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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. Because. The. Devs. Want. To. Award. Accomplishments. Not. Body. Count.
  2. I find it funny that our SJW holds Nonek to a higher standard than he does with himself. Suppose he has that in common with the gaming journalists.
  3. So apparently games no longer need the people who play them. I don't quite follow the logic, but I suppose that is because there is none.
  4. I'm pretty sure that he supported Feminist Frequency and the Tropes vs Women videos. I've seen a Tweet from him giving vocal support.Still, he's a professional and hasn't let politics affect his work. I don't need to agree with someone to respect them or to give praise where is deserved, plus I don't answer to clickbait. I wonder how he tells now that FONV was used out or context in one of her videos?
  5. I disliked Dear Esther because it felt like I was being led around and told a story rather than actively participating in one, which is the appeal of videogames for me. I much prefer Obsidian's approach in FONV.
  6. Someone call Jack Thompson and all the rest of them. And then they tell people "no one is trying to take your games away"? Right. We can't just unload and have fun anymore we need to be indoctrinated with the agenda these guys deem relevant. .... That has to be one of the worst articles I've skimmed through. Do these people not understand that videogames are played for fun?
  7. I've been enjoying being sick today, laying about and watching Bojack Horseman.
  8. Is this the one that Ice T narrated? If so, it should be comedy gold.
  9. And if you don't have all the content, get it from GOG for pretty cheap.
  10. Probably the thought of having dated girls with better bodies than people who earn their money (almost) exclusively on their looks. Well then I suppose I have that thought.
  11. Meh, another forum I frequent someone posted a few photos. I'll never get the big deal about poor resolution nude selfies of famous people.
  12. Unfavored in custody agreements, harsher sentences for crimes, more likely to be physically assaulted or robbed. Note that men are much more likely to be executed than women in the US. You would be very wrong. The idea that bigotry and discrimination only applies to race, sex, and sexual orientation is wrong, as is the assumption that there is no bigotry or discrimination against whites, heterosexuals, and males. You have discrimination based solely around education, economic situation, religion, and pretty much anything you could think of. Point is, discrimination and bigotry apply to a whole lot more than just three things, and trying to designate a privileged group with just those three factors will not result n a universally privileged group.
  13. Look at the thread title. If you only wanted to discuss the positive aspects of feminism, then perhaps you should have gone with something else, like "Positive Aspects of Feminism". Sure, but feminism will always be associated with all groups of feminists, even the insane ones. Furthermore, feminism is flawed in that it seeks to address gender equality by focusing only on the problems faced by one gender.
  14. I think it depends on how fast they can squash bugs and adjust for balance. I'm fairly confident on their ability to get bugs sorted out, but balance may take a bit of fine tuning to get where they want. Guess we will have to wait until the next build before losing our ****. I think WL2 has the benefit of taking place in a fairly familiar setting and the Beta gives a fairly good chunk of content integrated into the game. PoE's Beta throws you into an unfamiliar world at a fairly advanced level, so I have a much harder time getting a solid grasp on the "feels" of PoE than I did with WL2. BTW, PoE's demo occurs ff the critpath. It is pretty spoilerfree, besides that charname is actually the son of MurderGod who s being stalked by his removed mortality because it believes nothing can change the nature of a man and that Bruce Willis was dead the entire time.
  15. KP this is an unhelpful comment, no one is suggesting anything even remotely similar to what you are saying. Radical Feminists do, in fact a pillar of their ideology is that women should govern men. On-Topic because the Rad-Fems are part of the current state of feminism.
  16. The reality is, my feelings about about WL2 have nothing to do with the history of the WL world. I've only recently tried the original WL, and didn't bother to go very far with it. I've never played any of the Fallout games, as the post apocalyptic setting has never been a huge draw for me. I actually didn't back WL2 either, as I didn't learn about the KS until after it was over. I gained access to WL2 based on backing Torment and PoE. On paper, PoE is by far the game that I would expect to enjoy more. The fantasy setting has always been a big deal to me, and the Infinity Engine games are my all time favs. It's still way too early to judge PoE. I can only say that based on what I know of PoE and WL2 *at this moment*, it's looking like WL2 will be a game I'll enjoy more, which is a rather ironic twist. OE has been very upfront about wanting to model 3 core pillars from the I.E. games: 1) A 2D game world 2) A deep, immersive story and characters and 3) Real time with pause. What I didn't realize is that they would be happy to throw so many of its other characteristics to the wayside. No ammunition? No combat or rogue-skill based xp? -- and potentially a game where combat is NOT at the core of the experience. Essentially no inventory management.... I'm not even saying that these decisions are necessarily horrible decisions. Just that a game without these things doesn't sound like it resembles the Infinity Engine very closely, which is what I thought I would be getting with PoE. inXile promised an "old school RPG. Obsidian did not. It's the apparent lack of many of those old school sensibilities in PoE that are causing me to disconnect from it somewhat. That all said, I will reserve my final judgment for the final game. Even if different, and not what I was expecting, it doesn't necessarily mean PoE won't end up being a game that I love on its own terms. I dunno man, I'm replaying BGTrilogy right now and the things that PoE heavily deviates from it on(XP system, ammunition, attributes, etc.) I couldn't care less about. I play these games because I like doing interesting quests and killing **** RTwP party combat, and PoE should deliver on those two fronts. I suppose we could get into a large argument about what the IE games are about, but they range from hack-n-slash to pretentious pseudo-intellectualism to dungeon delving interrupted by charname's girlfriend giving birth to an inventory baby so I don't think a consensus on what a successor to all IE games would be would ever be definitive.
  17. Finished book one. It's a great read so far, lot's of seeds planted for future books. On to book 2, I will definitely keep an eye on this series. Found it cheap going to give it a try.
  18. Women are superior to men in every way. We must accept our status as Sub-Human Atrocious Males.
  19. Only BG1? Remember, in BG2 we had to fight a grave robbing adventurer group in the Windspear hills, in the ruins. Also there was another hostile adventurer group in the temple district in the closed off estate to the east (two mages, one kensai, a priest, a thief, one minotaurs and an Orog. - really hard fight and awesome loot), plus the group in the temple district sewers.There was also another adventurer group encounter at Waukeens promenade, on the second floor of a tavern to the north-east. There was a barbarian named ''Orkslicer'' who had a cursed two handed berserk sword. And I'm sure I forgot one or two of those encounters. Anyway, not fighting an enemy adventurer group is actually one of my biggest gripe in all the RPGs after Baldur's Gate 1 & 2, IMO the ultimate and most entertaining battle is against another group just like yours. Extremely hard, fun battle and great loot. In NWN2 OC there is a random encounters with an adventuring party.
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