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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. Of course. Didn't mean to sound like I was saying only feminism can be guilty of it, but rather that a LOT of the drama currently surrounding feminism can be summed up as "someone cherry-picked a comment and then said a thing in which they judged and stereotyped an ENTIRE group," which of course is an absolute nonsense method. And that's exactly what's happening here. Dude I don't care if you've got a problem with the study I cited ("you" being barothmuk here, before there's any confusion) only having a sample size of 177. 1) Please name more than 177 porn stars. I'm a dude with a **** and I can't even name 177 pornstars 2) Even if you consider that study questionable, that does not validate your counter claim that porn stars lack self esteem. You've cherry picked ones that match your agenda and therefore omg everything you think about porn stars is automatically right and ITS TIME TO PULL NUMBERS OUT OF OUR ASS: "for every porn star success story there are THOUSANDS of failures!" THOUSANDS of porn stars with low self-esteem! An estimated 177,000 at least! Seriously, gtfo with that ****. I don't care what your cause is, you should learn to have an objective debate before you even try to get **** done or open your mouth. I wouldn't bother dude. Baroboy can't even insert important facts of studies he posts(see Ukraine thread).
  2. Yeah, but is that because they are ashamed or because of the social stigma from other people? As long as there are black people who think that prostitutes and escorts can be raped because of the job they have, I don't expect even the prouders of them to inform the world of their occupation. I don't know how ****ed up things are where you live, but here no one thinks it's ok to rape strippers, prostitutes, or pornstars.
  3. It's the same here, you are advised not to announce it because it reduces the chance of catching anyone who has been making threats or harassing you.
  4. You do realize that those are just notepad versions of the chat, they don't show anything and are easily doctored. I think that was his point.
  5. I'm really not seeing proof, looks like 4chan being 4chan.
  6. What took her so long? Photoshop. Links please?
  7. On a related note, speed on all weapons, including daggers, is registered as "average". IIRC, some weapons should be considered "fast".
  8. I thought Gromnir was closer to Thanos. We need a chart for this.
  9. Yeah, it's SO funny that *exclusively* women are being driven out of an indursty they have worked for years in, due to constant online mysogynistic harassment. But yeah, it's totally about journalistic ethics guys!1!1! Welcome back Lord of Flies.
  10. Cutting recovery penalties in half would be a good start. As it is, they are far too long.
  11. Of course, it's using Unity. Uh.... If somebody told you four years ago that you would be getting a new Infinity Engine game, I'd be amazed that they were using a decade old engine. Now if someone told me I'd be getting a 2d isometric party based RPG from Obsidian where I could kill **** and do interesting quests, but the mechanics would be different from the IE games, I would have given the same amount of money I did. As far as I'm concerned, Obsidian has delivered. The mechanics certainly need tweaking, but I like what I've seen.
  12. Well, yeah. SJWs seem to have a burning hatred for the celebration of sex and the human body, particularly when it comes to women. They also don't seem to be able to comprehend that you can admire the beauty of a woman without reducing her to a **** doll, which I think says a lot more about them than the people who do like to look at women. I also find it funny that instead of bothering to do any sort of fact checking they start throwing out accusations of sexism.
  13. I remember that outrage. I swear these SJWs don't bother to do factchecking before they lose their ****.
  14. LOL You're probably right. But damn if his posts aren't a target rich environment. In my experience, it's usually best to ignore someone when they start spouting crazy ****. Either they're trolling and not worth engaging, or they have some serious issues and need some help.
  15. From what I can tell, DT is used as an integer to make high Damage per hit weapons appealing in some cases instead of going high dps all the time, which would happen in a % based system. In FONV(which had a DT system) using a heavy single shot weapon like the AMR or YCS was the better choice against high DT enemies while high DPS stuff was better against low DT enemies. The PoE system needs some serious tweaking though, as there is little mechanical incentive not to pack twohanders and go plate for the front line/nude for the rest.
  16. A talent to reduce penalties in armor or increase base speed would be cool. Not sure of the degree though, I don't think it would be good design if you could attack just as fast in plate armor as you could in padded.
  17. I think the speed penalty on armor needs to be reduced by about half. Metal armor should be a bit harder to move around in, but making chracters attack in slowmo is over the top. Poison could use a nerf, maybe take a page from 3e and have it inflict status penalties over time. I think there should be some access to a wide variety of equipment shortly after creation so we can test out different loadouts. Ciphers could use Health/Stamina bumped up from low to average and base accuracies flipped.
  18. All these trigger warnings are triggering my triggers.
  19. I find your sarcasm offensive, sub-human male. I'm going to write a "Death of Meshugger" article now.
  20. Talents should mechanically explain what they do. Choosing between them is difficult when I have no idea how much accuracy is being boosted or how much more damage soul whip will do.
  21. I could look at Salma Hayek all day.
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