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Everything posted by Jarmo

  1. There needs to be a big spike right about now, or it's no go. If there is, 3,5 is doable, if not, the current rate will carry over 3.0, but if this is just a spike, even 3.0 will be a near run thing.
  2. Races and classes should have bonuses on stats, but no maximums. And all stats should be easily gamed. If you just want to whack stuff with a big hammer, you shouldn't need int to raise the skill like fallout, or anything. Just max on con+str+dex. But if you want to be a smooth talker and charmer, wise beyond your years and a swordsman of note... well that's going to be tough.
  3. I wouldn't like to play as one. Don't really care if they're in the game or not. If there's a call for a barbarin style race, it's no difference to me whether they're orcs, goblins, hobgoblins, gnolls, bugbears, trollkin, ogrespawn, kobolds or whatever. And I'd definitely prefer there's only one race. Variety of just the same kinds of creatures with different name and appearance don't hold appeal. For the first 10 years after first reading Lord of the Rings it was important every rpg would have them, and it was real annoying when RuneQuest would try to not have orcs at all. But the interest leveled out, even if it took a long time. And I've never been into Warcraft or Warhammer, so there's no interest from that direction either. So mark me down as "whatever", don't really care either way. But like asking if I want city guards with halberds and chainmail. Umm.... don't see why not, sure, but I'm not going to fuss over it.
  4. Definitely not the "more damage - less ammo" balancing act, because that'd just make it all the more important to run back to town after every second battle. And bows absolutely shouldn't be the most effective killer weapons, no matter how powerful bows are made, hitting someone with an axe or sword or spear should still do more damage.
  5. Thinking about this a bit more. I could see this becoming the standard exploit when hauling loot back. One extra looted suit of armor per character is essentially weightless since the weight of their original armor disappears when adding the new one. Same with weapons. Instead of reducing, I think this would increase micromanagement amongst power players. You wouldn't just toss 3 armors on one guy 5 weapons for the next, but divy them up so they don't add as much total weight.
  6. Yes for this. Not b-category, this needs to happen. At least the oft used cheat of an animation where characters seem to put the weapon on their back and it just disappears. (what games did this? nwn?) Prefereably show the sword/axe/mace on the side, bigger weapons, 2-handed swords and axes, bows on the back. Really big ones, guess halberds and longspears just shouldn't be sheathed (unless the first method is used).
  7. Going over 10K/hour now, highest since day 2. I think I'm not exaggerating if I say it'll be interesting to see if it's merely a spike or if the pace holds.
  8. Looks so good I just cried a little.
  9. Did they say it's a mockup? I'm under the impression it was built with the technology. Far as I know, the technology (unity engine 4) doesn't even exist yet. So I'd guess the 3D (maya?, whatever) thingie used to render the background is what they'll be using, but the stuff that'd be added as live 3D thingies would be done a photoshop mockup at this point. Far as I know, which ain't all that far when talking about game development.
  10. So.. that's a mockup, a target of what they're heading for? Since it's there, the base quality will be there in the finished product, but will the water be "alive", waterfall and all. The trees sway in the wind? Grass? Absolutely loving the style. Really psyched about this now!
  11. Didn't notice that, thanks. One $20 pledge just freed up and I'm on my way towards the prestigious vip-status.
  12. I'm going to be nerdy enough to tell you that your gandolf discription is no good. He clearly has a LOT of magical power backing his fighting abilities. He didn't kill the Balrog in a head on fight with nothing but wisdom. Simply put, he was one of the most poweful beings in middle-earth. </nerd> Buah, he didn't fight the balrog. He just tricked it into a crossing which broke under balrogs weight. The poking of the bridge with the stick was just for show. Even that he fumbled though, faelling alongside the monster and had to be saved by the railroading DM. "Fighting all the way down while falling" was just his embellishment, the old coot was probably shrieking in terror.
  13. The 5th missing option. Both: I want all my companions to have interesting personalities and stories knit into the world. After I've played the game through with all possible companions, I'd like to see about making my own party. ... and I didn't notice this was an undead thread.
  14. Mostly I'd like to fight humans and other playable races. I was going to vote "mostly established" as I don't want to meet a bewildering bunch of new thingies. But then I started thinking what the established monsters are, and I really could do without beholders or gelatinous cubes or carrion crawlers or any of the old D&D silly wonderments. Believable, spooky, monstrous, demonic. All are fine if they're rare. And please go light with the undead...
  15. There might have been an uptick, which you could bypass by big enough purchase. As for the counter, say you go buy a horse and it's $1000, then you ask what's the price if you buy a 100 of them. They ain't going to say "in that case it'll be $1200 each". Most likely you'll get a discount to, say $900. Making the game economy with the mindset of punishing the player isn't going to lead anyplace good either.
  16. I'll probably up my pledge a bit in any case. Either to a midrange digital tier or, if a developer confirms a drm-free dvd (instead of a coaster + gog download), to one of the nicer boxes. I dont really need any more game content updates to confirm me.
  17. Fable had a dynamic economy system trying to be all clever. Item prices were calculated by supply and demand, if you sold a lot of something that'd bring the price down and if you bought something the price would increase. I think the rarity also factored in. So if a barrel of beer would cost 100GP and you'd buy all hundred of them from the shop, now the demand seems to be high and the amount they have is low, so the shopkeeper would mark the price up to 150. Then you'd sell them all back for a nice profit of 50GP per barrel. Now they have a surplus so theyll mark the price down to 75. Then you buy them all back again. What I'm saying here, is if there's an attempt to dynamize the economy, it'd better be a good one. And it's probably not worth the effort anyway.
  18. Right. Wouldn't mind coming across the enchantress/succubus of the fourth picture though. Nope. As long as that's not trying to pass for the ladies version of a mail hauberk. Doesn't have to be directly lifted from history, a bit of extragavant fantasy stuff works for me. Then again, I'd love to see a varangian guard inspired designs, or something to that direction. --- And if there's a screenshot shown, it'll have to be a mockup. Could show the direction they're thinking about, but even that's liable to change.
  19. There's a slight problem with this, which FO:NV handles better and Skyrim not so much. There are some followers in Skyrim with default heavy iron armor, when you give them a better one they have to carry both.,, and can't carry much else. FO:NV doesn't give them very heavy stuff, it's not such a big deal to lug around an extra power fist or shotgun, and those can (and do) come in handy sometimes. Could be a similar problem in Eternity, assuming there's this knight with his own Plate Armor, give a plate +1 and he's encumbered. This could be handled easily enough though, with a dialogue option enabling you to gift the given item instead of (default) lending it. So you give the new armor through gift item, say "I want you to have this for your own", he'll either say: "gee, thanks!" and further "guess I don't need my old one anymore" and then you can remove the old armor from him. Or he goes "thanks, but no thanks" if you're trying to gift him a leather loincloth and a wooden stick so you'd be able to steal his better stuff. Some problems abound, when item is not strictly better in every detail. Say try to give a mail hauberk giving +2 strength in exchange for his plate armor. Maybe go by item resale value?
  20. Everything but colonization, even that might be kicking in about now. Assuming magic has a large impact, more primitive might not be less powerful. So maybe cultures with more magic would be the ones on top. Except now, with the gunpowder weapons starting to put the hurt in. If twenty years of mage training can be countered by 4 recruits who've spent a weekend at the range, that's tilting the balance quite a bit. As for the rest, well... it really depends. I think I'll be ok with whatever is presented. That's just stuff I'm ok seeing and I'd really like to see a realism filled rpg set in medieval europe one of these years. Because there's not a whole lot of those.
  21. If there's a penalty (even XP) with resurrecting characters I'll just reload instead. Except if it's ironman try, but it won't be on the first playthrough. I almost liked the -10HP and you're dead, but that stops working at high levels when opponents whack 40HP strikes. I'd suggest an equal amount of negative HP, so if you have 50 HP you're unconscious at 0 HP, only dead when at -50.
  22. Sparrow and Tyrion are rogues. Sparrow might be 2nd edition one, with a swashbuckler kit. Tyrion is not high level and has put all points on knowledge and speech skills, a bit on acrobacy but nothing to traditional thievery (a diplomat build). Gandalf has to use mainly his wits because that's all he has. The guy is a badly built 1st level wizard, who's put all his points into WIS instead of INT. He knows a single cantrip, a zero level light which he can maintain for a couple of seconds once a day. He also has a magic staff he relies on, the one that casts a weak 1st level burning hands. Dumbledore is just a cheat. Leveled up and all stats maxed by a console hack. Not quite as blatantly as Elminster, but enough to be banned from all servers.
  23. Let's assume in this case the whole 100K is blown on getting Ziets onboard. So... what else worthwhile could they get for the same cashpile? And extra developer with some other name? It's not like Obsidian is giving Ziets a pile of money just to get his name on the back cover of the box. I'm almost sure they'll actually make him work for it, doing some writing, making coffee, or something.
  24. I think there's already too many classes by half, but a shapeshifter companion could be neat.
  25. U made Mongols lol. Chinese and Japan armorers lol too. That's brigandine, or coat of plates or whatever it's called. The rivet thingies hold the metal plates in place. The important bit is, there's metal plates or sheets or whatever under the cloth. It's not just pointy things for cool. Wikipedia Brigandine. The indian model is there as well.
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