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Everything posted by Jarmo

  1. My take is, you should get 50K XP for talking the dragon into letting you pass, and then another 50K XP if you decide you'll need the practice and decide to kill it anyway. If you do both, give XP for both. And this leads to different XP rewards for different playstyles, which leads to balance issues. And I just dont care a bit about that.
  2. While I'm with the "XP for things you do, not for goals" crowd, running past and avoiding opponents does fit my image of things a vampire would do, rather than going all combat with everybody. Never played BL though, so can't say if I'd have hated the system or not. Anyway, I'm happy the devs are discussing this and hope they come up with a working system, whatever kind it happens to be. I'm sure I'll enjoy the game anyway, whether the system is all this or that or a combination.
  3. 13 levels... is more than what Temple of Elemental Evil had (even if you add up moathouse) and that's pretty much all that game had. Utter madness! :D
  4. I'd like weaker potions with longer durations. Gulp down a couple giving skin hardening/damage reduction, combat reflexes and stamina/health increase/regeneration. Then fight the fight, hopefully before the effects die out and side effects kick in. I liked the witcher system as well...
  5. Hey cool, 4.0 millions reached! And if I read the goal correctly, they'll be using every last penny between 3.5 and 4.0 to enhance the whole of romances in the game! Adding new romance scripts and quests, doing live recorded romantic music, violins mostly (but with a bass at the most romantic scenes). And there'll be a lot of added romance animations. And I heard you can totally do the giant statue in the endless dungeons.
  6. Just woke up and went to see the project status and HOLY THUNDER WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!!!! Just look at that graph go! The last hours totally dwarf even the unbelievable crazy beginning. Well played, well done, cheers! I'm getting misty.
  7. Not winding down! o____O Over 40K per hour now, faster rate than day one!
  8. Two hours at about 35K/hr, I'd say it'll start winding down now. Wayy higher than I could have expected, a wild crazy spike.
  9. 24K in the last hour and looks like the speed is not slowing down at all. Actually it looks like this might be a 300K final day.
  10. Polish it until it shines and make sure there's plenty of extra polish left for after the game's released. There'll be new bugs popping up a year after release and I'd like to see those fixed as well.
  11. Convenience. Easy entrance, a loot chest somewhere right next to where you appear from quicktravel, possible enchanting or workbenches or whatevers right next door. New Vegas had this sweet hotel suite, which I never used because I'd quick travel to downstairs and had to go in and take the elevator. Instead I stayed in that scrubby novac motel, all the necessities right next door, much better. Quests and stuff, developing the place pretty much what NWN2 had.
  12. Sort of. I wouldn't have minded if BG's end "chace the bad guys through endless labyrinth and whack endless amounts of monsters" had been cut to a quarter. And I have never played a game that's too short. Not even the NWN modules that'd only take a couple of hours. But I've never felt any game should have less meaningful content and less quests either. It's just the lets make it last longer by adding more busywork and another more hordes of enemies to slaughter that's irritating. The good old sidequests: deliver this to the man so he can tell you to deliver the next thing to the woman, so she'll ask you to go see the old man, who sends you back to the woman to get peanuts, then back to the old man who now sends you back to the man (living next door to the woman) who'll ask you to go to the woods to get a stick and then tells you to go to the old man, who now gives you butter, then back to the woman who can use the stick, peanuts and butter to make peanut butter. Which you then deliver to the man and get 20XP and 5GP. And between every trip it's necessary to fight robbers and wolves and spiders. And then back to the main plot. Like, Mass Effect 2 wasn't a long game, what 20+ hours? But,,, was it 5 hours for the main quest, 5 hours of companion quests and interaction, and then 10 hours of busywork. I'd have been happier with a 10 hr game sans the busywork.
  13. I'd guess it just symbolises the end of the kickstarter and nothing more than that. It's more fun if there's a feel of "we are there now, gone all the way" when the campaign is over, instead of leaving on some road wondering if we're still going somewhere. ---- And with gone all the way, I obviously mean the bisexual necrophilic romancing of the lich in the castle.
  14. How about level scaling where it's done by game designers, not some automated system? Mask of the Betrayer must have had automatic one as well, but still.. there were epic gnolls. In lots of games you meet orcs in the beginning and then twice as strong orcs later.
  15. I'd guess there'll just be the final amount (with paypal) and a "kickstarter over" or some such note.
  16. Yea, the main problem is the lack of a proper word to describe an unarmed martial artist. There are lots of people who go real deep into whatever form they practice, but you don't go call a savate champ a monk. Boxer is a boxer, thai boxer a thai boxer. A monk can train kung fu, but it's usually not a job requirement. Maybe dalai lama can totally kick ass and then maybe not. If Eternity pulls off monks using spiritual energy to enhance their fighting abilities, hitting power, damage reflection/reduction, that sort of stuff, it can really work out and make sense. There'd be normal brawlers, but without power fists they wouldn't do much real damage or be able to survive very long without armor.
  17. Going to go about 100K over the target, ie hit the 3.5 even excluding paypal. Which is nice. And that's a concervative estimate.
  18. http://www.gog.com/en/gamecard/darklands Works on Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, because the folks at gog.com are pretty awesome.
  19. Oh yeah, I remember that poll now. None of the options seemed fitting so I didn't vote back then.
  20. How much to be on the safe side over the pledgers backing down, not having the cash when it's asked and such? There will be those, but how much is that usually? 1/10th of a percentage (3.5K), one percent (35K)? Less? More?
  21. I wonder how the votes would have gone a week ago, when it wasn't known this is the way developers are going to go. Certainly many actually think this is the best way to go, while (some/many?) give the vote as a vote of confidence for the developers. Had the question actually been "do you think Eternity XP system, as intended by the developers, will work out fine", I'd have voted for. Nothing wrong with either approach, just something I'd like to know. But absent time machine, we'll never have the answer to that one.
  22. Trying to point out I think I can see both sides of the argument, I just prefer one way over the other. No matter how you dole out XP it's a completely artificial thing, no getting away from that.
  23. Well young whippersnapper, so you want to know how I became the finest swordsman in the country? Well let me tell you. I've run away from orcs, and goblins and kobolds, I've begged for my life having been caught by bugbears, I've negotiated my own ransom when I surrendered to the brigands. I jumped off to a thorn bush to escape the ice trolls and when the dragon attacked I dug myself into a dung heap. And if you don't see how that taught me to fence like a god, you just don't understand how goal based XP works. And before anyone points it out, no I can't explain how you learn to pickpocket or open locks by hacking monsters with a scythe either. Actually I could really go for a runequest style crpg...
  24. What, like bad game design? So now Fallout 1 and 2 are badly designed games? Ok, each to his own. I can see how the game is easier to balance, when there's a fixed amount of XP available, and the developers know pretty much to a point how much you have in the end. I've played really darn good NWN and NWN2 modules where the XP for quests only was implemented, and it worked out just fine. So I really do think it can and will work. It's only I prefer you get XP for doing stuff, not from meeting the artificial objective. And yeah, I never really liked the quest completed XP boost in the old IE games either.
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