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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. @Prom Being able to do something isn't the same as being able to do something well. I don't think that a Wizard should be able to match a Fighter at fighting, but should be able to be able to have some martial combat ability. For the record, I think PE would be better as a classless system.
  2. Well, the rolling seems a lot better after being explained. Still going to shout something about barrel rolls though.
  3. I dislike the idea designing a class with a particular "role" in mind. Too often this results in shoe-horning that class into its preferred role instead of letting the player decide what to do with a character of that class. I much prefer giving the classes class abilities that are universally valuable and setting aside abilities that work better with certain roles as talents/feats. Oh and removing equipment restrictions is nice as well, ensuring a Mage can't be good at melee because the only weapons they are capable of wielding are **** is not good design.
  4. In my experience, that describes the vast majority of college girls(almost all Americans in my case) I've encountered. The only thing that is worse is when they think that after (insert sexual act, from kissing to ...) you are dating them. I would advise enjoying the fun, but be prepared to run like hell the morning after or if you encounter them again.
  5. You dirty bastard. Of course, sending your daughters anywhere to study will probably yield a similar result. I know that the amount of...fun with women, IYKWIM...increased exponentially when I went to college.
  6. *Is up late drinking, looks at clock, realizes date, drinks more*
  7. The mic is pretty bad Allan, hope you get it fixed soon. In the meantime, prepare yourself to get scared ****less. I would also advise against playing drunk, unless you desire nightmares.
  8. I think, as Wals touched on, that the problem with rape is that it isn't clearly understood by large swaths of the population. While the typical image of someone being violently violated is certainly rape, it is far from the only act that constitutes rape.
  9. Took an exam, going to get some cardio. @Ros, I'm of the opinion that people every where tend to get more physical during the winter. Although I'm down anytime of the year.
  10. I'm going to a party tonight, so probably large quantities of some form of alcohol and likely some **** from taco bell. Currently eating a sandwich.
  11. Going to take my first exam of the semester tomorrow, preparing by consuming whiskey and watching Dredd.
  12. I'm spending my youth drinking, partying, chasing girls, and chasing my dreams. I've come to the conclusion that spending your time doing things you will immensely enjoy is what you should do in your 20s.
  13. An English friend told me that they were the rough equivalent of Guidos.
  14. Thick skin and alcohol. When my grandmother passed, several members of my family rabidly attacked each other for grieving "the wrong way". I just ignored them, grieved the way I felt was appropriate, and consumed large amounts of liquor. Then again, I don't get along well with the majority of my extended family, most of which only bother calling when someone dies or they need money.
  15. Had a very long night. Not sure of all the details, but what I do remember is pleasant.
  16. Managed to get a nice shower in and just shaved. Going to a party tonight and am expecting to get incredibly drunk or have some fun, hopefully both.
  17. Tonight I'm staying at home and enjoying a nice stout.
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