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PK htiw klaw eriF

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Everything posted by PK htiw klaw eriF

  1. Should have eaten pizza. That sounds tasty.
  2. I worked out and am unable to sleep.
  3. Does this mean SJWs will start whiteknighting for us?
  4. It would be applied to everything. So previously if you were 1s attack, 1s recovery, 1s armor penalty, that's 3s total attack time. Then with 30% IAS (15 DEX under our system) that becomes 2.3s total attack time. And just to reiterate - I know the paper's long (boy do I know that xD), but we'd very much appreciate if anyone stumbling on to this thread takes the time to read the paper before replying - I've seen 1 or 2 posts so far that are answered in the paper, albiet maybe in the middle of a long paragraph or something. I'll take some time to thoroughly read it when I get off work. With the values you've given, it does seem things could get chaotic with a max Dex, naked, dual fast weapons character under the effects of a haste spell. Admittedly a min Dex character in plate mail casting long spells is too. I'm just trying to play Devil's Advocate. Edited for clarity, forgot DA was a game abbreviation.
  5. I have to agree with the proposed changes. Would the bomus in recovery be applied before or after the armor penalty?
  6. Unfortunately, we are still unsure of our status as "dead" or our secret handshake. I personally think we should develop telepathy, but the fellas really like doing the helicopter d!ck. Banging our d!cks together would be a good secret handshake since members of the matriarchy would be incapable of performing the handshake. Yeah, that ain't happening.
  7. Unfortunately, we are still unsure of our status as "dead" or our secret handshake. I personally think we should develop telepathy, but the fellas really like doing the helicopter d!ck.
  8. I find the people with the strongest opinions on something are often unfamiliar with it. Not to mention here in the USA, socialism is conflated with various welfare programs and the whole state ownership of means of production bit is largely ignored. As to the interview, I agree with him. The SJWs seem to have a big problem with artistic freedom when stuff they don't like is portrayed. I think people should create a whatever they want to myself, and if I don't like it I will not bother with it. Plenty of games out there for me as is, I don't need to force others to change their vision into what I deem acceptable. Although seeing as my avatar is a shapeshifting monster that eats children, what I find acceptable is probably much different than most.
  9. I'm just waiting for news to come out that they found a bloodied knife and a corpse under the crawl space of her house and you guys start saying "that could be ANYONE'S knife and corpse, we don't know for sure. Maybe someone who doesn't like her and was depressed decided to commit suicide and got under her crawl space first before doing so!" If it is a longknife then I will definitely be skeptical. The media keeps using her as a jumping point to scream misogyny. They keep bringing her up and they will keep doing so. The best thing most of the #Gamergate crowd can do is ignore her, and keep to the issue of nepotism and dishonesty in the media. As the more we discuss her the more ammunition it potentially gives that media. Let's say the media are trying to discredit the movement. A good way to do that is to leave false trails around ZQ and call misogyny every time they are used against her. Leaving her be is the best thing this movement can do. Sarkesian (sp?) as well. Those 2 are not important. They are landmines with purpose. They are a part of the whole though. Kill the head of the snake and the body dies. These 2 women are anything but the head. More like the tail. If the movement changes the media's issues then ZQ and sarkesian(sp?) will fade anyway... Well ZQ for sure. Stop reducing women to "tail", sub-human male.
  10. Picked up Copperhead #1. Looks very promising, reads sort of like a Space Western and is easy on the eyes.
  11. Mirror Image in AD&D wasn't a hard counter. It's a pretty iconic example of a soft counter, actually. removal of rng and hard counters edit: Actually I don't know enough to say for sure, anyone is welcome to correct me. Is the deflection bonus from mirror image enough to make it do the same function as the dnd mirror image? Or is it just a "minor" bonus to make "muscle wizards" more tanky. In theory with a high enough deflection bonus it could do the same thing, no? The PoE mirror image sounds like it might be stronger than the D&D one, actually. Doesn't each individual image in D&D have the same AC as you do? That means it's easier to cut them down one-by-one than it is it break through PoE's mirror image. From 3.5, mirror image uses the same AC as caster and has a % chance to miss. Conceptually, PoE's version is better.
  12. Yeah, she isn't exactly my idea of an honorable, principled, person, but that doesn't mean she's stupid enough to risk being charged with fraud when she never defined the amount she'd give, nor claimed she had an actual arrangement (at least from what I understand, she never said she'd spoken with them, just that she'd give them money), and thus could appear clean in the eyes of the law whilst donating a dollar and pocketing everything else. I think it's fair to say that what is legal isn't always moral. As it is, attempting to derail TFYC was bad enough.
  13. Donating a dollar or two in order to technically not be committing fraud isn't really what I'd define as honorable or principled, it's what I'd define as having the least bit of a brain, which is why I don't fully believe this, it is an extraordinarily stupid mistake that could've been easily avoided for next to nothing.I think the fact that she did advertised she was giving the money to a specific charity when she had not arranged anything with the charity and trying to derail TFYC and the Five Guys Saga shows she doesn't have a bit of honor or a shred of principle. Though I really don't care about her. I'm frankly more concerned about the lack of journalistic integreity or standards in video game journalism. Which affects me personally as a player of video games.
  14. If this turns out to be true... well.You can't take the moral high-ground and be a scam artist at the same time. Edit: That said I'd wait for more info on this before getting too riled up. This looks to me like more anti-feminist propaganda, are there other links that support this?Some journalist called her for a statement regarding it, she hung up on him, which isn't damning, she's been through a lot. But right after she removed references to iFred from the depression quest page. Why remove references? Why wouldn't she just donate some money? Because that would require being honorable and principled.
  15. Wizards are lame. If you need a caster, take a Cipher or Druid.
  16. It would've been cool if Lithuania scored one more point.
  17. Last I heard we were dead subhumans. I'm still trying to figure out if we were resurrected, are undead, or have moved on to an afterlife.
  18. What exactly are you putting in that chocolate milk?? Chloroform.
  19. Since when is there a +5 katana in either soa or tob?There isn't in any vanilla. Item Upgrades and Baldurash add one each and Lol's rezmod adds a super powered +6 one. Even more awesome with the mod that allows you to dual-class barbarians. Minsc as Barbarian / Thief totally stirs s**t up. Have you tried Revised HLAs from Refinements? IMO the Barbarian HLAs are good enough to not want to dual.
  20. Level1NPCs FTW. Turning Khalid into a Fighter/Mage and Minsc into a Barbarian is awesome.
  21. Uh, that's quite serious if it turns out to be true. Even if not true, it points out that no one bothered to verify facts before reporting. So either way, the journalistic standards are very low.
  22. It's more of trying to explain the joke to someone who doesn't get it.
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