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Everything posted by Karkarov

  1. Yeah I never considered the DVD to be more than a "collectible" and used my key for myself. Hopefully they will just issue you a new key if you contact Obsidian directly. That's what I would do if I were them anyway.
  2. Okay well there is a few problems with what you posted. 1: First you "want to kill everyone in the hold", so I have to ask why exactly do you just what your character to be an RP psycho killer? You realize some people in the hold will actually gladly work with you and help you. Some of them are just you know, normal people doing their job. That said .... 2: If you REALLY wanted to kill everyone in the hold for no other reason than to kill everyone in the hold then doing that should be it's own reward. If you are doing it just because you feel obligated, or that's how you would do it in the past, or you think that is the "optimum" path then truth is you don't actually want to do it you just think you do. You are basically convincing yourself you want to do it just because you feel like "I'm supposed to do it". Well I am supposed to mow the yard and do the dishes but I still don't like doing it. 3: There is plenty of reward, they have tons of loot, weapons, armor, money, treasure hidden in the keep, etc etc. Just because some arbitrary number called EXP didn't go up doesn't mean you didn't get rewarded. 4: You definitely can kill everything in the keep, leave Raedric sitting there, exit the place, gain more levels, and come back later. I know this because I didn't finish the quest on my first visit either. You are not required at any point in the entire game to visit that keep ever. You can leave this entire quest line unfinished and still complete the main story. So.... your end complaint holds no water as there are definitely plenty of ways to get over level 3 before you go to Raedrics hold, or after you visit the first time. 5: Kill exp screws balance, because when you are awarded kill exp you only get one choice. Kill everything for optimum game path (because it is now the optimum path due to kill exp) or take a non optimum path through the game. That isn't variety it is "gimp yourself" or "don't gimp yourself" not much of a choice in most players eyes.
  3. In all honesty there are certain things a person should look for in a video game kickstarter to warn you off from donating. The kickstarter being posted by Doublefine is one of them. They have no clue how to budget, they are so into their own hype they don't realize that they haven't actually made a good game in an insanely long time, and every game they do release always fails to meet their marketing spiel for it, most of the time on basically all levels. Oh and of course you can be sure they will miss their original release window by months, possibly an entire year. Have they even released the second half of that first kickstarter yet?
  4. Yes, what is the point of that change? Well guys they are elves. Have you ever seen an elf with facial hair in any lore of any elf fantasy thing ever? Do any of the pale elf portraits made for the game have facial hair? Do any of the pale elf npcs you meet in game have facial hair? Do any of the elf portraits for Eternity or any of the elf NPC's pale or otherwise have facial hair in Eternity? Just saying.
  5. Ah... the lost possibilities of Defiance Bay... so many cool ideas, so poorly done... such a pitty I really, really, really hope they make it up for Defiance Bay in the sequel. Massive understatement. Dunryd Row was a huge missed opportunity in the game and should have been involved in the actual plot, not been a sidebar foot note of "Oh yeah there's Dunryd Row and someone in there want's to talk to you." Nothing about it was used in the story and I sure as heck would have been happier with a Dunryd Cipher companion than "I have no personality.... THE BELLS AND BABIES" character we ended up with.
  6. Yup. From what I read the reason it scored a ton of bad reviews was simply buyers who don't do their homework and went in with inflated or unrealistic expectations. They thought they were buying Baldur's Gate 3, what they were buying was more like Neverwinter Nights 1. A par to weak single player story where the majority of the games focus was actually on multiplayer and custom made adventures.
  7. Well stated Sen Sen. I agree. Expect for the bit at the end as I will definitely buy it. I don't have a problem with Eternity 2 trying to capture the "scope" of BG2 in the sense of world size, importance of story, number of locations, etc. It doesn't have to have a similar villain, have anything to do with gods (though considering part 1), nor does it require "alien locations". They need to find their own story and I think there are plenty of good stories to tell in Eternity. Ideally I hope that part 2 doesn't even quite make it to "super high level" just high level, and then there is room for a part 3.
  8. This. The whole goal from day one was to establish a new IP they could make multiple games with. I can't imagine any reason they would not want to go ahead and make Eternity 2. Depending on what active projects they have it might not be "soon" but I am sure it will be "sooner or later".
  9. I think you are making a big mistake there. You are saying the mobile market is to blame for these companies now running into issues, the truth is the company is just run like ****. Any company that makes 5 billion dollars and is somehow in financial trouble only has one thing to blame. **** leadership, cause that is the only thing that can cause that hard a fall that fast. But easy billion dollar fluke success doesn't mean you know how to run a business, it means you got lucky, and it isn't a shocker that someone who found instant success might not know how to duplicate it or keep themselves liquid while trying. Also no the "Candy Crush" variants haven't failed. They just aren't making a million a week. That's like saying the original Laura Croft reboot failed because it only sold one million copies. Which is actually something Square Enix claimed at the time, they must have exaggerated though since the game recently got a sequel that probably cost more than the original. You don't need 100 million downloads to make money with a mobile game. You might not even need 1 million.
  10. It is actually fairly easy to make a mobile game for less than the cost of anything resembling what you or I probably think of when someone says "video game". It is hard to get the kind of success Candy Crush has, but it isn't "that hard". Candy Crush for example didn't have any advertising or tv spots when it started, it just got lucky, all the advertising and budgeting you are talking about came after the game had already made millions. There is a reason many formerly huge game developers like Konami are now switching almost exclusively to a mobile/casual market. I also hate to say it but I bet Square Enix's mobile offerings make them more money than their actual console releases do. So yes, you are right, it isn't "easy" to get massive success in mobile. But it does cost a lot less to make a mobile game and go with the "throw crap at the wall and see what sticks" approach than the 50-100 million dollar investment "Gee I hope this game sells massive or we are F'd" style of many titles over the last few years.
  11. So much this. Phone games are a MASSIVE scam and casual gamers eat them up. You can make more money with one phone game that does 10% of the money Candy Crush does than Activision will with Black Ops 3. Not even joking. Just to give you an idea how pervasive that game is it has over 100 million downloads on Android alone. Imagine if you only had 20 million downloads and only 10 percent of your players spent money and they only spent 1 dollar per player per week. Think about it. In other news I see no reason Obsidian should not use Kickstarter. It isn't a question of needing KS to fund it, who cares if you do or don't? It is guaranteed pre orders, it builds hype for your game, and it gives you an instant influx of cash for development. Do you honestly think Larian Studio's needed KS money for Divinity Original Sin or the sequel? It is icing on the cake, or in old wise man speak... One in hand is better than two in the bush. KS is guaranteed money in hand, right here, right now, and it is very hard to beat that.
  12. Typically right after Khalid tried to show off his skills by fighting an ogre... naked, and unarmed am I right?
  13. I will only say this, I would hate to play a game filled with what you call fun encounters if your rule for fun encounter is "I had to use literally everything I had to win and I still had a hard time". I am sorry guys you can't make a real time with pause game only with encounters like that. If that is the sort of thing you are looking for you need to look at games like X-Com etc that are literally strategy games and that's all they are about. In Eternity needing everything for every fight is just boring and a time sink, I have to rest after every fight, I have to fight prep before every fight, I have to create a special pulling strategy for every fight. Even after all that there is also no evidence that you can't simply come up with 1-3 strategies and not get by just repeating those same three strats over and over just like in Baldur's Gate 2: Counter the Mage. Oh I am sorry I meant "Throne of Bhaal". My point is making every fight hard to win and demanding doesn't work for the genre and is more likely to push people away than get people on board.
  14. Not that I am aware of, over 75% of them aren't good portraits for eternity anyway. Also... why didn't you just ask in the portrait thread where this was originally posted?
  15. I think you guys are overlooking something. Namely that your power in the world of Eternity is based on your strength of your soul or spirit. A person who has massive might, is not necessarily physically muscular. A person with high intelligence has not always spent a lot of their life studying. A persona who has great resolve isn't going to always be some wilderness survival expert. I agree the stats still need some tweaking to meet Obsidian's original goals of every stat being viable for every class, but I will say that having a high resolve wizard does not actually bork that character or make them unplayable. It is purely the min maxers pushing a load of crap on the forums that lead people to believe that.
  16. Uh Hiro those were insanely early kickstarter promises. They also promised their would be a item durability system too didn't they? Why is there bestiary EXP? Cause lots of people complained about no per kill exp. Why was there no durability system? Cause lots of people complained about it. Why don't trees sway? Because they found out making that happen is a crap ton harder than they thought it would be. Why is there not two dialogs for everything? Probably because they realized it was too much work on too little budget and would only be of interest to a small niche of their already niche player base. In fact pretty much every early promise that got cut comes down to those two things. Turns out it was too hard to implement, or lots of whiners.
  17. I was referring to GM. She is one of the worst characters I have seen in an RPG for a long time. Her plot is totally one dimensional, she has zero character growth, her justifications for traveling with you are paper thin. She is an absolute wasted opportunity and they should have stuck with the original concept of the Cipher companion being a part of Dunryd Row. Durance is a D Bag but his writing is fine.
  18. Anyone who researches and or cares about the game already knew Avellone didn't have much to do with it. This isn't news. Avellone's character is also one of the most boring least interesting characters in the game this time. The guy was clearly more interested in the projects he was doing with other companies than the one he was doing with the one he worked for as well. Him leaving Obsidian was probably a good thing cause every time he posts about it he makes it painfully obvious he didn't want to be there or be working on Eternity. Why did he not want to be there? Why did he not want to work on Eternity? Who cares. All that matters is the reality that he clearly didn't care that much about the game.
  19. Well there are a few problems with what you are saying. 1: Realism is based on the rules of the world you are inhabiting. 2: Ciphers can "manipulate" other souls, not necessarily outright control them, and not necessarily all souls. 3: Skeletons are undead who have lost their flesh and are so old they have lost all sense of self, thought, and control. 4: Thus the Cipher can't manipulate them because while they have a soul it is so degenerated it is no longer human or even animal. It is completely alien and has no intelligence, any "command" the Cipher issues won't be heard because there is literally no intelligent thought left to receive it. To be confused or charmed you have to have a thought process of some kind and skeletons simply put.... don't. Also no, Conan wouldn't say anything, he would just cleave the Drakes head off then mock his friend for being too weak to save himself.
  20. That's the thing... yes... it does. As the game exists prior to 2.03 you can simply find one strat that works for you and apply that strat to every single encounter in the game and it will be valid. When nothing is restricted there is no incentive to ever change your approach to an encounter. There is a fine line you have to walk though because you can get too limited. Obsidian is not making a game where there are 5 types of damage and an enemy is immune to all but one. Enemies that make logical sense having an immunity, like the fire elemental versus fire damage I mention earlier, or a dragon being immune to knock down, get those things. That said that's it, they aren't immune to every other type of damage or every status affliction. Just the ones that make sense.
  21. You do realize this isn't table top DnD right? Sorry but when I click an ability called "knock down" and the dragon falls down after my fighter walks up and takes a single melee swing at them I can't somehow interpret that as some sort of three stooges running around antics where Moe accidentally gets knocked out by running into Curly and headbutting him. Meanwhile what kind of dragon would be so stupid and incompetent he can't handle someone running between his legs? You talk like dragons are autistic 3 year olds. Also maybe I gear my guys different, but my fighter is wearing magically enchanted armor and shield and has all sorts of magical protection spells cast on him. I tend to think those things are why he doesn't die instantly. Lastly do some research. This is in Obsidian's own words a low to mid level campaign. So no, as a 12th level fighter you in fact are not one of the best fighters in the world.
  22. Just as an aside there is a big difference between "Fire elemental is immune to fire" and "Cast Buff Y or Enemy Spell X will kill you."
  23. Look I could take Eder (a guy about 6 foot tall maybe) and knock an adra dragon (about 30 feet tall weighing tons) on it's ass with a level 1 fighter ability. Crap needing fixing. It is that simple.
  24. Side bar notation about that poll. You could only vote for one person. Shocker, Eder won by a land slide. If the poll was a "rate them one to ten" affair I assure you the results would have had Grieving Mother and Durance way further down.
  25. Would you install if leaving it in your library uninstalled prompted your PC to need a save V BSOD DC 20?
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