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Everything posted by Karkarov

  1. I guess it had to happen eventually but I despise Nexus mods . Let me try to get this running on gog.
  2. My customs look wrong in that size for small. Are you sure? They look fatter. Yeap I am sure. The reason is they may look a little off is because Obisidian is scaling the portraits based on the size of the party window in game which is actually larger than the portrait. It should be fairly subtle though.
  3. You realize there are armors in game that can have reduced speed penalty, or other special effects right? Also dex can counter the effects of armor speed penalty. There is plenty of reason to wear lighter armors in the game. Stop metagaming and play it for yourself on release, before assuming the whole system is borked.
  4. I believe you should always respect an artists wishes and where possible give them credit where due. However I also know that once something is out there, it is out there, and no one will ever use a portrait in their portrait pack or game if it has a watermark on it. To quote an Inn Guard most of us have met.... Common sense rules the day. We should try to be more respectful about the concerns of all artists and their work regardless though. On the other hand from the artist side please try to understand people using your work this way is actually complimentary to you and shows their regard for the quality of your work, even if they are using it in a way you don't like.
  5. All depends on what you want to do with your Cipher. Fair warning, I wouldn't really drop con on any character below 10. You will get hit sooner or later and if your con is low your endurance is low and that one hit may be all it takes. That said unless you plan on meleeing with your cipher (which is where I prefer them) you can safely ignore con for the most part. Like I said though I would never intentionally make a character with less than 10 con.
  6. I still have the PoE beta in my library, but Steam shows that I still do not own the full game. When did you receive your key and where did you get it from? Really need to read the sticky posts, or just other threads in general. There are like a 100 of these threads in the last two days. Meanwhile as has been known for over 6 months the backer beta doesn't turn into anything. Once the real game releases you can delete it.
  7. If only if only. Actually Grom I don't even remember. Don't remember what I guess either after the first redo. I think there was some talk of a free extra key?
  8. At retail collectors you only get 1 digital key and the physical disc which will show up sooner or later. Your digital key can be for either GoG or Steam and will be a "Royal Edition" key.
  9. Yeah at this point backer beta keys can no longer be generated and if you hadn't used yours before it is gone now.
  10. I have to ask Luckmann. Why is having a talent you plan to make no use of at all must have for your character? You aren't going to make any use of it and weapon focus represents extensive training with a given set of weapons. Not having extensive training with weapons you don't use kind of makes sense from a roleplay point... just saying.
  11. Thank you! Not quite. If "DAMAGE" is your top concern Might is always the #1 stat, period. Dexterity is okay but you don't need to invest in it in some heavy way. Int is good if you plan to do a lot of aoe based casting, if you plan to spec more into the charm/control side of things it might not be that helpful to you though I would not ignore it. You may want to consider a little perception as well to help with Interrupts. Also don't consider dialogue nonsense at all in your character build. There is no such thing as a "dialogue" character in this game. Obsidian has tracked every usage of a stat or skill in conversation to see how often it is used and apparently balanced the game so that all stats/skills are basically used evenly. Additionally "skill" choices in dialogue are not even necessarily the "right" choice in Eternity and many times simply lead to more flavor not a superior outcome. Sometimes using a skill/stat based dialogue choice actually leads to sub optimal results.
  12. Any class can be a DPS to some extent. This is not DnD so I suggest throwing any DnD concept you had out the window then lighting it on fire. Anyone can use any weapon armor combo you want. Yes that means you can play a wizard in full plate dual wielding battle axes if that is what floats your boat. There might even be a way to make it a decent viable build through certain spells too. The best DPS I have found so far in game are Rogues and Ciphers. Barbarians and Druids (depending on how you make them) are probably the best "aoe" dps. Any class can do solid damage though with the right weapons, stat choices, talents, and abilities. Remember - No matter what character you make the Might stat = DPS. Yes it even increases damage on spells and ranged weapons.
  13. Is it possible to play with one character? Yes. Would I advise it? No. Will the game actually be winnable with one character? No one has tested to see if it is. If you have to go one character I suggest Chanter since they get summons and can be fairly tanky. I don't see any other class having much of a chance solo short of trying to game the system by manipulating AI or the engagement system.
  14. Unlikely, there is even a warning when you generate the key that it is a one time choice and you can't take it back. Also, why does it matter? Why are people so hung up on preloading, this isn't a 50gig download. Or is it people actually like steam achievements?
  15. Like MasterPrudent said, yes, the premade characters all have their own backstory, dialogue, and quests associated with them just like Jaheira from Baldur's Gate, Neeshka from NWN2, or even Varric from Dragon Age 2/Inquisition. One notable difference is this game has no romance though, so you won't be getting any hanky panky with any companions . You can also hire "blank" custom made adventurers at adventuring halls all over the game. Depending on what level you hire them at they cost more or less, and you have total control of them as characters. Adventurers Halls are normally found in taverns apparently. The drawback here is they obviously have no dialogue or quests and are just literal blank slates with no personality other than the one you imagine for them. As far as party comp goes it can be anything with the only rule being you must have your main character in the party. Past that it can be all premade, all custom, some mix of both, or ever just your character by themselves or with only one or two other people. Nothing forces you to use a full party.
  16. I had more than one key so I picked both. Of course the GoG version is what I will be playing, I gave the Steam ones to friends.
  17. Grazes aren't as huge a damage loss as they used to be, they have changed the formula extensively over the BB beta to move away from a "accuracy and not grazing is better dps than pumping things that straight increase dps" formula. So while that is a good bonus, don't expect it to make the weapon somehow the be all end all of dps. Many classes have talents that will even give you 20% or more graze converts with any attack.
  18. I can give you a 48 hour window guesstimate. I assure you my 48 hour window has a 100% chance of being correct too.
  19. Yeah Stun, it clearly needs to be delayed. No way it will be ready by the 26th. January 2016 or bust.
  20. Why was this thread of all the threads out there necro'd? AGAIN?
  21. Quoted for truth. This is exactly how the stats worked like 3 BB versions ago. The manual is probably just wrong.
  22. The BB is a stand alone thing, it does not get "upgraded" to the real version. When the real game release just delete the BB it will serve no purpose anymore.
  23. I doubt it is all that prevalent in the game. I don't recall much or any profanity in the backer beta. Then again I did once cause a sailor to cry and run in terror with horrendous volumes of profane artistry splurging from my mouth.
  24. Just to throw it out there again, and not to toot my own horn, but I did have a custom portrait thread created the same day the backer beta came out and I even did a bunch of research and included info on what works and what doesn't So here once more is a link to that thread if you want to know how to actually make a custom portrait. http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/66894-how-to-make-custom-portraits/ Also because this is super super important I will say it now. Do not use images of greater size than Obsidians portraits. The scale of the image doesn't matter. If the image is larger or smaller than the default size the game will scale it horribly and it will look blurry and awful in game. Crop your images to the intended size, trust me.
  25. Just as an official update UI wise a few announcements! All four Kark bars will now support these resolutions 100% for launch day- 1280x720 1440x900 1600x900 1920x1080 2560x1440 Sadly the bars will not work with any resolution greater than 1920x1080 UNLESS it is a 16x9 resolution. So sorry 1920x1200 lovers it isn't going to happen, the games scaler hates you. Additionally more work was done on the log and log tab so they are looking a little cleaner and improved. Per Falkon's request all UI images (and the Atlas) are also now 96 ppi. Lastly lots and lots and lots of party border concepts got made, improved, trashed, edited, enhanced, and rebuilt. In the end Bester and I feel like there was a set of them that were good enough for release, but since there were so many and it was hard deciding what should be the default we are just going to include the ones we consider the best in the mod and let you the player decide which ones you want to use. All you have to do is pick the one you like best, make a backup of "ActionBarAlternate.png" and rename the Atlas image you like to "ActionBarAlternate.png" then drop it in the iemod/buttons folder. The mod will also come with a comparison image so you can see what all the borders look like without having to actually boot the game. There should also be plenty of options to choose from, including color blind party highlight options, more art oriented frames, and some minimalist style frames too. Something for everyone we hope!
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