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Everything posted by Rosveen

  1. Not sure if serious, but... It's a region in Eora, home of the savannah folk. The Ixamitl Plains.
  2. True, there's no immediate reward, but I think it's possible we'll meet the dragon again in an expansion/sequel, which will be reward enough for me even without material profits (but we might get those too). I freed her because it fit my character. Like someone said above, it's killing two brids with one stone: solving Caed Nua problem and potentially gaining a powerful ally. I'm not entirely comfortable with destroying the dragon hunter, but oh well, I had to kill someone either way and I have more respect for dragons. I mean, I know she's responsible for many deaths, but don't you feel a tinge of regret at killing such an ancient, majestic creature?
  3. Wichts aren't just any hollowborn: they're hollowborn who have been implanted with animal souls. Them receiving the soul initially meant for their body would, one hopes, work out a little better. But all these changes already happened, they developed into monsters shunned by their own families. What will happen when a kith soul is sent into these broken, half-kith bodies? Even assuming they won't receive souls since they already were implanted with them, sending their proper souls back into the Wheel, what happens to those who were never victims of the Salvation? Infants and yet unborn babies will probably be just fine, but what about older children?
  4. Sagani's Might (and other companion attributes) was changed in the patch. I don't think it's retroactive, so if you recruited her before the patch, you're stuck with lower Might.
  5. @Sleazebag You're tripping on hallucinogenic frogs and talking to a tree, are you really surprised that its voice sounds stupid?
  6. I most definitely brokered a truce there on my second runthrough.How? You can convince Hylea to accept your decision to leave the dragon alive, but you can't actually talk the dragon into living semi-peacefully. She and her kids are still a massive danger to all kith in the vicinity and the temple stays unusable. Not that I complain, I mean it's a dragon, I can't blame her for not caring what pesky little humans want of her.
  7. If I remember correctly, there are certain options what to do with his soul, and one of them is consume it for your own good.I didn't get the option to consume it, but I had two different "tear apart". I got Skaen too. Rogue drifter, killed Skaenites, erased the girl's memory and sent her to the clergy, 1 in Deceptive and Cruel. Don't know what else could have been a factor.
  8. Lol, yeah, that response was hilarious. But it totally makes sense, she should appreciate parenthood, no? How did she react to it, by the way? I went with fire. My actual motivation was death, but I figured it doesn't mesh well with her question about creation. I did choose Berath's way in the end...
  9. I didn't even know what Path of Exile was until I saw someone confuse it with Pillars.
  10. This is exactly why I'd like paid official top notch DLC for this; and it really is a nice to have. If they make it i expect it would sell very well depending on price.Define "very well". Voice acting is expensive and Pillars has only 300k owners on Steam, probably fewer on GOG. How many don't care about full VO? How many care, but not enough to blow $20+ on it? Would the rest be enough to fund full VO at all, let alone top notch? That's assuming you can be sure they'd buy the DLC and aren't just theoretizing about it on the forum.
  11. Actually, you can craft Exceptional and then improve to Superb when/if you acquire an adra dragon scale. Quality is the one enchantment that can be changed (if you have free enchant slots, of course).
  12. Aloth. For most of the game I didn't dislike him, I just didn't care about him at all. When we started talking more and with all that Leaden Key business, he became more annoying. He remained a servant till the end, why would I like that kind of personality? It's my own fault, I suppose, because I didn't encourage him to value himself more during the conversation on the bridge. But IIRC my best option there was telling him I want him by my side as a friend, and that would be lying. Not only weren't we friends ('cause like I said, I didn't care about him), but I also didn't think he was trustworthy. He lied to me all along, how could I insantly forgive something like this? I should have kicked him out of the party, but I thought he could still be useful. So yeah, him. Hiravias grew on me, not necessarily his, erm... evocative language, but I genuinely cared about his struggles with his spirit form. Pallegina felt underdeveloped rather than uninteresting, I wish I saw more of her.
  13. No, but why wouldn't there be? After taxes, publisher cuts, and other costs, I'm not sure if Obsidian earned enough money to fully finance their next game, but even if they did, Kickstarter is a great way to gain additional funding. With the stellar reviews Pillars is getting from players and journalists both, this new campaign certainly wouldn't suffer from lack of interest.
  14. "But"? The Grieving Mother agreed with me that returning the souls to broken bodies wouldn't be a good decision. I released them back into the Wheel. My next playthrough will be Galawain, I like the idea of strengthening the living with that which was lost.
  15. To be fair, if I could censor (or outright mute) a high school bus, I would do it without hesitation.
  16. Off the top of my head, there's a graveyard in Esternwood, catacombs in Copperlane and a few tombstones in Heritage Hill.
  17. Off. It's more immersive this way and new options will be a surprise during my next playthrough. However, I think I'll turn them on next time to see just how many and how varied they are. I can't assess the work Obsidian put into it if I don't know what's a stat check and what's normal dialogue.
  18. Yes, Mechanics is responsible for detecting hidden objects, disarming traps and opening locks. Perception might be responsible for the range of detection, but I haven't tested it myself, I just saw someone mention it here on the forum. Either way, you won't spot anything with low Mechanics.
  19. There is one in the Endless Paths that requires 11 or 12 (I'm not sure, but I know it was more than 10). Also a door with 12, but this can be opened with 11 + lockpicks.
  20. The weak point of this kind of game is that consequences of your actions are usually seen only in ending slides, not in gameplay.
  21. I don't understand the obsession with VO. When I play fully voice acted games, I skip half the dialogues anyway because I can read them faster. I listen only to the most important conversations (which partial VO already allows) and particularly well-acted side characters (which probably won't be all that common in a fan-made VO mod).
  22. The problem is, I never needed high level stealth for this. I got to 5, I think, on my rogue because I thought I'd use Backstab regularly, hell was I wrong. So I stopped pumping it and also didn't give much or anything at all to my companions. I still did perfectly fine in combat. Positioning is probably more important on higher difficulties (I play on Normal), but even so, that means I have a skill now that isn't worth maxing out. In fact, only two skills are worth maxing out on someone (Mechanics and Lore), two are useful for anyone with just a few points (Lore and Athletics) and others are just... there. Might come in handy here and there, but if you don't have them, it isn't a problem at all. That's a strangely small variety of skills to invest in.
  23. Nah, I'm not a goody-two-shoes, but I'm more benevolent than cruel and I still ended up with 50k gold during act 2 and kept it for the rest of the game, burning some for the stronghold but generally making more money still. I think temple of Skaen alone made me 10+k gold thanks to my neverending stash (someone really needs to mod it out and/or add encumberance).
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