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Everything posted by AndreaColombo

  1. Heh I still need to get the bulk of the new stronghold stuff since they didn't slap a fancy prefix next to it. There's some groovy stuff in there and the soulbound breastplate must look terrific on Pallegina.
  2. Re: Hammer's illustration, it was likely a matter of art time. They'll add it in a future patch like they did for The Grey Sleeper, I suppose.
  3. IIRC this is a known bug from the 3.0 beta. Fairly sure they have it on the radar.
  4. ^ you found the Siegebreaker Gauntlets yet? Speaking of good gear
  5. Probably a bug; I would post this in the technical forums for QA to pick up.
  6. They are in the prefabs folder of your install and all start with px2
  7. Personally, I would sacrifice Might on a Wizard if I had to pick a stat to sacrifice (by which I mean "not pump"; you shouldn't dump it.) Damaging spells will do good damage anyway; Int, Per, and Dex are more important imo. (I like fast combat and to be faster than my enemies in combat, so I value Dex a lot.)
  8. I do not know where to acquire the hammer and shield yet; I used the console to get them and level them up so I could plan my builds. When you first bind the hammer, it is Legendary and has +10 Accuracy, +50% damage against the Eyeless, as well as a Destroy Eyeless proc. Those are not named abilities and are just listed as is. To level it up, you need to kill the Eyeless I believe (it says "release the fragments of Abydon trapped in the Eyeless" or something). Then it becomes Mythic, loses any Eyeless-related abilities and gets the fancy ones. Will post the details after work if nobody does it first.
  9. 1. They are proposed to you automatically after a while. Might depend on security/prestige scores; I never paid attention to it, honestly. 2. By completing quests, indeed.
  10. If the mod's maintainers are still around and interested (which I deem likely, seeing as the last update was this January and TWM pt II has just come out), probably a couple weeks.
  11. Illathid- soulbound weapons are universal; they use whatever weapon focus talent the wielder possesses. Francis- you are right. Can't remember what the other two do and I'm on my mobile. I recall they're pretty good though. Hopefully someone's gonna post them; otherwise I'll do it tomorrow after work.
  12. Fairly sure QA confirmed this is due to how flail animations are rigged. A fix would require a lot more work than the end result would provide benefits, so it won't get done.
  13. Three of them (Sanguine Plate, Argwes Adra, He Carries Many Scars) are sold by a merchant in Stalwart. Not sure about the one for The White Crest, though.
  14. IIRC the dagger binds to anyone, like the hammer. Leveling it gets hard near the end...
  15. http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/84278-wm-ii-items/page-2
  16. More than enough, as that level's set to trigger level scaling for part II already. Part I is designed for level 7-8, IIRC; at 12, you'll have an easy time.
  17. Shield (Fighter version): Scepter (Wizard version): Hammer: Crossbow (Cipher version):
  18. ^ I have a guess As though Wizards needed more powerful 4th level spells, amirite? Those are great!
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