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Everything posted by Karkarov

  1. The most recent update confirms... Forton was never pulled he was just slightly retooled and moved to the expansion. More than likely Cadegund was just scrapped in favor of the Durance idea. Nice to see the "Devil of Caroc" rumors and speculation all from one screenshot from one UI example image finally getting put to bed too.
  2. If you have waited this long I would go ahead and just wait for the expansion part 1.
  3. I love you guys, no matter what they do there is always this huge population of people just looking to bash it. Seriously admit it guys, if you are still on this forum there is only two reasons. #1: You either love the game regardless of your ability to admit it. Or #2: you are just here to bash it as much as you can cause your butthurt for some reason. I am happy to see the expansion news regardless of the status of the companions. It isn't like the companions were ever the main draw to the game to begin with.
  4. Wasn't it already dead? It was only mostly dead. Consult Miracle Max if you need a clear understanding of the various intricate levels of deadness that exist. That said those mind blades can be AOE so you probably many it dead dead with them OP.
  5. Nope! Exceptional overwrites Fine. You just have to make sure you have enchantment space left on the weapon to do it--2 units, I think, in this case, and 4 to go from Fine to Superb. Exactly. As long as you have the space on the item to do it you can pull it off, but once you do it overwrites any previous enchant from the same grouping.
  6. Dark but not too dark would clearly be Twilight Gromnir. And thus we know why some of the bioware characters are so freaking bad.
  7. Hate to say it but I think it is only a Europe thing. Not only did I get my collectors box months ago I actually just got the physical discs in the mail. Paradox is actually an EU based company so it is sort of shocking they are dropping the ball this hard overseas.
  8. I thought it was fine. It starts out really grim but Defiance Bay seems like a reasonable medieval city, Twin Elms is fine, nothing is really too over the top or unbelievable. It is pretty much just Raedric's Hold that is totally in grimdark land and that is because of Raedric himself. Also....aluminiumtrioxid.... the music in that trailer was some god awful crap. It was "ok" up until that point.
  9. While I agree with what Bryy posted above me I will say this. Nostalgia isn't why the RTwP style party based RPG works or was successful in the first place. Lots of people act like there was NWN2 and then nothing.... until kickstarter arrived. People can dislike it all they want... Dragon Age Origins is very much a RTwP party based RPG. There are two Dark Eye based RPG's that are both RTwP party based RPG's that came out too. If I bothered to think about it or research I promise there will be other example too. The genre didn't die, and games in it can still be good. Funding for Eternity may have benefited from nostalgia... but I will be happy to fund Eternity 2 purely on it's own merits and I won't be the only person who feels that way.
  10. I will never understand why people think people that play on consoles are a "different type" of person. It's just another platform to play games. Yeap right on Bryy. Think I will go play some Witcher 3 on my pc..... using an Xbox One controller.
  11. Really when it all comes down to it the question of "Was Magran working with Woedica in any form?" is meaningless because Magran would have opposed Waidwen anyway. Dyrwood is one of the (if not the biggest) places she is heavily worshiped and where one of her primary temples is located. Like I said before Dyrwoodans are infatuated with the idea of personal independence, struggle, and self reliance. Things Magran is all about. She is basically the chief deity of the country, hell her primary temple is literally in the same building as the seat of government power in the Dyrwood. Not a coincidence. Waidwen turned Readceras into a religious state and threw out every faith other than Eothas. No reason to believe he wouldn't have done the same if he had won in Dyrwood. Magran wasn't going to sit idle for that.
  12. Adra is the stuff that forms the conduits that transport souls to the center of the earth where the "well of souls" exists and the cycle of rebirth takes place. So that is why Adra is significant. The hollowborn stop because the adra machines in the various engwithan ruins were no longer being used to tear souls from the children. The only reason they were doing it in the first place was to gather them at the central machine and feed them to Woedica, regardless of what you do at the end the people who were running this plot (leaden key) are taken out and or disposed of one way or the other. As a result the people causing the "hollowborn" crisis and the machine driving it are out of the picture so obviously the crisis stops. Magran is implied to have been in league with Woedica for the defeat of Waidwen. AKA: Magran wanted to defend Dyrwood as she is all about war and overcoming trials which is a big thing to Dyrwoodans and their gung ho personal independence nonsense. She was not aware of Woedica's endgame, or she was but thought she could turn it to her own ends. Point is however you look at it her actions benefited Woedica in the short term and she DID betray her followers who made the bomb and used it. She planned for all of them to die from it's use, Durance's survival was a total fluke. Why do this? Probably because she didn't want mortals to have the knowledge of how to make a weapon capable of doing real harm to a god. You also need to understand regardless of whether or not she was really in "league" with Woedica the defeat of Waidwen served both Magran and Woedica in the short term and make both of them stronger. That said if Waidwen really was trying to stop Woedica's plot (and it is heavily implied he was) his victory would have also done harm to Magran's faith by proxy. Point is she had tons of totally selfish reasons for working with Woedica at the time.
  13. Why did I kill everyone at Raedric's Keep? Why ask why? Bud Dry. (lol seriously I didn't actually kill everyone there)
  14. Just to back him, I don't think Luckmann is straw grabbing at all. There is no in game evidence Eothas is actually dead. No body was found, no remnants were left. I have a hard time believing something created by 12 guys with some slight help from Magran could kill an entity with the power of thousands of souls behind it.
  15. Best option is to just wait until 10-11 ish and leave reenter if needed. You should be good to go at that point.
  16. I like where you are going with your comments Nonek, and I sort of agree. Making Raedric's Hold the Stronghold would have been cooler. That said they could not tie Od Nua to the main game because the Endless Paths kickstarter goal in and of itself promised an optional mega dungeon not tied to the main story. Tying it strongly to the main story would have actually been counter to the kickstarter itself.
  17. No, John, you are the Gods. Don't be silly Bryy, you know turning yourself into a god isn't an ending option in Eternity. They are saving that for the Eternity 2 Expansion, Throne of Bha.... uh Eothas. Throne of Eothas.
  18. Like others said 9-12 should get you through the whole thing. The last fight is the only part I would really strongly advise high level but there are some ways to cheese the fight and game the system in your favor a little. The sword can be fully repaired as soon as you get all the parts and meet the NPC that can do it.
  19. Yes. They even brag about their xbox gamerscore where they rent games, play them for the easy achievements, then return them. It is sort of sad.
  20. No one with any sense gives a rats ass about achievements. Everyone I know who has huge achievement scores are some of the most pedantic, dumb, gamers I know. They will do crap like buy a game on a steam sale just because they hear it is easy to beat and can score X number of achievements with 1 clear. Then they download a guide, beat it once for their easy points, then delete it. Getting all achievements =/= doing 100% a game has to offer. In fact it is normally quite the opposite.
  21. Wow, the dude who wrote that is really grinding Sawyer's rod. Or maybe they just liked the game? Seriously the only forums I know of on the internet that had negative feelings about this game are RPG Codex (which hates basically everything except BG2 and maybe Torment) and hilariously this one.
  22. Like I said.... the altars aren't dedicated to any one god in the first place. They are simply spread around the room so you can pray to the god who is closest to that altar and the position of the gods could change from day to day. Also "why is there a penalty for the wrong prayer?" Dude are you kidding? If you are a guy named John do you get offended/weirded out if a person walks up to you and says "Hey Sally, hows it going babe?". Yes you do. It is the same thing. Saying the prayer is like saying hello, saying hi to Abydon by saying Wael's prayer is like taking a piss on his front lawn. They aren't going to like it.
  23. They aren't absent, they either just won't talk to you or are in a group. The twins outside tell you straight up the gods aren't always "present" and even if they are don't always respond. I got the implication the altars were not dedicated to specific gods but were just there to commune with the god closest to that alter. That maybe you could come back next week and only berath and skaen might by hanging out and the others may be absent entirely.
  24. I think that is because you let the niece run away. You gain the same reps even if you kill him.
  25. Well the game also tells you about when you see gods in a group you should address them all and in reality the only god in the whole game you never get the chance to talk to on some level is well Eothas. I think the game goes out of it's way to explain Eothas is sort of on the downlow right now so it shouldn't be a shocker he makes no appearance here.
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