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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. True, most people just want to play the damn game. I prefer to wait at least a few days after release myself, so a patch that fixes the worst of the bugs can hopefully be released.
  2. If Woldan's heart fails, he will just rip out someone else's heart and shove it into his chest. So I'm buying a lot of alcohol and am trying to resist getting into it. I can't say I won't do anything Wals wouldn't do this weekend, but I'll try to not do anything Ros wouldn't do.
  3. He can always profit from the book in 7 years or so.
  4. I disliked Mass Effect 3 because of the incredibly linear level design, the plot was too predictable, and it felt that there was more cinematics than gameplay. I'll wait and see for DAI, but I'm somewhat expecting bad level design and too heavy of a cinematic focus to degrade the game for my tastes.
  5. Getting ready to get back to studies, so I'm going to party my ass off this weekend.
  6. I think we can confirm that Volo is not the one who "LUVS YA, BABY!!".
  7. President Dredd? The Hulktator? I suppose Putin could count as a supervillain...
  8. I remember going to see that movie "the Change-Up", and in the scene where Ryan Reynolds didn't have sex with Olivia Wilde, my very drunk friend screamed "WHAT THE ****!" and threw a pen at the screen. I spent the rest of the time in the theatre wondering where he got the pen from.
  9. I meant Megan Fox. Although an ex of mine from high school does look something like the pornstar April O'Neil, but seeing as this is the attractive women thread, I was hesitant to mention it. I will admit, it is kind of awkward watching some...unsavory entertainment to see if your ex went into the business.
  10. I could beat the game (easily, mind you, far easier than any other make-up) with four mages. I thought that there were only 3 possible mages? Although you can beat the game with only 2 easily, let alone 3. Hell with Arcane Warrior, mages were better fighters than Warriors. Bio really screwed the pooch with balance there. I have to say, action combat always gets boring as hell after a few hours.
  11. I was going to, but instead decided to post lewd pictures of women on the internet.
  12. I know the feeling, although it involved someone a little less...savory than Saoirse Ronan.
  13. Truly the words of a Bioware's fan. I'm very disturbed by that, but not surprised at all. Wasn't the video from some pre alpha far-from-finished test mode thingy? While I do love a good thrashing, maybe we still should wait for the real thing Nope, just like we have to bitch about Sawyer ruining PE without knowing for certain what the mechanics are.
  14. I don't even think this thread is even worth lazily trolling anymore. I also keep reading the title as "BruceVC gone too far?" and assume that it is a complaint about romance threads. Speaking of romance, I'm going to have slightly drunk "romance time" with my girlfriend now.
  15. I usually draft up a basic character design before I start the game, then browse through my options and see if I can come up with something close. I've done a ****load of drafts.
  16. Lets see, the name I would have liked to use would have been censored, so I just used the name of one of my favorite fictional characters. I used this avie because my old one stopped appearing properly and because I truly do not give a ****. I also like Spider-Man.
  17. I'll give you "****" for Anders, but I'm sure anyone who has played TW2(and is thus properly informed) will understand than when someone calls Philippa a bitch, it is solely because she is a manipulative monster that does terrible things and not because she is a woman.
  18. Which is why the Cleric or Wizard should always have "Magic Weapon" Memorized at low levels. That and the fact it is a very useful buff. I agree, the "immune to magic weapons" in BG2 was really stupid. Having partial immunity to certain types of damage(slashing, piercing, and bludgeoning) seems like it would be a lot more fun.
  19. I always knew Russians weren't human. I guess the cro-mags had to go somewhere.
  20. I would say that Philippa is definitely a bitch, and I am pretty sure I can do that without hating on the wimminz. I would go further and say that some female characters in Twitcher are whores, but seeing as those particular characters sold sex in a brothel it is appropriate. I get the sense we are beating on the same deceased horse we were back when that (fake?)Gaider post popped up, so I think we should move the discussion back to the game or migrate to the Russia thread.
  21. 1) I've lived 5 years abroad in a culture that is neither Western, liberal, or predominantly christian. 2) I currently live in an area where there is no ethnicity that is in the majority. 3) To be specific, my neighbors to the right, left, front, front right, and front left, are all of different ethnicity/cultures. 4) I am not part of the ethnic majority in my country. Can you say the same about yourself? Seeing as oby is nothing but an alt that has gone waaaaaaaaaaaaaay past its mileage, I would say no.
  22. Just jogged for about an hour and a half, going to take a shower, make some pancakes, and chill with the GF. I just had a mental image of some pre-teens poking a sleeping man with a sharp stick.
  23. While I do think the idea of different cultural equipment is a fine one, I do have a small issue with your idea. I'm fine with being flooded with magic items by a certain point in the game if magic items are extremely common in the setting. That may be a bit nit-picky, but I do believe that keeping true to the laws of the setting should be a design principle.
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