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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. Rape is rape. Attempting to redefine it to fuel your agenda is a despicable thing to do. It is very insulting to rape victims to consider the violation of their bodies equal to the consensual penetration women have with men during heterosexual intercourse. That is what the cartoon was mocking. When SJWs start calling people that disagree with them misogynists, they are doing the same thing that insane PIV is always rape, ok nut is doing.
  2. On the cartoon, the crime of rape was not being dismissed, the redefining of something terrible to something minor was being ridiculed. As someone whose friend was raped, I peronsally find stuff like this... http://witchwind.wordpress.com/2013/12/15/piv-is-always-rape-ok/ much more offensive than the cartoon in question. Equating violation of the body to consensual sex betweeen men and women is repugnant, not to mention implies that women are too brainwashed or stupid to notice that they are being violated. The gaming press often treats misogyny the same way the nutter in the article treated rape when they attempt to redifine it to fit their agenda. This trvializes actual misogyny by creating parity between someone who doesn't care about boobplate or is cool with damsel in distress tropes and someone who doesn't believe women should have equal rights.
  3. I'm down with it, particularly if they showed us stats as well.
  4. And here I thought I did good for losing 30. Hats off bro.
  5. ..... They're on to us. Assemble the High Council of the Patriarchy.
  6. ... Is this the plot of your next book? Yeah, KaineParker's my new agent. Alright then, can you bang out a script for a romantic comedy based on the life of Eva Braun? Include plenty of Nazi jokes and leave the possibility of Hitler being gay open. If successful, I'll pitch a sequel involving Zombies and strippers, possibly with musical elements.
  7. **** McDonald's, Whataburger is the best.
  8. Throw in Dinosaur/Woman couplings and you've got Monte's next novel.
  9. Dodge: Can use reflex in place of deflection for ranged attacks Mobility: Gains +X deflection against disengagement attacks Gang-Up: Target is considered flanked when you and a party member are both engaged, regardless of positioning Attunement: Beneficial effects increase in magnitude and duration. Focused Assault (X/per rest): For a short time, accuracy is given a large boost and X DT is penetrated.
  10. I was going to call them sub-human male scum, but then my outrage got confused when I read they weren't human.
  11. No transcripts, I take it there was a collection of canned talking points?
  12. I finished up a load of studying, and am now trying to go to sleep. Going to go to classes tomorrow, work Thursday, then get epically drunk on Friday.
  13. I'm still not sure if I'm supposed to be dead or dying. Gaming journalism is too shoddy to be clear in its own muckraking attempts.
  14. Codpiece Revolver You mount a pistol on your codpiece and it does over 9000 Pierce damage on hit. Unlimited useage, .1 second animation.
  15. Recently tried out a Muscle Wizard on hard and got stomped because of the DT bug. So too hard to say currently, it feels more.involved than vanilla BG to me, somewhere around SCS.
  16. I don't see PoE BETA as unfun because of Sawyer's desire for balance, I see it being unfun because it is currenly buggy as hell and unbalanced.
  17. Do the Scots really want independence, or can no one else understand what the hell they're talking about through those accents?
  18. Well, I think I might have found one reason for its pretty hard. Those prerolled BB_heroes havent been given any weapon talents... lol.. Not to mention they aren't equipped very well for the level they're at.
  19. I made an Orlan with Might 2 and spells had fairly high base damage. They didn't do much in pratical use, but I think that had more to do with grazes than base damage.
  20. What if talents were picked every even level? That sound good to every one?
  21. For some reason I was able to steamroll through the beta with a Monk, but Paladin and Cipher were difficult.
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