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Everything posted by Rosveen

  1. "The Master Below is below. Sacrifice is stupid." There is wit, even some teasing between characters, but there's no light-heartedness and laughing out loud. It's all very low key. Hiravias might be an exception, but half his jokes are about sex and this kind of humor rarely amuses me. I enjoyed the banter between Eder and Aloth, though. Oh, this reminds me, Iselmyr's appearances are usually a comedic relief too.
  2. If it makes you feel better, I understood the joke.
  3. If you want to see new Bioware, play Mass Effect, which is still an epic emotional story regardless of its flaws. Dragon Age treatment is just sad. Each game is trying a different take at the RPG genre and it really doesn't work out well for them. Which is a shame, because I loved the concept of DA2.
  4. Oh. Right, long day, I didn't notice you already mentioned it. Either way, all XP in the Endless Paths was wasted for me. Bow much exactly is it, anyone knows? I think the bounty in Elmshore might have been placed there specifically to prevent people from doing too many bounties too early. They do give a ton of XP.
  5. Did you do bounties? I did every quest I came across and I was level 9 at the beginning of Act 3, then I reached level 12, but I still had the entire Endless Paths and two tiers of bounties left.
  6. I don't care about incest, but I got the impression that she wasn't a willing participant. Whether he threatened, persuaded or simply raped her, he was taking advantage of her and orchestrating her life around his own needs. Especially if he raped her, he deserved a knife in the gut. I would have gladly sheltered the girl in Caed Nua, but I couldn't (shame on you, Obsidian), so I sent her to the clergy - I figured it was better than letting her hit the road on her own without money or knowledge of the land, she'd probably end up dead in a ditch somewhere.
  7. I had only one point in Deceptive, but Skaen showed up. I was mostly Benevolent, Clever, Rational and Honest.
  8. The expansion shouldn't cause any issues, it's meant for people who already finished the game. Patch 1.05 is supposed to bring some nice quality of life improvements, so maybe it's worth waiting for that, but it's up to you. I'm going to wait for the expansion and most patches not because I'm worried something will break, but simply because I don't see myself replaying Pillars so many times as I did the IE games, so I want the game to be as complete as possible before I return to it.
  9. Can someone point me to a transsexual who was offended by this poem? Not that Erika person, I don't know what her sexual identity is, but as a #killallmen warrior her opinion is automatically invalid. I'm not trying to be flippant, I genuinely want to know if it was a real problem for someone. I wasn't here at the very beginning and you all know what the discussion quickly turned into...
  10. My sister has a convertible laptop, that's the closest to a tablet anyone in my family ever bought. It's useful for her because she's an English teacher, she frequently meets with students at their homes so she needs something portable and also convenient to show various videos, images and stuff as needed during lessons. I don't see the point of tablets myself. They were nice before phone screen rapidly grew in size, I suppose, but now? I don't game on my phone, though, and I wouldn't on my tablet. I find the controls clunky and I don't want to carry a controller because it defeats the point of portability. I use a 3DS for mobile gaming instead.
  11. I had similar impressions as Varana. If I was playing with a smaller team or especially solo, I think I'd find mind control useful, but I ended up using it very rarely in my game.
  12. Why? Doesn't it just mean there'll be a spike of available souls in this one moment, which will then continue to be gradually reborn, probably resulting in an higher than normal pre-Legacy birth rate for the next few years? Why is this so terrible?
  13. It's a Superb enchantment, the best one of its kind. And for both armor and weapons, it requires dragon parts. I didn't start playing RPGs yesterday, I know what to expect. Besides, really? "This game has dragons" is a spoiler now?
  14. Of course not. Well, not since I stopped buying box copies. It was nice to flip through a booklet while the game was installing, but pdfs bore me.
  15. So, can I access the spell list somewhere that isn't a single row of icons on top/bottom of the screen? Wizards have grimoirs, do other casters have an easy to look through list like that? Also yeah, you must have missed Aloth the wizard near the inn in Gilded Vale.
  16. Good job on the hidden sudden spoiler in the non-spoiler forum there. How is this a spoiler? Sky Dragon eye is an ingredient necessary to improve items to Superb, if you take one look at the crafting list you know that a Sky Dragon will be murdered at some point.
  17. It's possible to side with her. Skaen talks to you just before activating the machine. I don't know what the requirements are for triggering it, though.
  18. Probably a tactics menu a la Dragon Age. And even more probably, it will not be added.
  19. No, but why wouldn't there be? After taxes, publisher cuts, and other costs, I'm not sure if Obsidian earned enough money to fully finance their next game, but even if they did, Kickstarter is a great way to gain additional funding. With the stellar reviews Pillars is getting from players and journalists both, this new campaign certainly wouldn't suffer from lack of interest. While you are correct and crowd-funding has very little downsides, I do resent the idea of a well-established and financed studio resorting to crowd-funding. PoE did well enough to earn Obsidian healthy revenue throughout the coming year. They should be financially well-secured at this point and as long as they don't overreach, should remain afloat for a while to come. Since it was Obsidian that initiated the KS and Paradox only really came in as a publisher its safe to assume that Obsidian secured a lion's share of the profits. And even if they should need more money, with such a successful and highly-acclaimed title to show for it wouldn't be hard to secure funding from a 3rd party investor, one that doesn't care to influence games much. Imo crowd-funding should be reserved for studios and projects that cannot yet stand on their own two feet. KS can enable them to do that, that's what they're for. They're not meant to be preorders, 3 years in advance. I guess we differ in our perception of crowdfunding and its purpose. I don't think it should be used only as the last resort for start-ups and companies which can't get funding elsewhere, I'd rather see it as a viable alternative for established businesses too - on its own or as a supplement to funding from other sources. But I understand where you come from, I've seen this discussed before. In the end it's up to Obsidian, I'll be happy with any route they take as long as it allows them to make the games they want to make.
  20. They might not manifest as something obviously related to any deity, but I don't think they can look ordinary. "There are only two constants for godlike. First, the shape of their heads is distinctly and obviously unlike any other kith. It’s virtually impossible for them to conceal their nature without drawing an enormous amount of attention. Second, godlike limbs are always covered in some sort of growth (scales, feathers, talons, etc.) or energy that is also obviously not like other kith. It doesn’t prevent them from wearing clothing of any sort, but if their limbs are exposed, their nature is obvious to anyone who sees it." From their physical description, this part is the most interesting because it talks about things we haven't seen in the game: Skin: Skin tones sometimes come from the mother and father, but often are completely unnatural or blend into some sort of unnatural growth (e.g., moss, feathers, etc.). In many cases, godlike skin is completely unnatural, looking like it is made of water, fire, gold, or some other seemingly impossible material. Substances like fire or water have a realistic appearance, but do not burn or transfer moisture. Like many aspects of godlike physiology, their seemingly supernatural attributes defy commonly understood physical truths.
  21. Out of curiosity, what exactly does it reference?
  22. No, you should be able to move there from Elmshore. Check each border of the map, maybe you're just trying in the wrong place. I think this was the map where the road goes northeast, but you actually have to move on from southeast?
  23. Keep in mind that some information in the manual are outdated. You can split stacks by double-clicking them. One not so obvious system is detecting hidden objects and traps: it's entirely dependant on Mechanics, not Perception or Stealth, as you might think.
  24. Runic stone what? They look like a runic stone? Your take on Wael's mysteries is interesting, though.
  25. I thought deathlikes were Berath's too. Abydon is also associated with machines, golems in particular. Something in this direction? Wael is the eyeless face, but also he who sees. So either something shrouded, maybe literally eyeless with uncertain features, or alternatively: more eyes than normal and in strange places.
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