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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. pausing is the essence of tactics? (IOW you have a real time game, not a turn based one) No. Pausing does enable you to manage your party better and utilize tactics more efficiently in a RT game though.
  2. I've dated two women from this thread. Running into them in a bar doesn't count as dating Nep.
  3. With classes being balanced in a way where they are all relatively equal, having different XP tables seems to be unneeded. IIRC, the party members can die on a certain mode or difficulty setting.
  4. DAO was OK. The removal of a alignment system and break from D&D was welcome, but I wanted a more tactical and complex RTwP combat system, hated the level scaling, and thought that the encounter design and was sub-par. DAO with improved mechanics, more uses for skills, better encounter design, and less level scaling would have been a good game for my tastes. To me DA2 made what I disliked more extreme and toned down or discarded what I liked.
  5. Perhaps we should quarantine him to this thread, where his habit of posting pictures will be productive.
  6. Hopefully the second time will be the charm! Wow GB, that is huge news around the proposal, gratz. But don't you think you rushing things and what if she says no? Bruce, for someone who constantly pushes for romance in video games, you don't seem very supportive if it in real life. Anyways, good luck GD. If she says no, request kinky sex.
  7. I wonder how something like Spell Combat or Spell Strike would function in a cRPG? While I would love to see something similar implemented, I worry that it way be too complicated to implement outside of turn-based. Well played.
  8. Nothing. Actions like "smite evil", "called shot", "sunder", and "trip" can make combat much more interesting.
  9. Today I'm going to work, then going to a party. I've always found slumming it up to be much more entertaining than staying at the fancy places. Much more flavor that way.
  10. I believe that this shows that some people deserve to be called out on their bull****.
  11. I thought there were only 8 companions... Anyways, I agree with your point. In addition to being well written, companions should be good at filling a role and not overlap too much with other characters.
  12. He's at his best when he's vulnerable. Like when Magneto took out his adamantium and then, for a little while before it went nutso, even his healing was reduced. That's what's good in this movie is the vulnerability. Even the part I mention in the spoiler is done well in that respect. Something I hadn't hought of... does his healing factor keep his blood cells from degradig, or is adamantium porous? Because how does his body make new blood cells with his bones coated? IIRC, his bones absorbed the adamantium and made it part of his skeletal structure, think of it as organic-metal bones. At least until the inevitable retcon. I'm with Orogun1 though, the character is extremely overexposed. Almost as bad as Batman.
  13. Tell that to the babushka I really do feel Russian/eastern European women have an edge. I don't know what it is, but they are better looking. I don't really see it.
  14. MotB had the best companions with PST being a close second. I'd rate BG1 as some of the worst TBH, they just didn't say much after they were recruited.
  15. As someone who was born poor and was lucky enough to rise into the lower ranks of the middle class(due to the luck of my father), I would argue that the vast majority of poor people do not have control over being poor. With real wages being stagnant and living off minimum wage jobs being incredibly difficult(google McBudget reaction) if you are born poor you will need to get a full scholarship, a well-paying job, and avoid any unexpected hardships(car breaking down, illness, pregnancy, etc.) to have a good chance of climbing put of poverty. Otherwise, you should have had the sense to choose better parents.
  16. Today I broke into Wodan's house and called him on his cell from his landline. Are you looking to get laid and party or something more touristy?
  17. I don't see why not, Haste will more than likely be a wizard spell.
  18. No me. Don't get me wrong, the new D&D is awful, but Pathfinder is ****ing great and Shadowrun 5th edition seems pretty cool.
  19. I'm getting an isometric RPG from Obsidian with total creative freedom. IIRC,that is what they promised in the Kickstarter. If anything, they seem to be gutting the parts I hated about the IE games and replacing them with things I would probably like better.
  20. The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money.
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