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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. There actually is. Sure, it's an abstraction, so it's not literally that a Warrior is physically incapable of shield bashing again for 15 seconds. But, try shield-bashing 20 times in a row, and see how well that works. And, as for magic, all non-fictitious effort-requiring tasks require time and take a toll on a person. Why should magic be any different? Can you fire an arrow AND throw an axe AND swing a sword AND shield bash a man AND issue orders AND dodge an attack all at once? No... then why should a Mage be able to do so?If he could, then Mages would rule the world, because their limitations would be SO far beyond anyone else's. That guy can fireball you AND teleport AND shield himself AND heal himself AND summon demons AND fire magic missiles at everyone in a 3 mile radius, all at once.The idea of cooldowns is very unsilly. However, their exact durations and applications might be a little silly at times. Because those abilities in question are already consuming a resource and are finite. I don't see a problem with a Mage being able to teleport, throw fireballs, haste the party, and identify something within the timespan of a few minutes, as long as a resource(spells per day, mana, etc) is consumed by those actions. Cooldowns are worse than resource consumption because they often feel tacky and generate less strategic concerns and more spamming.
  2. Did he bang Claudia Black, sacrifice Alistair, sacrifice grumpy pants, and die himself as well?
  3. Just cooled down from a great run. Going to drink large amounts of water and rest for a bit.
  4. This is good news. No I won't have to reinstall DA2 and slog through it and can make the hero isn't a hermaphrodite dwarf mage or something.
  5. I always thought that the BG2 portraits had an excess of scars. To be honest, I just used some portrait mod anyway, so meh. I do think that for the PC and AH characters, the ability to import a portrait should be implemented.
  6. Immediately or hours? I'm not planning on drinking till at least 4 PM.
  7. I've got the day off, so I'm going to work out and have something to drink.
  8. Me too. Hmm, I haven't posted anything in a while, I should do that later tonight.
  9. I'd say the worst thing I've ever read is Paradise Lost, which made me want to strangle a kitten.
  10. Going to enjoy the company of friends and large amounts of stout tonight.
  11. Hearts of Atlantis wasn't that bad. Although I'd say King's short stories and novellas are generally better than his novels. Will propeller hats be in DAI?
  12. Gaider's propeller hat will be an actual propeller.
  13. Alan, if I am not impressed by whatever I read about PAX, I will smite you.
  14. Gaider gets worse at writing the more decado posts.
  15. Not a problem in Pathfinder or 3e. In those systems, ranged weapons deal less damage than other 2handed weapons, but can be used froma distance to make up for that shortcoming. I have little dount that PE will have viable ranged combat.
  16. Is it just me or do oby's women appear to be composed more of plastic than flesh? EDIT: She could carry my Lance.
  17. You know, I have never read Gaider's books and likely never will. I don't see the point of spending my precious time and money on something I'm positive I won't enjoy. Then again, there does seem to be a common syndrome in gamers that compels them to spend time and money on things they hate. Ontopic: Have they confirmed which specializations will be in the game? Will they be more fleshed out this time?
  18. At first I was confused about Moffat, but then remembered that the Doctor is now being played by an older man most fan girls will not want to touch themselves thinking about. I love the Internet.
  19. Well Wals, other than annexation(which I doubt would be well received) I don't really see a way to insure that Syria becomes civilized and/or is not a danger in some capacity to the West. Now if there was a way to ensure a Western democracy would be put in place I would be behind it, but as things stand now I don't see that as a likely outcome. The idea that thousands of people will die is horrifying, but so is enabling a possible threat who could cause thousands of deaths down the line.
  20. Bioware is shamelessly pandering to the mole-co reed demographic it seems.
  21. Did they finally fix that quest involving the Doomguide? I have NWN2Complete installed, so I do think I'll get around to replaying SoZ after I resume crawling through the OC and having a blast with MotB.
  22. I'm agreeing with GD here, we should just tell the Middle East to **** off and hope the extremists kill each other as quickly as possible.
  23. Well, I'm no longer in the mood to feed people to trolls, thanks for spoiling the fun Hurlie.
  24. There are also laws against buying alcohol on Sundays, just because a law exists, doesn't mean it is grounded in scientific fact or even common sense. You asked "And who makes that exceptions?", not " are those exceptions good". Either way, it is a bad misreading seeing as the point was out of all those things that were commonplace back in the day, only marrying your father's widow is still legal. I didn't realize you were bashing Twitcher. IKEA http://www.ikea.com/us/en/catalog/products/60146194/ If you meant plastics, yes that comes from Oil production, however bioplastic is becoming more viable due to the rising costs of oil.
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