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Everything posted by Karkarov

  1. See I was just making a DnD joke when I posted that but it will be hilarious if true. All the haters gonna have to get over it, after all, it is just like in the IE games!
  2. I wonder why you guys don't just start a new thread with an updated OP that has the correct, or at least, mostly correct info. We mostly all know who the 8 are at this point, the question is just who are these other three and are they just the temp companions like Calisca?
  3. You guys are the comical ones. No one on this forum (from a business perspective) matters. We are all statistically likely to have already purchased the game. Those of us who haven't are almost 100% locks to buy it on the day it comes out. This forum is what we call a "niche" though, to suggest that the majority gamer opinion is reflected here is beyond hilarious. So when I posted what I did, I knew I would get comments like yours. Bloodbourne is the spiritual successor to a game that has been called "One of the 10 best games ever made" by most of gaming journalism. It also happens to be a mature, dark, gritty themed gothic action RPG. I shouldn't really need to explain why people might be interested in both, and why some people of limited budget and means may have to choose one or the other. I mean they literally come out two days apart. If Bloodbourne were a PC release Eternity likely would have been a footnote on the steam main page and it would have had no chance in hell of topping the sales chart on release like Divinity did. So I am not saying they shouldn't have released the game. I am saying "Man, they sure do know how to pick release schedules that happen to fall on the same week as other major RPG releases don't they?" I am also saying maybe releasing a couple weeks earlier, or a couple weeks later, would have seen no real competition of any kind on the RPG front. Divinitiy didn't run the show on steam for around 3 weeks because it was that great a game, or not a niche title. It was because nothing of any account came out that month other than Divinitiy, especially RPG wise.
  4. Personally what worries me is your launch date. Pillars is coming out two days after a much better known, much more anticipated and advertised action RPG in general called Bloodbourne. Pillar's one advantage is that Bloodbourne happens to be a PS4 exclusive.
  5. Okay to be fair he has a point. If it has to be all the way down to someones butt or rivaling Rapunzel before you consider it to be "long" then no, there is no long hair in game. If you consider top of shoulders a teensy bit past that to be long, then yes.
  6. I still stand by my "if it is a tank PER since it actually give you a tank stat (deflection)". If it is not a tank and just a DPS go for DEX.
  7. Depends. Are they duel wielding or going two hander? Are you going to be in melee or at range? If in melee will you actually be a tank or just a clean up fighter? Assuming you want to be an actual tank in the thick of it in melee go Perception. You will eventually get armored grace and perception increases your deflection. Assuming you are going to be mixing it up but not a tank specifically? Go Dex, faster attack speed (once they fix it) will be a nice little pip to your dps and you can skip armored grace altogether since you aren't a tank and surely wear lighter armor with lower penalty as a result. Or god forbid... go half and half. Believe it or not Dex and Perception work REALLY well when taken together.
  8. If your goal is to make a crazy barbarian death dealer type fellow then yes, you want to max might and put as much as you can in Int. Past that I would throw at least a few points into Con and possible Perception for added deflection bonus and interrupt chance. You could also throw a couple points at Dex to increase weapon speed if you really feel the need. I would ignore Resolve entirely. I do not advise ever dumping any stat below 10 but that's your call, if you do, do it with Resolve or Dex. Two handers are generally considered better for melee damage because they have higher damage ranges and everything in game is based on percent. So when you start with a higher base number your damage bonuses will get better payout. Two handers also have a range advantage which plays well into your Barbarian build concept. Weapon of choice is up to you. I would advise going with a great sword or morning star to fit your RP concept but any of the other two handers could work too. If you want to maximize speed I would advise sticking with Hide or Leather armor. They will offer some defense without bending you over too much on speed penalties. Breastplate is actually the sweet spot if you ask me but it totally doesn't fit your character concept. Skill wise you want to focus on athletics and survival. Throw some stuff at Lore and Stealth when you can but don't focus them. Ignore mechanics for this character entirely. Statline specifics I would go with .... 18 Might, 12 Con, 10 Dex, 12 Perception, 16 Int, 10 Resolve. Reverse Perception and Dex for taste if you feel the need.
  9. There is also the fact that various Obsidian staff have gone on record saying they don't like writing Romance, Sawyer is one of them. Even if they had a mil more than they did, there was still going to be no romance in game 1. They decided that in the planning stages themselves I wager. To respond to OP: There are plenty of hairstyles, yes female elves can have long hair. There are plenty of armors including robes, plain old rags, tatty animal hides, cultist robes, regular peasant clothing, simple tunics, etc etc. Combat is real time but you can pause it whenever you want and you can also set up a number of auto pause clauses such as pause when an enemy is sighted. Guess you don't want to buy the game then. There is no respawn, but there is also very little if any reason to revisit a place once you clear it out since your inventory is infinite so you have no excuse to not do everything in one go short of running out of camping supplies and being forced to return to town. There is no romance in Pillars of Eternity. It will be moddable, some mods already exist, it will not be easy.
  10. True, there's not much new here (although he did explain some details about souls that was new to me). But... Man.... Watching something like this, when you know the game is only 3 weeks away just feels so much more powerful. Gotta concur with Stun. I didn't learn anything from this video at all and I don't care, it was still a great watch! 21 days to go baby!!!
  11. It wouldn't be possible because there are no props. The maps in Eternity are all flat 2d images. Every map was made is just a picture... there is no map editor, no texture importer, no props. If someone makes an eternity map they have to make the whole thing by hand, then by hand, do the entire navmesh based on the image. Can someone make a map image. Sure. But if it isn't up the graphical standard of what is already in game and does not match that "look" it will stand out like a sore thumb. And again, good luck setting up the mesh, creating all the triggers, linking the areas, making the encounters, etc etc. It would be a monumental task.
  12. Yeah no offense or anything man but adding some UI mods, or creating some basic game functions that already exist in a slightly more efficient way is not a huge deal. DOTA was a mod, but it was a game that already existed and they put 100% of their game out there to mod as people wanted and even had support for it. Blizzard even went on to create it's own code language for modding pretty much all their games. Then you have Eternity. Made on a customized version of Unity which is not the free version which you will never get access to. Possibly including unique code or functions written just for this game that will never be explained, pointed out, or a wiki on what they do and how to modify them. Maps that are designed in a unique way very different from anything existing in any current game on the market, maps that have to be made by hand from the ground up and manually meshed out, not in a "map editor". I have talked to a few people about creating custom UI bars for this game already and possibly including scaling of the UI components already. When asked about the work they made it clear doing UI replacement was not easy.... at all. Actual Scaling of the UI? Basically they would have to code their own scaler from the ground up and build it themselves because the one that exists in engine doesn't actually work and makes everything blurry post scale. That's funny cause every game you talked about modding included functions that allowed the things I asked for easily from day one. Don't assume every game was made to support mods, or that just because it was made using some form of Unity everything will be easy. This game is not "mod friendly" and will never "support mods". It just isn't outright impossible to mod it, big difference.
  13. Lul this again. Junta is going all marxist but this is really simple. If the game makes enough money that Obsidian feels like they can self fund the sequel they will do that because the process is cleaner and they wont have to worry so much about doing all the extra crap that comes from being a kickstarter game. This would be the ideal end honestly, but it is also the statistically most unlikely of all possible things to happen. If the game sells well for them but not enough to self fund only they have options. They could take these numbers to a publisher (like Paradox ) and note that the game did well and ask for some additional monies so they can go make their sequel. That is sort of the normal way of making a game, god forbid, then they go from there. Likewise they could go the Kickstarter route again (nothing really wrong with this) and we start this train all over just we tag a 2 on the end of it and it is no longer titled "Project". One of those two results is the most likely way Eternity 2 gets made. Then there is worst case scenario. Eternity simply doesn't do super well and Obsidian decides it was a great try and they loved working on it... but it just doesn't make fiscal sense to make Eternity 2 and there is no sequel. I would like to think this is really not that probable but in all honesty self funding is probably less likely to happen than this is. PS: Karkypoo.... if it goes Kickstarter would you back in again? Shocker: Yes, I would.
  14. Lol this is calling me back to the early days of Dragon Warrior and Ultima. Go forth munchkins, go forth! Don't forget your discount estocs and greatswords either! The Estoc even comes with Brigandine armor!
  15. Agreed. Althought I wouldn't play another Witcher game if you payed me $50 to do it, so that's me. :D Me three! I feel for you guys and how you hate what is going to be a great game. I wouldn't mind another lilacor but it is sort of a gimmick. I also can't imagine it being added in game and the weapon actually being serious and not a goofball.
  16. But does it stack with your Ring of Protection?
  17. Maybe Eternity 2. I can't see them trying to port to a new version of Unity this late in the game.
  18. Jpegs work. I would advise using PNG where possible as they tend to be a higher quality image in general, less artifacting etc. As far as I know BMP and even GIF should also be okay.
  19. Soldier has the great sword and the arquebus. Adventurer has the estoc and the so so war bow. They are likely the best ... two hand specs in my opinion. Ruffian and Knight are probably the best for duel wielding since they get like mace, sword and the sabres respectively. Noble isn't bad if you want to be mr rapier dandy... since it has rapiers.
  20. Did you recently faction change to promancer?
  21. NP. Just want to make sure you have all the info. If there is one thing Eternity is really really good at, it is leaving room for you to make the character you want. People just need to know that just because you "can" do it doesn't mean a Wizard can out melee dps a Rogue for example.
  22. Are you sure? I could swear I tested this once with a arquebus and found myself always needing to move just a tad bit closer. Maybe it has a shorter range than other ranged weapons. Weapon range should definitely be shorter than the fog of war for obvious reasons, or at best exactly equal to it.
  23. They changed it for a great reason. There were too many effects (like dots) that easily nickel and dimed your HP to death but didn't do massive endurance damage per se. Also it made it easier for you to hit your endurance cap thing since you had less health even though in theory you were only taking 1 health per 4 endurance damage. The way it is now is much easier to understand and more clear cut. I think it was a step up from the old system.
  24. But by refusing to take a side he has in fact taken the side of the non side takers, therefore he has failed in his own agenda! Lephys therefore must be a russian spy, he should be dealt with immediately so we can get back to our dichotomy.
  25. Just need a slight extension of NPC view range. Not sure there is any ability in game you can actually use as an opener that would have enough range to be used without getting close enough that the dialog starts anyway.
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