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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. I've been enjoying New Vegas and Baldur's Gate Trilogy lately.
  2. Hmm, perhaps we should bomb everything to oblivion and annex the Middle East.
  3. The US isn't a democracy, it is a Republic. Very big difference. Anways, I'm against the proposed intervention simply because it will not do any good. Swapping Asswad for Jihadists isn't an improvement.
  4. I'd say that the problem with the BSN is that it is saturated with people who manage to be hypersensitive and insensitive at the same time, not a breakdown of supporters to detractors. YMMV.
  5. There are no health potions or healing spells for that matter, so I don't think you have anything to worry about. If it bothers you that much, don't use potions often when you play.
  6. Possibly a new bug? Oh and Marvel also did it(a gay couple getting married) over a year ago. BTW, Wals can you post a list of unacceptable UK news sources?
  7. With the exceptions of marriage and schemes, that sounds an awful lot like me...
  8. I'll agree with the others about including your family. Admittedly, I've never had a wife or kids, but from what I know of women they like it when you try to include them in things you enjoy and exposing your kids to a game like PE will be better than letting them play a shooter. If that doesn't work out for you, take your time with the game, you won't pack in 20 hours in the first week, but you will be able to play a more polished product due to patches.
  9. I'd guess it is because they think it will lead to less throwbacks in the story, seeing as the other origins have a closer connection to the rest of the universe than the hippies isolated in the woods.
  10. Tonight I will eat garlic sausage with green beans and rice.
  11. I've always wanted to play a RPG where the approaching horde would fall at the superior walls of the stronghold instead of being scripted into breaking through. Ballista and cannons please.
  12. Well, she is standing next to an elf and IIRC they are more than a head shorter than humans. Meh.
  13. Damn people, post some women so I have something to look while I work.
  14. Unless part of this "Keep" thing includes redesigning your past PC's on the new engine, then no. I could see it being part of the keep. I suppose alanshu could tell us if he stumbles into this thread.
  15. I hope that every specialization has more specific abilities, like anti-magic for Templars and demon summoning for Blood Mages.
  16. decado does have a point. In ye olde tymes, an armored fellow could easily survive several melee attacks(with certain exceptions, like claymores) because the armor made almost all of them blunt strikes. Meanwhile, an accurate **** with an arrow or bolt would hit pierce flesh, and could easily kill someone. That said, PE is not and should not be a realistic setting. Part of the reason I hate the first bit if BG is because your party will get one-shoted by mooks with slings and bows(due to **** low-level D&D gameplay). Perhaps I'm too optimistic, but I trust that Obsidian will be able to design a system where archery is balanced to be roughly equal to melee combat and not exceedingly powerful or weak. And in DAO, archers did kind of suck. In the expansion they were OP'd though.
  17. Today I went to class, worked out, and am thinking about auditioning for a part in a film a friend is working on. I did what you did for the first three years and I'm currently working part time, but I should have enough money to go full time student for the final two years. My experience has led me to the opinion that everyone should go to college/university and party their ass off.
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