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Everything posted by Rosveen

  1. Solo, straight out of the caravan? I don't believe you.Possible with a cipher on hard, go have fun ^^I can easily accept it's possible, but I'm still not convinced it's a piece of cake as Urthor claimed. Certainly not enough to condescendingly comment on other people's problems with them.
  2. I would just like to point out that yellow font is unreadable on the mobile version.
  3. What shady sites? I thought people with box versions received two copies, physical and digital, so you can just play the digital one while waiting for the box. Was I mistaken?
  4. Double click on them. Least intuitive system ever.
  5. In case you're serious, I hasten to assure you the limerick isn't transphobic and the whole situation was blown out of proportion. In other words, you're late to the party, but thanks for trying! Have a cookie to sustain you on your way out.
  6. Oh, we complain about Bethesda bugs. I guess we're just used to them because it's been this way at least since Daggerfall and we all know we'll just have to wait for the brilliant unofficial patch team to fix what Bethesda didn't. These bugs are far more gamebreaking than anything you can find in Pillars, too, save for the stat bug which if severe, completely breaks difficulty. Daggerfall's main quest broke. Morrowind has a skill which doesn't work to this day (Unarmored), Oblivion still has the Abomb, Skyrim still can bloat your saves to the point of unplayability. Do you see now why I'm not bothered by Pillars?
  7. I haven't been affected by the stat bug, probably because I don't double click to equip items, I always drag and drop. It's one of the most bug-free releases I've experienced, my only problem are increasingly long saving times, but I don't see it as a major issue (unless it's some horrid bloat that's going to blow up my game at some point, then please do let me know. )
  8. You can create custom adventurers better than any of the recruitable companions, they aren't min-maxed. The most effective team would include the PC and five custom hirelings. The question is, do you really want to go this way on your first playthrough? Eder will make a decent tank. For your custom adventurer it would probably by best to create classes you can't find in the game, that is rogue, barbarian or monk. I have experience only with rogues and I can say they have a really high damage potential. Sneak attacks on foes affected by different status effects are really great. Melee rogues require a lot of micromamagement, ranged rogues would work beautifully in a party with other ranged characters buffed with the reload speed chant.
  9. INT also affects traps. It isn't the most useful stat for a rogue, I wanted to make a balanced char and maybe pass a few INT checks, so I put a few points into it, but I think they would have been beter spent on DEX.
  10. Solo, straight out of the caravan? I don't believe you.
  11. And all this because you died to a bear. Methinks we will all fondly remember this bear years from now, telling fledgling RPG players how some games didn't care you were new, lost and confused when they threw you into the harsh world.
  12. Just an observation: when you say no DLC, I read the game is finished and no new content will ever come. I know you IE folks like this expansion-DLC distinction, but it's quite confusing for those of us who normally hang out in other parts of the internet where everything is DLC. Heck, Pillars already has a few DLC: the pre-order and KS backer stuff. They were separate downloads for me on GOG. Anyway, I would stongly prefer it if Obsidian stuck with decently sized expansions and never tried this shameful nickel-and-diming the OP suggests. Luckily, I have no doubt Obsidian will do just that.
  13. I opened this thread with the intent of writing this same thing. Why hey there, Pseron. I didn't know you were here too.
  14. Obsidian devs are extremely talkative compared to my experience with other companies. If you want to see developer silence, come to Bethesda forum.
  15. Actually, you are entitled to ask for a refund or even take legal action if your rewards aren't delivered. Most start-ups wouldn't have the funds to issues refunds, it's true, but in case of Obsidian who apparently just made $7 mln on their new game, surely they can afford it - and it would be a blow to their reputation if they didn't. This is purely theoretical, because I see no reason why Obsidian wouldn't simply develop this expansion they promised.
  16. I found them to be kind of middle of the pack, though playing on normal definitely lowers the value of support classes like chanter and priest. Withdraw is extremely useful on Path of the Damned to protect engaged squishies and it's just a level 1 spell, but on normal I doubt it's even half as useful. Also I don't know if it's a bug but Holy Radiance does absurd damage to vessels. Durance would basically one-shot ALL those zombie kids in one click, it was pretty hilarious. His stats were normal btw, so it wasn't the stats stacking bug. You're right. On this difficulty I find it better to go with damage and be done with battles faster. I think I'll try Durance again in my next playthrough on higher difficulty (I like to focus on the world and the story with easier battles the first time I play).
  17. It takes you hours to reply to a mail? Or do you reply to 20 mails during every gaming session? Don't get me wrong, I'm not against your suggestions or anything, I just fail to see it as such a wide-spread problem. Like I said, I hardly ever tab out for hours. I lose maybe half an hour if I start chatting with someone on Steam or go make some food, but it doesn't happen often. Gaming time is for gaming, I can talk to people later.
  18. As a person, he's a horrid, small-minded little monster that needs a bullet in his brain. But he is such a wonderful source of lore. I love talking to him and soaking information like a sponge.
  19. More hassle than it's worth. I mean, who leaves a game minimized for hours? People normally just quit when they're busy with something else. When they say how long they played, it's usually an accurate number. If you ever talk to someone about your playtime, just explain that you often leave the game running in the background and try to make an educated guess how many hours were added this way. I was in this situation once, I have roughly 80 hours played of The Longest Journey. I have no idea how it happened, to be honest, I don't remember leaving it minimized. But I don't really care, what use is this number to me anyway?
  20. In what areas is he particularly useful? Low level, high level? I dropped him and Sagani for Hiravias and Grieving Mother when I found them, I don't really miss Durance at all (well, his spells. I do miss his personality). Maybe it's because I play on normal, so his buffs or debuffs aren't so important.
  21. I was surprised that I couldn't actually blackmail him, directly trading the affidavit for armor. I gave him the affidavit, then used that as an argument - a favor for a favor, it makes sense... and then he gave me 200 gold instead. Wut? Why didn't I have the option to scoff at the gold, perhaps with another chance to initiate combat? I mean, even the journal said I was supposed to obtain leverage, but in the end there was no blackmail involved, just killing the guy or persuading him for reasons other than my leverage. So why did I even need the affidavit? I could have just gone and killed him.
  22. Are you playing on your PC at the same time?
  23. I don't use Raptr, but wouldn't it just track all time the game was open, like Steam?
  24. To be fair, lockpicking and trap disarming aren't locked to a specific class anymore, so rogues aren't a necessity. They're basically just a different type of fighter. And I don't care if they're available or not, because my first character is always a rogue.
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