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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. Today I had a Panini sandwich with slices of duck and a jalapeno jam. Today I had ice cream and too much vodka. Will hangovers be in DAI? If not my immersion will be ruined and I will be forced to jump into a pool to recover it.
  2. I personally like it when fantasy does twist what we take for granted so I voted "Challenge". My second vote was for the "I'm not actually particularly attached to fantasy genre", because IMO most settings can be interesting if done well. In terms of RPGs, while I would appreciate a break from the usual suspects(I think a well-done superhero/villain RPG would be fantastic, if it was possible to balance well), I don't feel an incredibly strong need to break away from post-apocalyptic, sci-fi, and fantasy simply to break way.
  3. Or you could have a pacifist that has avoided combat all game and not used any weapons, but is just as powerful and skilled with their weapons as another character who has fought their way through the game. Judging from what we know about PE's leveling system, I don't see a problem with that.
  4. Seeing as in PE there is no "direct link between defeating a foe in combat and gradually becoming better at combat", your hypothetical character would be wrong.
  5. Excellent point. I like (role)playing a character who's doing things the smart way and avoids combat if it's the optimal thing to do, even though as a player I really enjoy combat. The character needs the incentive (in the form of XP), not the player. Wait what? I mean, this is literally the stupidest thing I've ever heard in this context. I can feel my IQ drop by just repeating this sentence, nay, by looking at it. I'm wondering how the character knows that by killing something, he will gain a certain amount of XP and have a boost to all of his abilities my self.
  6. I disliked both DA2 and ME3 for mechanical reasons myself. Then again, I generally dislike action games and shooters so YMMV.
  7. Yes those are all ways that people exert power over someone but those don't apply to power over women in the context of this discussion and why men rape women. I'm having a radical thought here, what if men rape women cause they're horny? I could see that being the motivation in the case of a frat boy taking advantage of a drunk girl. I'm of the opinion that like almost every other crime the motive will vary by the case.
  8. Who doesn't. Unless she wants to *biip* with a *biip* while you *biip*. That **** is not cool. Wait until you get a bit older and become a provider prospect for a single mom about to hit thirty. They cling like a tick at 0 dates. I'm glad I'm in "witness protection" so at least they can't find out where I live. I'm scared of hitting 25 now. Although I've always wanted to *biip* a MILF...
  9. Hell yeah Hurlie. ****, everytime I talk to a woman I have to worry about whether she is neurotic or some form of crazy. Few things are as awkward as an overly clingy girl who calls all the time after 1 date. Today I did an hour of cardio and am now going to class.
  10. Is that you or a girlfriend in that picture Calax? Today I went to work, went to class, and got home 20 minutes ago. Going to watch something and get to sleep.
  11. If they decide to include a respec feature, they should shove it into a menu instead of trying to justify it in the game world. It is a metagame feature so treat it like one.
  12. I haven't asked her yet. I'm going to do it while we're away. I'm hoping for moonlit Hawaiian beach or something memorably cheesy like that. I had no idea you were such a romantic. If she says no, that will make things incredibly awkward. Well, I'm off now. Hope I don't have the misfortune to encounter a crazy Austrian girl who will try to castrate me.
  13. I just finished today's classes. Going to go to a party tonight where I intend to get gloriously drunk and hopefully meet up with a girl.
  14. Lady Guard Dog? Has she said yes? Today I drank a little bit, hung out with some friends, and am considering transfering to UT Austin.
  15. Honestly, Immersion, in respect to gaming, is just someone saying they like/dislike something without being able to articulate it very well. I can't answer either of your questions well(lack of data) and I think a suitable answer may be impossible to find. Oh and Rham is a troll, I wouldn't pay much attention to him.
  16. Wait. So you think the typical Rockstar fashion is "ridiculously boring". You didn't like GTA4. You didn't like LA Noire. You didn't like Red Dead Redemption. Why the **** are you buying Rockstar games? Why the **** are you even talking about GTA5? Because in this forum, people spend an inordinate amount of time talking about games they don't like. To be fair Nep, that happens on pretty much any gaming forum. Some people seem to have the need to buy games they will hate, play games they hate for hours, and spend time talking about those hated games on forums.
  17. Perhaps they should rename "Objective XP" as "Challenge XP" and describe it as "you will get XP for dealing with random groups of enemies, overcoming obstacles, and completing quests but how you choose to do so is up to you".
  18. Not my business but, is that a bad thing? In the last couple of photos you posted you appeared to be absolutely stick thin. Some girls like the thin look, can't blame Ros for going with what works.
  19. Then you should date those crazies that make you wear animal masks and cut off your balls with dull pincers. So much fun. Note to self: Avoid crazy girls from Austria I dunno, somethings they suggest are a bit too much.
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