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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. I spent the last 20 minutes smoking a joint as well. I just got high.
  2. Wals, I don't know whether to picture you as a monocle equipped gentleman or a cane waving old man. Also I don't believe in Science because of the tides, which can not be explained.
  3. I get more computer-based satisfaction from paying my car insurance that I got from the whole game. As lacking as Skyrim is, it is still a massive improvement from Oblivion.
  4. I spent yesterday lifting weights, jogging, cleaning out my house, and indulging the GF. Leah has nodded off and I'm going to play video games for a bit before joining her. If I wasn't currently in a relationship with a fine woman, I would harp on the freedom of being single and the glorious hedonism you can shamelessly indulge in. Of course if I did that, I would probably be beat with hard objects or not have sex for a week, so I won't.
  5. According to the 'leaked survey' there might be a male qunari companion named Iron Bull. If that's not a fantasy porn name, I don't know what is. I wouldn't be surprised if that is an actual porn name. Also, it begs the question: Would the average player let their character(or self-insert) get into a relationship with a porn star? I'm sure it would be hotly debated by the fine minds at BSN.
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nyeG5Vp5j00 One of the best songs ever written IMO. So...I wasn't supposed to fap to this? Ah well.....
  7. Keep your calm logic out! We need to whine about a system that we don't actually know the specifics about! Has anyone bitched about Sawyer not liking Baldur's Gate 2 yet?
  8. Seeing as we don't know how many attributes there will be, what attributes affect, or even what the attributes are, condemning the concept with the current available information is a bit like saying a vehicle won't work when all you know is that it moves.
  9. I find this comment to be overly snarly. I kid of course, I'm not that fond of Gaider's writing, but if he can make a living at it and enjoys it he can go right ahead. I'll just sit back, poke fun at some of the more obsessive Bio-ware fans, and enjoy my wide catalog of games.
  10. I dunno about the fresh air, I personally love the concrete jungle, but the rest of that does sound nice. Going out with the GF and some of our friends tonight, so good company, cold beer, and beautiful women are definitely in. Possibly exercise if I play my cards right, if you know what I mean.
  11. I prefer to rage as soon as possible, so I can put my hipster glasses and say I was doing it before it was cool.
  12. I'm going to have to hear more details on this before I'm completely sold, but I could see it working. If the body is merely a vessel for the soul(which is the source of most power in the PE universe) having stats like "Power" and "Accuracy" that change use depending on the particular vessel(character) would make sense. What I'm most concerned about is the Mechanics and Lore relationship. I prefer my games to have not have a stark separation between mechanics and lore, like when MAGIC! is the most powerful thing evah in the lore but mechanically can be beaten by anything. I do think having lore explanations for mechanics(like people becoming harder to kill as they grow in power to explain increasing hit points) adds a very nice touch to games.
  13. I'm currently enjoying PST for the 8th time and also finally getting around to Bioshock: Infinite. Play Asylum and dump the rest.
  14. Ah, this brings me back to my high school days when I would save money for months to catch Dropkick Murphys at warehouse live. Good times.
  15. To go with comic-con Perhaps, I should consider studying Law instead of economics... Is the wife lurking behind you with a kitchen spoon? I think I just got an "anti-erection" if such a thing is even possible.
  16. Yo dawg, we herd you like Skyrim so we put some Skyrim in your Dragon Age so you can Skyrim while you Dragon Age? That sounds incredibly stupid, so I'm sure it is exactly what EA plans to do.
  17. Well, at least most of you have good taste, and in Raithe's case fantastic taste. Oby's taste seems to be women who enjoy liposuction and silicone, but whatever floats your boat I guess.
  18. Can't wait to play this! I may have to break my rule and play it on release rather than wait for the patch. Also, I just realized where Mamoulian War's avatar is from. The Pathfinder Magus is ****ing awesome.
  19. Except for the "been to Germany" part, that was pretty much my weekend. Tonight I'm going to unwind by throwing money at Steam, drinking Vodka, and playing videogames.
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