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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. I've never played Rune Quest so I can't comment on that, but Stun does make a good point. In a game where damage output increases around the same rate in. D&D, not having HP gain is not good design*. Take an average single weapon Warrior for example, they start out dealing 3-10 damage per attack round in 3E, and cap off at 44-72 per full attack, without even factoring in criticals or elemental damage and strength boosting magic items. The Spellcatsers have an even higher damage potential, although it is much more resource heavy and can be counteracted more effectively. We could always start off HP designed to work with high-level characters, but that would make low-level combat tedious as hell. Having HP increase with level might not be realistic, but having a system that works well is more important than realism in a game where almost everybody can use the power of their souls to perform supernatural feats. *Unless they do a SDC thing like Palladium, but that increases with level instead of HP.
  2. Roses are red Violets are blue I've just spent $10.63 on cards and **** Now can I have sex with you?
  3. Hmm, I hope that they deliver on making Physical Adepts and Mages better. Killer Hands should have stacked with the unarmed attacks you get from the Unarmed tree, not replaced them. Mages really got shafted due to lack of spell variety and the clear superiority of Shamans.
  4. Very nice. Is the editor pretty intuitive? I'm going to take a crack at a module when Berlin gets released.
  5. IMO, there is not much more sexy than a woman speaking certain foreign(in this case, ones you are not fluent in) languages.
  6. Perhaps they should make different combat systems for PC and consoles? Console players can have an action game, PC can have tactical. Attempting to have Witcheresque action combat and BGish tactical combat at the same time seems to be impossible.
  7. I can't get hard because a gay couple moved down the street. A slow lateral move, or more of a shimmy? It was the Devil's movement!
  8. I had a fun night last night. Today I will recover by sitting around playing video games.
  9. What like this? EDIT: Loving it. **** yeah. A little darker and mire "dense", but Howlin' Wolf is always great to listen to.
  10. most of the time savages are quite skilled at fighting smart. sparta was quite refined yet was pretty slow to react to things. but ya the general idea is that wolves and such shouldn't focus the mages behind the ranks of fighters, they wouldn't do that most likely.Perhaps "savages" was a poor word choice. I do believe that the general idea is fantastic for flavor, and would also require players to adapt strategies depending on then enemies they were facing.
  11. I suppose it may not be "bouncy", but anything by Toots and the Maytals would be good.
  12. I can't get hard because a gay couple moved down the street.
  13. I don't necessarily want the AI to be smart. Rather, I would like it to reflect the tactics the foes I'm battling would actually use. For instance, a group of savages wouldn't be executing complex maneuvers, they would be charging at the party. IMO, having enemy tactics vary by group makeup would be far more interesting than a universally smart AI.
  14. Just moving on in general Volo. Watched the combat video. I can't really tell if it looks good or not. The Get Over Here! Spear is nothing new in games, so I hope it one of many skills warriors will have access to. I was hoping to see how far the camera panned out, didn't show that. DA2's camera was frustrating and I don't know why they felt they had to change DAO's. Full Party Control is good, but to what extent? I want all my party members to be able to move independently across the entire map, travel in formation when out of combat but in an combat environment, not run after the leader willy nilly or teleport to each other when too far apart. I've really disliked this type of party movement as it just limits what I can do tactically. I hope they give enemies and players access to the same skills this time around. Combat in DA2 really got tedious when every mage you encountered had like 3 spells. I would like enemy warriors to pull in player mages if the player has that option. Maybe even use that tactically if mages have a sunburst type of spell. Also I'm iffy about mixing actiony combat with a party based RPG. I mean it works in games like the Witcher because you are controlling only one character, but with a party, I'm afraid it'll be more frustrating than fun, much like the boss battle in the deep road tunnels at the end of act 1 in DA2. Thank you for typing my thoughts so I didn't have to.
  15. I really would like a drone beer delivery service. Perhaps we should start that "lil' obsidianites slush fund" and start an enterprise.
  16. I'd go with Nep's suggestion of nachos or a nice cake. Done well, you get the same end result as a soufflé without the high chance of ****ing up.
  17. Looks like a loooong work day. Thinking about resuming my NWN2 OC playthrough or playing something else, any suggestions? I'll do it for $20.
  18. I don't have a rule book, but some guys at my LCS were thinking of starting a Numenera or SR 5th game. Would you say that it is pretty easy to learn the rules in a couple of hours?
  19. Wouldn't it be nice to live in a world where we didn't notice that development companies offered options for straight and gay players? It would just be as normal as choosing to play male or female. That's the level of progression I want all companies and people to get to, a level where we don't comment at all about this topic as its so common. That sounds nice amd all, but demonizing people who don't like a character as homophobes is in bad taste. Especially a character widely considered to be a whiny idiot. It wasn't meant to sound nice, it is reality I like would like to live in when your sexual orientation doesn't make a difference for the optional character relationships offered to you in a game. I also never mentioned I have any problem with someone disliking any character, I have an issue with someone disliking a character just because they are gay. Its not hard to understand? You missed the point. There isn't a problem with having gay PCs. There is a problem when you start blaming criticism on homophobia, as the (fake) Gaider post did. There wasn't any reason to bring up that "a small minority hated bisexual Anders" in that post.
  20. Most of the gay people you meet won't introduce themselves as such, so... Frankly, the most ramming down the throat I have to endure is from Bioware haters, with straight white people standing up in affected moral outrage for the rights of every concievable minority a close second and gays themselves... well, not on the list at all. I would say most men fantasize about ramming something down someone's throat.
  21. Wouldn't it be nice to live in a world where we didn't notice that development companies offered options for straight and gay players? It would just be as normal as choosing to play male or female. That's the level of progression I want all companies and people to get to, a level where we don't comment at all about this topic as its so common. That sounds nice amd all, but demonizing people who don't like a character as homophobes is in bad taste. Especially a character widely considered to be a whiny idiot.
  22. I dunno, man. Can you imagine taking that face to dinner? I'm having fight down the urge to leap nervously away from the keyboard just meeting her stare. Don't get me wrong. I'm as prone to falling for ice queens as the next man. But I'm damned if I'll do it in my imagination. I've always enjoyed intense women. Then again, I do enjoy most women.
  23. They could axe save imports if they stopped doing cameos entirely.Is there really any reason why Isabella, Merril, and Anders all have to show up in Fereldan, Kirkwall, and Orlais at the precise time that things are going on in these nations? Unless these characters all turn out to be demi-gods that exist everywhen and everywhere, it's a little silly. The world can not possibly be so small that if they feel the need to have an abomination, Dalish Keeper, and sexy pirate, there's no one else.I simply can't comprehend the argument that these characters have to be brought back to decrease complexity. It's like Vivec showing up in Cyrodiil.I said it before and I fear saying it again. At this rate and unless they start killing everyone in Inquisition, Dragon Age 4's cast will consist of Magister Anders, Wynne and her female dwarf friend, a mabari, Velanna, and Oghren. You'll run into the Dalish elves you recruited from DAO who have taken Merril in.The only new members will be Duncan's long lost twin brother and the son of Ser Jory.With a few exceptions(if a character is part of an organization fighting on the war, like Templars, I could see them popping up) I agree. There isn't a reason Zevran should show up in DA2 to slaughter some thugs that couldn't have applied to a new character. That makes sense. I'd say Mage Hawke was a given(and a Mage siding with Crazy Templars is stupid) the Dalish Warden wouldn't be as tied to the events as other origins, and not having to account for knocking Morrigan up would save a lot of time.
  24. Try something that isn't likely to fail. And souflee? Ewwwwwwwww.
  25. If by the time the party is able to complete the dungeon, they are close to the level cap, then no, it won't break the game. I don't think Obsidian is going to **** up badly enough so that a low-level party will be able to run through a mega dungeon.
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