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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. Walsingham: Protector of the Realm has a certain ring to it.
  2. I don't disagree, necessarily with your position. But you don't have to be a radical feminist to destroy someone's reputation if that's your goal.I don't either. Admittedly I might not have articulated my thoughts very well, am I'm posting when I'm supposed to be working. I think internet activists of all stripes have no problem throwing around baseless accusation to further their agenda. I see it being a bigger problem with SJWs because their soap box reaches much more people and carries more authority than other folks pushing an agenda. Moreover, there seems to be a drive to punish anyone who challenges their narrative, and accuse all criticisms as being misogynist. As an example, I was recently temp-banned from Bleeding Cool because I made a crude joke, while some SJW was throwing around some pretty putrid stuff because a some dudes said they liked butts and was not given any punishment. Obviously I could have done something else(and on reflection could have popped something a lot funnier), but on a forum with the amount of poopflinging and unplesantness of BC, it seemed a bit odd to get a tempban for something relatively minor. Sorry for the text vomit.
  3. http://witchwind.wordpress.com/2013/12/15/piv-is-always-rape-ok/ This is what we are dealing with folks. They can not be reasoned with, have no problem destroying lives to further their agenda, and are likely in need of mental health services. While I agree that the position of the piece is fairly radical, I don't see anything in that article that indicates a desire to destroy lives and am loathe to argue mental health issues just because I don't agree with a position.I think when you start throwing around accusations like rape, you can inflict serious damage on the personal and professional lives of people. As to mental health, I just don't see such logic coming from a sane person. What she's writing about isn't an accusation of rape at least not in a legal sense and I doubt her arguments would mean much in a legal proceeding. Mind you she'd blame that on the patriarchy, I'm sure. While that is true, I think it is fair to say that throwing around loaded terms like "misogynist" you can do harm to reputations. Obviously misogynist isn't as incendiary as rapist, but it still is a very bad thing to accuse someone of being.
  4. http://witchwind.wordpress.com/2013/12/15/piv-is-always-rape-ok/ This is what we are dealing with folks. They can not be reasoned with, have no problem destroying lives to further their agenda, and are likely in need of mental health services. While I agree that the position of the piece is fairly radical, I don't see anything in that article that indicates a desire to destroy lives and am loathe to argue mental health issues just because I don't agree with a position. I think when you start throwing around accusations like rape, you can inflict serious damage on the personal and professional lives of people. As to mental health, I just don't see such logic coming from a sane person.
  5. IIRC, there should be some XP for exploring and for clearing levels of the megadungeon. As the beta is, too much stuff is buggy to be particularly accurate in assessments and the dark lord Sawyer said that tweaking XP wouldn't be that difficult.
  6. http://witchwind.wordpress.com/2013/12/15/piv-is-always-rape-ok/ This is what we are dealing with folks. They can not be reasoned with, have no problem destroying lives to further their agenda, and are likely in need of mental health services.
  7. Lol, oh wow no. You had a right-wing government in 2002 and a slightly less right-wing government in 2008. Of course Right and Left are terms relative to where the country being discussed is generally. There is no argument that what is considered left wing in the US would be a little right in other places. I think even the most ardent supporters of real left wing socialism realize it will only come to the US in it's full form at the end of an actual civil war. US voters might flirt with it but I seriously doubt they will ever marry it. If they ever do then we'll fight. The problem with socialism in the US is that almost no one can properly define it. Rather than associating it with a government owning all means of production, people seem to think it means government spending money on stuff. *Shrug* I dunno, I feel like I generally lean left(in terms of US) on a lot of stuff, but I find myself disliking most left-wingers. IMO, moving towards corporate welfare and courting SJWs has turned them into spinless ****.
  8. I am pondering if I should wait for the first patch to come out before I give it a go. First impressions and all that. Wait. Combat can be fun, but right now there are several bugs that will make some characters useless. Paladin is obviously the best class.
  9. Relevant. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=257887508
  10. Pathfinder just released the "Advanced Class Guide" and an archetype introduced for the new Swashbuckler class is the Picaroon, which is a rapier and gun character. This should be in PoE.
  11. We should start one, Sub-Human Atrocious Males. Who wants in on the SHAM?
  12. Your reason and logic has no place in this thread.
  13. Damn, I come home late next Wednesday and have to work the day after.
  14. I need a place to equip my big metal unit. Codpiece mounted revolver or GTFO.
  15. I enjoy the combat in PoE, shooting lions is fun. Punching beetles is fun. Hell, despite the boar multiplying, killing the group of thugs is fun. The thing that would make combat the funnest combat ever would be the inclusion of a codpiece mounted revolver.
  16. They know how, they just can't walk after Woldan was done with them. Mostly because he made them do a bunch of lunges.
  17. *Sigh* Suggesting that the "Ban Bossy" and Anita 'n' Kotaku brands of activism belongs in the same category as human rights groups is a bit delduded, and frankly a bit insulting to the latter. I would wager most of us who show distaste towards SJWs are referring to the highly antagonistic folks who subscribe to the former groups mentioned in the previous sentence. I'm don't mean to lecture you but maybe you should be more specific then when you make statements about groups of people you dislike , for example if I say "I don't like Chinese people " because of the rude Chinese people who run my local take-away it makes me sound silly and uninformed because I'm allowing a personal dislike of a small representation of an entire nation to shape my overall opinion of that nation. Even if I didn't mean it the perception that gets created about me isn't great. Just something for you to consider .... Comparing dislike of internet activists to racism is stoopid. And being lectured on racism by a White South African is funny. Well I would think my opinion of these matters carries more credibility because of my countries past and Apartheid, I believe I emphasize more with people who are victims of discrimination on numerous levels exactly because I am a South African who does believe in a multi-racial and free society where no one is a victim of any kind of discrimination That's nice. I bet some of your best friends are Black too.
  18. Some feminists want to cut men's **** off but you wouldn't accept that as an argument. Reading this made me laugh so hard I spit out my tea.
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