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Everything posted by AndreaColombo

  1. Interesting that the Legendary enchantment breaks the pattern established by Fine/Exceptional/Superb. If it had followed the pattern, it would have been +16 Accuracy, +60% damage; instead, it is +15 Accuracy, +55% damage based on the video. To be honest, as you reach level 14-16 your Accuracy is already so high (especially considering how the game is not, in fact, balanced against parties of level 14-16 characters) that you'd probably get more mileage from applying a Lash to a Superb weapon than from upgrading to Legendary. This would have been true with +16 / +60% already, and it's even more so with +15 / +55%. Josh mentioned a soulbound shield and a soulbound armor, which are going to be quite interesting (although no durgan-refinement for the armor means it's harder to get down to 0 recovery with it so my inner powergamer is skeptic ) Love the double crossbow but I was hoping it would bind to Paladins for double-bolt FoD alpha strike purposes EDIT: Of course they showed all armor-matching helmets except the one I'm interested in (Sanguine Plate's)
  2. Dimitri wasn't kidding about her outfit being badass. If I may inject a bit of constructive criticism, however, I would say her face on the character model looks a tad too big. I know she's supposed to have a strong jawline, but when I first saw her in the video (level-up screen) I thought "fat face", rather than "strong jawline." That said, that whirlwind attack move she does in the video is pretty cool. Must be the new high-level ability for barbarians.
  3. Yeah, I noticed it too that I could never tell Wael I agreed to his proposal. Funnily enough, I can pledge to Skaen and get his boon even though your conversation with Skaen only happens after defeating Thaos, so the boon itself is pretty useless (I'm hugely appreciative of the fact that devs bothered to implement it anyway; it helps the feeling of completeness, polish, and attention to detail.)
  4. http://www.pcgamesn.com/pillars-of-eternity/maneha-pillars-of-eternity ...and an article too, apparently (though without Carrie Patel.)
  5. Oh, yeah, that reminds me—I only play female characters in this game because they look better in plate armor and brigandine.
  6. I'm an inveterate aesthetics bitch and always want my party members to look badass individually and pleasing altogether. I'm often willing to sacrifice some efficiency for looking good even though I'm a powergamer at heart.
  7. Nope; that's NerdCommando (he's got the same username over here as well, though he hasn't been around for a while.) I just happen to have a build with the same name as one of his; I found out about his list only after posting it and it was too late to edit my post.
  8. Actually, Aarik—what enchant gives +15 Accuracy / +15% damage? Fine is +4 Accuracy / +15% damage and none give +15 Accuracy that I know of. I know Legendary is coming with TWM pt. II, but I'd expect it to follow the same pattern as the others and grant +16 Accuracy / +60% damage.
  9. Well, they made it slower by increasing the Focus cost of each power level, but they also buffed many of its powers in the subsequent release of the beta patch. They also increased its focus-generation rate; my understanding is that Ciphers are still not as fast as they used to be, but not as slow as they had been made in the original 3.0 beta release. Some of the powers have become very strong now.
  10. I'll be updating the LoP build when TWM pt II drops (probably over the weekend thereafter) so keep an eye on it if you use it for your next play through. The 0-recovery version will be pretty powerful (especially after you stack a lash on the BotEP.) My favorite party composition is fully custom with Lady of Pain, Juggernaut, my support Priest build, a debuff-focused Wizard, a support-oriented Paladin, and either a Cipher (with the Backlash Beldam build) or a Spiritshift-focused Druid. Re: Chanters, they also get Brisk Recitation in 3.0 which makes them build up chants faster.
  11. If part I was any indication, you can expect it to hit on 16th February, day and date with Steam. Would be a fairly bad marketing move to make your user base wait longer than your competitors for a game, after all.
  12. Yes, but he's level 15 so you won't be able to one-shot him until TWM pt II drops.
  13. Love how they made them imposing and scary. Hopefully they're as tough as they look!
  14. Hey Sking, thanks for the clarification. That would put "regular" Act III at around 10-11 (on PotD of course), with scaling up to 13-14. It's definitely better, but might still be too little for completionists once TWM pt. II drops. If the possibility exists to make Act III scale up to 15-16, that would be A. Oh well, if not Cheers!
  15. Sking, just some feedback about level scaling here (unfortunately I have no access to the beta patch so I can only base my judgment on what you wrote). Isn't a 33% difficulty boost too little? If memory serves, Act III was originally meant to be feasible by parties that only played through the critical path, which would put most encounters around level 8-9 tops. If you boost them by 33%, you're looking at encounters balanced for level 11-12. Completionists could reach those levels in the main game with no expansions—so a 33% boost would have been a good idea for the base game—but now, completionists will range levels 14-16. If encounters scale up to 11-12, completionists will still ROFLSTOMP everything. What's the point of scaling, then? Could you suggest to the team to implement something more aggressive? Completionists deserve some love too. We need content for level 14-16 durgan-steel-packed parties
  16. http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/166367-Obsidian-Unveils-The-Eyeless-For-Pillars-of-Eternity-The-White-March-Part-2#&gid=gallery_5665&pid=1 Check out the screenshots ... they're HUGE and have incredible reach and must hit real hard. Interesting that they'd be god-forged. I thought they were some kind of fully organic giants, like Eoten's bigger brothers. Judging by their size, as well as by the implication made in TWM pt. I that they could easily walk through the walls within Durgan's Battery and crush them, they must be some seriously badass enemies. Level-16 Vessels? (Or maybe a new creature type altogether; wouldn't be too scary if you could one-shot them with St. Ydwen's Redeemer ) Looking forward to some challenge!
  17. Raw lash, FTW! Gonna be a favorite around these parts cool art, too.
  18. ^ been like that for a long time; they already have a bug written up for this AFAIK. On the bright side, it is a cosmetic UI bug only. If you check your damage in the combat log, you'll see the extra 20% applies normally.
  19. Neither Second version is the closest, but you need to multiply by 1.2 (not 0.2) for Heart of the Storm. Would be a pretty crappy talent otherwise
  20. ^ imho it's worth it for monks that take The Dichotomous Soul too (elemental talents apply to the twins' damage.)
  21. http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/84130-elmshore-task-failed-the-sealed-missive/
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