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Everything posted by Karkarov

  1. Lol I read this thread too sensuki I am just not all about shameless self promotion. When I get the above UI to a point where I am satisfied with it 100% I will move to the UI designed around the original layout. Once I get it all where I want it to be on this one the "Sensuki Preferred" layout it should be fairly easy to make the needed mods to the other. I may also do a swap around for those who prefer the bar on the left and the log on the right. The fun part is when I start working on other resolutions so it works on more than just 1080. Please pray to whatever divinities you believe it for me.
  2. No that would be in Capitalist America. Expropriate the expropriators! ☭ Actually I think the proper fix for Junta favorite russian hell would be "In Soviet Russia Money works you!"
  3. well so do I .. in tabletop.. were I don't have unlimited rolls. Actually in my tabletop games we did the ol roll 4d6, drop the lowest number, if lowest number is a tie reroll one of them, replace your lowest total roll with a straight 18, if used on strength assume it is an 18/01. Guess what though? You got 1 set of rolls and that was that, if you still somehow managed to roll a crappy character you had to suck it up. In a game like Eternity though the point buy is the smart play. It avoids all the rolling nonsense, is easier to balance, and means everyone has decent balanced stats right out the gate. It can also be used to determine mob stats too, keeping everything nice and balanced.
  4. #1 and #2...... who knows. You will need to wait for an Obsidian answer on that. #3: All keys (as of the last official answer) are considered to be standard game keys. AKA: The Hero Edition. You download all your extras based on your pledge level from the Obsidian Portal itself as separate items. The reason for this is that there are things you can get that are not available in any of the three versions of the game as a backer so it is impossible to host those within the standard game versions. As a result since you had to go to the Obsidian portal regardless they felt it would be more effective to just make the Obsidian portal your one stop shop for everything save the game download itself. #4: I can't think of any good reason why they wouldn't be. They know how many every backer needs already and they can track the pre orders. They are keys, not physical game discs. Generating the needed number should not be a concern.
  5. Not really, as you can guess this close to release we have sort of run out of things to say so people are just nit picking a little.
  6. Rather not as Steam is also DRM hell and pointless achievements that have only made gaming worse.
  7. You are better off waiting for release and buying it from GoG for a variety of reasons. I wish backers would stop offering to buy keys for people, you are hurting Obsidian by doing so. It isn't a question of "money". Anything you buy as a backer is considered "funding" and doesn't count as a purchase of the game. For Obsidian to get their game selling people need to buy it from something other than a backer.... and by the way, they still probably make more money when you buy a retail copy. I doubt GoG gets 40+% of the take on a sale.
  8. That's a negative Ghost Rider. Here is the complete NPC companion list - Eder - Human Male Fighter and one of the original five advertised companions though he has gone through tons of edits. Aloth - Wood Elf Male Wizard and also one of the original five. Hiravias - Hearth Orlan Male Druid. Sagani - Boreal Dwarf Female Ranger also one of the original five and the last of them to make the cuts. Durance - Human Male Priest, basically a replacement for Cadegund AKA: the chick with the gun and red hair. Kana Rua - Coastal Amaua Male Chanter. Grieving Mother - Undead/Spirit/Who Knows Female Cipher, she replaced what was at one point going to be a Orlan Detective Cipher. Pallegina - Hylean Godlike Female Paladin.
  9. The game has plenty of tools to make it challenging without having to create false self enforced limitations. If that is what the "soloist" is after there are still better ways of doing it.
  10. You can be your own character and have your own origin in any game if you want. It isn't like Icewind Dale has any character development and any personality your character has is purely projected. Is it not an RPG either? Let's also not forget that at least around 80k people who wind up with the game didn't buy it at retail to begin with. I know someone quoted wasteland 2 in over 3 mil steam libraries but so what? I accounted for 3 of those and I only backed wasteland 2 at the minimum level to get a copy of the game, which was something like 20 dollars. I just kept getting keys for it from other things. It has also been on steam sale for very low price multiple times. I would bet you the average Wasteland 2 copy price is 20 dollars at best, probably lower.
  11. Likely those are placeholder costs. Also you can pay him off, but he might come back. The drunkard isn't a building, nothing says he wont be a long term issue or there wont be visitors that are even worse.
  12. I wouldn't waste your time, it isn't meant to be in the backer beta so they probably just have some ancient place holder version of it in the files for whatever reason. The fact that the area name is still "02" is pretty telling .
  13. Pretty sure that was brought up in that dev meeting video a few weeks ago and they said the sliders were a no go because the functionality simply didn't exist and they would have to code something to make it happen and did not have enough time.
  14. Pretty sure it shouldn't be, and even if it was yeah, you should expect horrendous bugs. People should remember the BB is just a testing platform I suspect large swathes of stuff that exist in the real game is sort of not present in the BB since the BB really is only 3 maps and it serves no purpose putting the rest of it in.
  15. Only good point to be made about this subject right here. It still amazes me that anyone would want to play with less than a full party. It is like going to build a house and when you get there and open your tool box you throw out everything except the hammer. Sure you might be able to get it done but it would have been a lot easier and more effective if you just used all your tools.
  16. Hmmm I don't recall the game appearing to give the people playing it one million dollars cash money. Clearly need to be fixed. Looked good otherwise. Really liked the new gear and items, some of the new weapon and armor models looked particularly nice. Combat seemed too easy but I suspect the party being used was maybe a little OP?
  17. Not feeling the complaints. 12 is a pretty substantial level cap and smaller parties getting EXP boosts has always been that way. That said you can level as fast as you want, there is still a level 12 cap. I doubt any decent modders will try to mod it out or try to mod in something like multiclassing either as it breaks the game balance.
  18. In my experience if you want to solo the game (good luck) you want to use a chanter. No other class is likely to be able to get away with it and even doing it with a chanter is dicey and you have to seriously game the system with kiting and summon spam. This game is really not meant to be cleared by one character, they didn't balance for it, and they never tested it. They just aren't stopping you from attempting it.
  19. ..... Anyone who isn't a die hard PC only fanboy has heard of it, even some of them will know it. Or someone who just plain isn't a "gamer" wouldn't know I guess. It has had cover features on most of the few gaming magazines left, gets posted about regularly on most gaming forums, and has some very active reddit traffic. I am sorry you have never heard of it, but trust me, it isn't some small time game and it will be the top selling game it's release week even though it is a PS4 exclusive. Sony thinks it will do well enough it will cause a PS4 sales spike and they actually paid for a tv commercial for it. Also no, your insane, there is almost no overlap at all between GTA and Eternity other than Story Driven (sort of), and Exploration. That's it. GTAV isn't even an RPG. So again, I wouldn't expect tons of lost sales to a game that 1: Isn't an RPG and 2: Already released on every system other than the PC. Have you read this forum? 50% of what most people consider to be an RPG is number crunching, mix maxing, and perfecting your build. I shouldn't really need to explain how that applies to the Souls games if you have played them. I agree the narrative is "different" but there is a story there, it is just open to interpretation and you get out what you put in. Seriously though please don't refer to it as "just an action game" because by your definition anything that isn't turn based is not an RPG. I am pretty sure we can all agree it is possible to be an RPG and not be turn based. Lastly it isn't a twitch based game... at all. It is about learning attack patterns, how best to use your weapons/spells, and timing. In fact the best advice a new player can get is be patient and move slow and carefully, the exact opposite of twitch play.
  20. Rogues can be very effective at range, Monks are actually tanks primarily not DPS, and Barbarians were never being touted as one of the companion classes and are the only class that has never had their companion status change this whole time.
  21. Except GTAV isn't an RPG and has already been released on 4 consoles so most people who care have already played it. Not exactly the same thing. Considering it isn't being released on PC I bet you are right.
  22. I am glad someone got the joke.
  23. Uh you do realize the whole "console favoritism" / "I am a PC Gamer" thing is not really that common outside of internet forums right? Most people who consider gaming to be their primary hobby own more than just one console, or just a pc. Not to mention that kind of attitude is childish and stupid to begin with, just like when you make inane over reaching statements like in your first sentence. It is also incredibly insane that you think there is no overlap between the games. They are both mature themed, they are both fantasy, they are both RPG's, they are both supposed to be non hand holdy and challenging in different ways, they both put a lot of importance on exploration and player interpretation. The big difference is mechanics. But I am sure it is impossible for a person to like a gritty, mature, exploration encouraging, action RPG and like a real time with pause game with many of the same traits. Like Sensuki, I mean he is all about Eternity and totally dedicated to it and sticks to this genre with a passion. Like just last night when he was playing Counter Str...... oh wait... Most gamers like more than one type of game, most gamers who would even have to make a game buying decision own more than one console. Just because you personally don't like consoles or any game that isn't descended from RTS doesn't mean everyone who is interested in Eternity feels the same way. So to reiterate my point one more time. Gosh it sure would have been nice if Obsidian could have found a way to not release on the same week as another high profile RPG, surely it wouldn't have been that hard?
  24. We get to find out on release day! Or if they release another bb and it is fixed in that.
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