, I always take for granted that they'll have a Priest in their party in my answers.
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