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Tsuga C

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Everything posted by Tsuga C

  1. As a bowhunter, I'm very much in favor of archery being a viable and satisfying option for a PC to pursue. Turning opponents into pin cushions is always entertaining*, but for archery to be worthwhile in the context of a game one needs to: be able to engage at a fair distance and shoot rapidly have various feats available for archery specialists have a variety of arrows with different damage enhancements (fire, ice, wounding, poison, etc.) inflict enough damage to remain more or less as effective as melee specialists offer the player some option with regards to arrow capacity (endless quiver of standard arrows) or encumberance (non-restrictive inventory) * I will neither confirm nor deny that I've dealt with certain undesirable individuals in such a fashion.
  2. Thanks, but no thanks, Osvir. This is just a huge bag of fail. If we're not going to recognize basic physiological differences (e.g. strength) between the sexes, then this sort of thing won't fly at all.
  3. Enjoy your diminished future, kids! I strongly suspect that the Baby Boomers will set the standard for financial well-being as compared with Gen X, Gen Y, and the following generation in the USA. After that, things may begin to rebound.
  4. Players making five trips in and out of a dungeon after clearing it to haul all of the loot out. The first thing I did in NWN2 was open the console and give my character 4 Bags of Holding. I absolutely despise pointless time sinks. My gaming time is invaluable and I have no problem whatsoever pretending that I made those five trips. I know Sylvius the Mad might argue with me on this point, but those five trips really don't do much for my roleplaying experience.
  5. And some yahoo from the south isn't exactly "A well regulated militia" The phrase "...of the people..." appears in the 1st, 2nd, & 4th Amendments; 3rd (owner), 5th (person), 6th (accused; his), 7th (implied), 8th (implied), 9th (by the people), and 10th (to the people). On the whole, the Bill of Rights is about individual rights and is to be read that way. The phrase "well regulated" is equivalent to today's phrase "well equipped". Wording might change over the centuries, but the original intent must be preserved. The ATF is a federal goon squad, well known for running rough-shod over the God given, Constitutionally enumerated rights of the citizens of the USA (e.g. Fast & Furious, Waco, Ruby Ridge, et al.) and no sane owner of firearms wants anything to do with them. Besides, militias are not entities of the federal government. They're strictly state and local. Bottom line, I'll keep my semi-autos of all descriptions as my natural right, thank you very much. And firearms save through prevention far more folks than they kill or injure, too. Read John Lott's works. Come to think of it, I already provided links to him earlier. Learn or don't, but I'm done here as I have other things to attend to besides presenting facts to a sheeple.
  6. Why, yes, as a matter of fact, I do. <----Watch all three and learn.
  7. Thank you for your recipe for inciting civil insurrection. I'm locked and loaded. http://t.co/kJ59hiqo
  8. Liar. ARs and other semi-autos make great ranch rifles, target rifles, and hunting rifles. Even Field & Stream is in on this trend. Give it a rest, already. You have no credibility when you issue asinine statements like the one I quoted.
  9. NWN2 had/has it about right. There's an extensive behavior menu for each companion (and the PC, too), but the companions are set in their classes. For example, Neeshka is a rogue and you can't level her up as a wizard, but you can assign skill points, statistic points, and feats as you see fit to make her into the sort of rogue you desire.
  10. Stormbringer and Mournblade, weapons with their own agenda and no reluctance about acting upon their desires. R.I.P. Elric and Moonglum...
  11. I don't mind the occasional chunking, but the entire finishing move concept is flawed as it's the same move again and again regardless of the weapon. Besides, it's usually something more appropriately choreographed for an over-the-top cartoon. Let's just forget about this element of the game and work on actual combat animations for all weapon types (including polearms) that actually reflect how the weapon is supposed to be used.
  12. Yes, and also for those unable or unwilling to think or tolerate the idea that some things are, in fact, all or nothing. Maybe it was all of those pointless "self-esteem" trophies they received as children for "participating" in rather than winning sundry competitions...
  13. Do you think that miss effects on dailies were one of the things that people didn't like? I don't think that's accurate. As Homalakh and I have already stated, what players "should" understand and what they actually understand are not the same thing. If people actually understood probability, casinos would shut their doors tomorrow. It doesn't. Please, please stop trying to cater to the shallow end of the gaming and educational pool. I certainly didn't back this effort to accommodate the desires of 4E players as that particular system turned it's back on much of what I found enjoyable about AD&D through 3.5. Sylvius is as right as the day is long and the concept of doing damage without actually striking an opponent is more than a little suspect. I suppose one might take "stamina damage" from blocking repeated strikes from a mace with your shield, but I'm looking at this with a gimlet eye, Mr. Sawyer, and it rankles more than a bit.
  14. Thanks, but not thanks, to finishing moves. They're generally chocked full of preposterousness designed to appeal to the kiddywinks. Leaping 6' in the air while wearing full plate to deliver a killing blow to an ogre? *eyeroll* Leave that sort of silliness for the Saturday morning cartoons, please.
  15. There's no need to assign blame for that. Personally, I like having that option available. Hey, in NWN2 there's even a loadscreen tip of "Save early, save often". I follow that one religiously as I have absolutely no desire to replay the last 45 minutes of the game because of a glitch, distraction, poor AI, or mouse mistake on my part. Perhaps others have unlimited time in which to game, but that's far from my situation and I don't like having to re-take ground. It gets old very quickly and it kills the fun of an encounter.
  16. While playing NWN2 I noticed that: the clock was running on buffs during cutscenes and long conversations there was no option to have anyone other than the player character do the talking for the party I'm hopeful that these issues might be addressed in P:E. It would be very helpful for the timer to stop during conversations and cutscenes so that our preparations don't go to waste. Also, being able to designate someone other than the PC as the party mouthpiece would an excellent option. Fragile wizards and sneaky rogues have no business taking the lead when dealing with hostile parties unless we can maintain our party formations during cutscenes and conversations. Protecting the P:E equivalent of D&D d4 and d6 characters behind a line of high-hitpoint melee types just makes sense as they're not able to shrug off a beat-down very readily, especially the d4 types. So, Obsidian, please enable us to designate a mouthpiece or maintain our combat formation unless there's a uniquely coreographed encounter taking place that mandates otherwise.
  17. Nope. If the weapon in question isn't one that I'd want to take on to a field of battle because of its poor design, then it shouldn't be in the game. Double axes/swords are just plain asinine, especially the axes. And all the curved points on the klingon weapon would invariably snag on armor and then you'd be vulnerable to attack while you're trying to free your weapon. Leave the silly stuff for the 8 year-old crowd. Oh, I can suspend my disbelief in "magic" because it's not real to begin with, but melee weapons I do hold to a higher standard because preposterous ones violate the level of verisimilitude I'm hoping for. P.E. should be a game for university or post-university adults, not elementary school children.
  18. The klingon weapon would snag on everything and the asinine double-axe might be a decent stand-in for a pendulum for Mr. Poe, but its cutting edges are oriented incorrectly and it would weigh far too much to be at all maneuverable. Fireballs and lightning bolts are fine and good, but silly "kewl" weapons for the kiddywinks need to go.
  19. I'll give this one a tentative "yes", but the rest of it goes into the flushable file. It doesn't take all that much to blow the verisimiltude right out of the water and those others would definitely do just that.
  20. I still have my original AD&D books: PH, DMG, MM, FF, & D&D, but I have no one with whom to game any longer. Truth be told, my schedule is such that it'd be tough to schedule a regular "game night". This is why I'm placing such high hopes in Project: Eternity--need my fix!
  21. Yeah, I just can't see myself taking the game seriously if a human female avatar with a pin-up body is dual-wielding a pair of battle axes whose heads are the size of garbage can lids. That sort of silliness is fine for anime directed at 9 year-olds, but as a person old enough to have played AD&D when it was new, that sort of aesthetic more than leaves me cold, it inspires contempt. *prays* Lord, please let the target demographic for P:E be university-aged or beyond. There's plenty of stuff out there already for the kiddies. Amen.
  22. But only to a limited extent. For the sake of the game I can accept that elves and frostband swords exist, but basic physics must still be accounted for even in a fantasy setting. My credulity is easily strained and puerile, anime-like combat is a deal killer for me. Farbautisonn above summed things up nicely, so I won't bother belaboring the point any further.
  23. That makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. Polearms are a minimum of 8' long so you'd have zero leverage with which to make any sort of crossing movements. Were you ambidextrous you could theoretically thrust with two polearms, but you'd never have the leverage to do any sort of crossing/slashing movements. Besides, they're so long that each would frequently be getting in the way of the other.
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