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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. So is the Inquistion sort of like Grey Wardens 2.0 or closer to The Avengers and The Justice League?
  2. I'd prefer for my mage to use a sword or an axe.
  3. I'm waiting for this to go on sale and/or UE. But I did love SR3, so I might not be able to resist for long.
  4. Today I did about two hours worth of cardio and listened to a bit of a friend's act. Going to watch a movie and relax for a few hours. I've come to the conclusion that Bruce is after every somewhat attractive lady.
  5. He looks like he's about to whip out his Iron Bull. Guess we were right about the porn name bit.
  6. Currently playing New Vegas. Getting lost in the desert is always quite a bit of fun.
  7. Auto-Attack damn well better be an option, and all that rolling should be able to be done without having to constantly press buttons. I do think that movement speed for the 2-handed guy could stand to be a bit faster. PC>arcade>handheld>masturbating with sandpaper>console. I'd say consoles were fine, back in the days when they did their own thing and didn't fail at being PC lite. Those days are long gone now though.
  8. Perhaps the person behind oby has finally cracked, and all of his alts are blending together? Ramble?
  9. I'd agree with the above. BG2 doesn't really have anything really amazing, but it also doesn't have any glaring weakness like so many other cRPGs. I would say the reason I enjoy it so much is because it is devoid of anything bad enough to put me off playing it.
  10. Osvir, I think you're over thinking this a tad bit.
  11. Is there any more info due to be released? Frankly, after the DA2 trainwreck I'll happily take a tired and true "save the world" story. Although doing something akin to MotB would be fantastic.
  12. Well that looks very promising. I'm a bit concerned about the rolling, but if it's something like a defensive roll that I can issue a command for instead of having to manually do it in "action mode" for every character, I will be happy.
  13. Last night I went to a party, got slightly drunk, and got to third base with a girl. Thinking about calling her up in a few days. Today I'm going to relax, play some video games, and rehearse. The Lex Luthor look oozes confidence doesn't it?
  14. After seeing The Avengers last week, I have to say: You've no idea what you're talking about. But hey, even if it was bad humor, it'd be still better than the I'm-so-zany/meme-bait referencial stuff everyone is doing nowadays. You only saw that last week? Anyways, I agree.
  15. I don't think that Volo is drunk, just crazy.
  16. Looks interesting. Now all that I need to know is: 1. Can Mages use weapons besides staves? If so, is Arcane Warrior back as a specialization? 2. Do Warriors have access to Dual-Wielding and Ranged Weapons? 3. Do Rogues have a sneak attack like ability?
  17. So alanshu, what happened at PAX today? Would you say a big part of that is because it is easier to go console to PC than PC to console?
  18. It all depends really. IME, most are generally OK as long as you don't get too touchy(unless they ask for it).
  19. I'd take her to her favorite restaurant#. In my experience* while most women do appreciate sentimental things, they prefer to be treated to their favorite things. #If I were you of course. I wouldn't date someone's wife. *Admittedly, I have never been married so perhaps Hurlshot would be a better source of information.
  20. Currently boiling green onion in chicken broth, which I intend to add some brown rice to for a simple soup. Looks interesting. I suppose the reason you're going to a place with "passion food" is that you hope to get lucky?
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