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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. Would you rather look at pictures of scantily clad women than listen to dudes talk about their boomsticks? Tired of reading through Oby's rant threads just to enjoy the (heavily photo-shopped) pictures of Russian women? Want to just post or look at pictures of women without trying to be on topic? Then this thread is for you!
  2. I didn't even know there was a controversy. If anything, the real controversy is that cheerios are still being sold, because they are disgustingly bland.
  3. Here is the crux of the problem, we have no idea why Martin and Zimmerman got into a confrontation, who instigated the confrontation, or anything other than the result of the confrontation. The evidence we do have can not prove anything other than the result of their scuffle, but it could be used to knock holes in the prosecution's narrative.
  4. With the exception of SoZ, I haven't either. Pretty much any game is going to be buggy as **** on release.
  5. And the facts are far from conclusive. There is no record of what interaction Zimmerman and Martin had before Martin started punching him. Judging from Zimmerman's comments during his police call and Martin's comments talking to his(girl?)friend, both were likely to treat the other party with hostility, so an unfriendly exchange could easily occurred between the two before things got physical. We can not prove who started the fight, if either party tried to provoke the other, or anything other than that Martin was kicking Zimmerman's ass before he was shot.
  6. It would be a bit ironic if Zimmerman was shot and killed by someone who felt threatened by him, with no other witness to provide a complete account of the incident.
  7. Hmmm, I wonder if Martin would of had a gun how much things would have been different? It is likely that he would have claimed to have felt threatened by Zimmerman following him, and shot him instead of punching him. Without an accurate recollection of the confrontation(other than Zimmerman, who would not be truthful if he was caustic or aggressive) it seems impossible to lay blame where it is due without any reasonable doubt. Only if there are no witnesses and you kill the other guy.
  8. Of course Jesus walks the earth. My good friend Jesus Castillo has been here for over 20 years.
  9. Does employment have anything to do with their desire to stay? On Wals' point about TTs: Here in the US they definitely impact the news, seeing how their members are often interviewed by or work for news channels.
  10. I liked that evil cleric in BG who raised zombies like they were his family.
  11. I can't say I'm surprised to be honest. Between the "stand your ground" law and lack of a witness other than Zimmerman, I don't see how he could have been convicted if anything.
  12. Today I got drunk and played Baldur's Gate Trilogy. I hope that magic isn't so god damn hard to dispell in PE.
  13. I dunno, maybe HBO could do something that Game if Thrones for that. I wonder how the audience would react when they found out that Roland is cursed to redo the same epic journey until he recovers his humanity? I don't really have anything to watch ATM(TrueBlood and Dexter have been pretty lackluster for the last few seasons) is Under the Dome that meh?
  14. Oh Lurky, I wasn't actually commenting about your posts(I'd actually put them down as a model of civil discussion), just the general negativity from both camps that turns a discussion into a mud-slinging contest. I do think your question is fair(and something I'm kicking myself for not posting) and should be discussed. I'm personally fine if something I like isn't included, as long as there is enough quality content to keep me entertained. I'm sure that Obsidian will provide on that front, seeing as every game of their's I've played(everything but DS3) has been packed with great content while lacking things I like(like sea battles with Krakens, a cRPG should really try this sometime).
  15. I actually prefer to use mods without any sort of manager.
  16. Rather than outright specializations, I would like to see each class have a choice of what special abilities they get. For example, a Fighter could chose between "Defender" and "Offensive Stance"* instead of being saddled with "Defender", which is not very useful for a fighter who wants to deal high amounts of damage and is not concerned with defense. Giving the player the choice of which ability to take allows them to craft their own "specialization" instead of shoehorning them into a role. *not a confirmed PE ability AFAIK, but think of a similar ability to the 3.X/PF feat "Power Attack". I made up the name.
  17. A damn shame. I think that making any suppositions about the motives of people who want something different from you is not good at all, and reeks of a strawman. I think that discussing why you want/don't want something in the game is good, but when doing so you should try to analyse what the person actually says instead of launching an attack on what you want them to say. By attacking strawmen and being hypersensitive to everything, you are making these forums closer to the BSN than X>10 regular posters talking about romance ever could on their own. Back on topic: There are three positions in this. 1. You want romance because you believe that it is worth the resources to implement and is something that you will likely enjoy 2. You don't want romance because you believe that it is not worth the resources to implement and is not something you will likely enjoy 3. You could live with or without romances in PE I personally take position 3. I trust that Obsidian will make the right call when it comes to what is best for their game, and am sure that all relationships will be well written and integrated into the "story" of either the main plot or companion in question. If there is romance(s) I highly doubt that they will be Bioware-like virtual **** dolls. Does anyone else here trust that Obsidian could deliver with PE, even if something you don't like is included?
  18. Fried Pie is very good, if you use the proper fillings. Chocolate or cream fillings don't work very well.
  19. My first pnp game was GURPS in a sci-fi setting. My character, Santiago, blew up a planet with the "demolitions" skill. Good times.
  20. Perhaps it could be a cursed codpiece? . You could call it Bigby's oppressive strap It draws crushing hand to the codpiece...
  21. No. There are Dire Wolves in the first area the PC ends up in that can kill Warrior classes on a lucky roll and is almost certain to kill anyone else. They are pretty hard to hit and quite tough too, so unless you get very lucky or have a party of characters who are at least specialized with ranged weapons, they will most likely kill you if you are playing on normal difficulty. Things do flow better after level 3, but levels 1 and 2 are insanely difficult. It's compounded by the fact that the power differences between the early levels are massive, ie. level 1 = unkillable, level 2 = doable, level 3 = faceroll. Yeah, 2E levels do have a large difference early game, then sort of blend together level 17+. Thinking about it more, I would love to see a BG-style game in a new engine, using the Pathfinder ruleset, and with a prologue that gets the player to level 3. I wonder if a videogame with Pathfinder ruleset is legally possible?
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