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Everything posted by Nakia

  1. Although I like some movement there are a couple of reasons why I like it subtle. One is that two much movement of foliage and water can be distracting. The other is more important in my opinion. People who have health issues with movement can become kill, Nashua or headaches.
  2. The godlike race disturbs me a bit. The bodies just don't fit the head in my opinion. I also think the elves could be more distinct. My gameplay style is slow paced. I like to explore, talk to people and poke around seeing what I can find. I do not like hand holding though and eventually want to play on expert. I am enjoying the beta and trying out different ways to do things.
  3. I tried and tried different ways to split food, veggies, fruit and failed. I hope they fix this.
  4. You know that calling out trolls is trolling right? Except you are not brave enough to even admit it? And you blame others for doing something that they are not doing, but instead you are doing? Thats pretty horrible. You have no idea what the OP expected or did not expect. You also do not known if it took the OP bravery or not. Bye the way, I love you. Your statement is technically correct however that is my opinion though. Not sure what you mean by "I know you". Lots of people do, some like me, some don't. I hope it is friendly as Ilike most of your posts.
  5. The OP is a brave soul to make that statement on a forum for a game primarily backed by fans of Infinity Engine games. Surely the OP expected the reaction he received.
  6. MrBtongue talked about the things that are important to me. I expect a game by Obsidian to have a good story, good narrative and good characters. Role Playing games take plae in a fantasy world whether they are sci-fi or fantasy or even current time. The world should give the illusion of being real that is where at least in part, a great part to me, immersion comes in. While I am playing the real world is put aside and I am living in a world different from the mundane world I live in. I like a story to be integrated into the gameplay. I played Oblivion and Skyrim for many hours and enjoyed them but I did not feel that the story line was important. Skyrim was a smidgen better although I found the "main quest" of being dragonborn a joke and played it that way. I found the civil war quests more interesting. Morrowind I loved, Planescape/Torment was in my opinion outstanding. Fallout:New Vegas was another favorite of mine. Oblivion and Skyrim I ended up installing an alternate start mod and just ignoring the Mod.
  7. I think Arcanum came close to being non-linear with many twists to the ending depending on your choices.
  8. Obsidian is 100% responsible for this game and not restricted by publisher time restraints. They are aware that we backers want a bug free game and that we will be upset if we don't get one that is reasonably bug free. No broken quests and things that work the way they they are supposed to. I am sure they will be testing this game carefully each step of the way if for no other reason that their rep is on the line. If they deliver a bug free game they can thumb their nose at developers from here to Oblivion.
  9. The magic system in BG was one thing I didn't care for especially at the lower levels. Mages/wizards didn't seem very useful to me until they got to higher levels. Since BG/SoA started at higher levels it wasn't so bad.
  10. I think I played all or at least most of the Infinity Engine games. Is it weird to have not played them? I don't think so. Is it weird to now want to try out a game that is influenced by those games? I don't think so. After all I have never played any of the Diablo games and there are those who might think that weird.
  11. Voice Overs sound good. Things seem to shaping up well. Happy Thanksgiving to the developers we all have a lot to be grateful for. Thank you Obsidian.
  12. Thank you, looking forward to playing. A happy and filling Thanksgiving to all.
  13. Pigs are very intelligent and can be dangerous. Ignore it at your peril.
  14. I would like to be able to have the party walk at times. It is more natural and therefore more immersive in my opinion.
  15. I play games for entertainment, as an escape from the problems, stress or boredom of the mundane world. I can step into a role playing game and become anything I like. Do things I can't possibly do in real life. For a time I, through my character, am the most import, the most powerful being in the world. What I want in a role playing game is story, characters that come alive, that I can care about or dislike, even hate. Motivation is important to me, choices are too. I prefer the open world, non-linear games. I enjoy exploring a world, maybe coming across a lost child that needs guidance home. Simple quests or elaborate ones, I like a mixture. I prefer the party based games to the solo ones but played the TES games and enjoyed them but usually ended up adding companion mods to make them more interesting.
  16. The characters in BG 2 were one of the things I loved about the game. The banter was wonderful. You could have such a fun mix of companions. I installed a user made mod that made it possible to have a public reputation and a private one for your characters so you could mix your "good" companions with your "bad"ones. Nothing since has come close to equaling the fun for me.
  17. Developers do internal testing each step of the way. Beta testing is to check for bugs and problems. By having Backers test the game the devs can learn how it plays on different machines. Hopefully fix any problems that arise. I have no idea what a "normal" beta is. I leave it is up to the devs to know and decide what they need to find out. Obsidian is an experienced developer with people dating back to the IE games. They know a lot more about what they are doing than I do.
  18. If PoE sells well Obsidian may not need another Kickstarter. What I would like in a new game would be a SciFi with RPG, RTS and a slight touch of simulation in it. Where you explore the universe meeting aliens, some friendly, some hostile and some neutral. You would need to use strategy to decide how to handle each faction you meet gaining points for what you do. Actions would have consequences. You would have a home planet that would evolve as you gain points. You would not actually build the city that would be based on the point system. You might even expand to other planets.
  19. There you have it, they think that women are more vulnarable than men, and they can wear what they want while men cannot. Thus we have to judge a book by its cover. I am extremely dissapointed. Do a check to see who forms the RAS. Check their positions, affilation, pay and credentials. Then laugh. Since I have never been raped I am always a bit hesitant to enter into discussions of this type . I do think Meshugger has a valid point and it also relates to how women are depicted in video games. I think the subject is a very complicated one and difficult to discuss objectively. Many things go into making up who and what we are. To make a general statement which is a bit dangerous men and women are simply not the same. We have things in common but biologically we are different and our role in Natures scheme of things is different. I think both men and women need to be more respectful of each other, need to put more effort into understanding the other genders point of view. We also need to understand our selves better and why we do the things we do. Society does have a big influence on us and a major role in developing our attitudes. Women at least in the USA are allowed to dress provocatively in public thus sending off certain signals to men. Some men can handled it well and others get confused and there are those who just can't handle it. Should women be made to wear kaftans? I don't think so although some of the modern ones are quite attractive. It is natural for a woman to want to be attractive and it is natural for men to be attracted to attractive women. One hundred years ago a woman wearing an outfit in the USA that showed her ankles was considered provocative now women go to the supermarket dressed in tight shorts and tube tops and think nothing of it. Back to video games I want to know why if they can do that in real life what is wrong with them wearing bikini armour in a video game?
  20. I like this article. "Girls are sugar and spice and everything nice" is a myth perpetuated by society and unfortunately believed by many women. If you missed my earlier post I am a woman and been around a long time. Women are human and can be Angels from heaven or demons from hell and everything inbetween.
  21. There's a ton of uncertainty around Shakespeare. You could probably find contradictory theories about any single facet of his life or work. Good thing they didn't have Twitter in those days. Who ever wrote the plays it was they guy that had them copied who saved them for college students to study as the classic example of great English literature. Somerset Maugham pointed out that the classics of today come from the popular works of yesterday.
  22. Games are art. Whether made by one person or a hundred they are creative. I may not like certain games but that is just my opinion, my taste. I play games I like just as I buy books or pictures I like. Someone who knows my taste in games can suggest a game to me but the choice is up to me. Academic value or what "experts" think is of no importance to me. I am the expert on what I like and don't like. Do you know why Shakespeare is so well know and studied? Some guy liked his plays so much he had them copied; There were other popular playwrights of the time but most of their plays have been lost.
  23. Well at least you offended Bruce, but dont worry, there is enough of 'Gray Knights' who will support you against his rays of rainbow mind control Thank you, I am immune to mind control rays. I am armoured in my own arrogrant opinions. Actually I toned down what I think of these people.
  24. I am a woman, an older one who was around in the late Sixties and Sevnties when women did struggle for equal rights. I believe in equal rights. That does not mean I believe that men and women are the same, they aren't. I play games for entertainment, relaxation, to relieve stress or escape the boredom of the mundane world. In a game I am the most powerful being there. I am the hero, the saviour of the world or just an adventurer who landed in a sticky situation. I have played D&D games where women lost a couple of points of strength but gained some bonus points to dexterity. Had no problem with that. I do like my melee fighters dressed in proper armour but have women friends who like the sexy armour for their character. I have never played Witchers but have female friends who love it. I like looking at attractive women and attractive men. Who wants a bunch of hags in their games as the main character? In a game I can be young, beautiful and powerful. My opinion of these women and the men who support who have the audacity to call themselves feminists is that they are femitrolls. Playing a power game and that they are being discriminatory and sexist themselves. They want to take all the fun out of life. Guess they are so miserable they want the rest of us to be miserable. If I offend anyone here I do not apologize as that is my strongly held opinion.
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