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  1. A new Windows Backer Beta update has been distributed through Steam. We have made a lot of fixes and some changes since the last update. In addition to general fixes, the team has been hard at work making some changes based on a play week that we did a couple of weeks back. You may even see a few new Abilities for classes based on the team's feedback. You will also notice that many of the icons are now in place and we have even started to get some VO in place. We have not been able to get an updated Mac build, but we are hoping to put one out sometime in the next couple of weeks. One good bit of news for Mac users, though, is that the build should be able to run directly from Steam now. Here are some of the issues that have been fixed and some that are still on the list for fixes. Fixed Save/Load/Persistence Fog of War does now persists on Save/Load and transitions. - Thread Link BB Fighter will no longer become invisible after Save/Load. - Thread Link Uninstalling the game should now remove all files that the game created. - Thread Link Area Design Hendyna no longer wanders off to the forest at times. - Thread Link Spells/Abilities/Classes/Gameplay Medreth's Boar Companion no longer follows the party from scene to scene, causing combat issues. - Thread Link Hazard spells (Slicken, Web, Chill Fog, etc...) are no longer attaching themselves to affected targets. - Thread Link Creatures should now properly play death animations and drop loot. - Thread Link Fighter Passive Armored Grace has had its description updated to reflect its recovery modification. - Thread Link Paladin Auras, Zealous Focus, Zealous Charge, and Zealous Endurance no longer deactivate immediately when clicked. - Thread Link Fan of Flames level 1 Wizard spell, no longer plays a VFX with improper textures. - Thread Link Charmed/Dominated creatures no longer attack themselves. - Thread Link Crystal Eater Spiders, Crystal Eater Spiderlings, and Widowmaker Spiders are no longer bypassing 10 DT. Missed attacks in combat are still causing hit reactions and hit SFX. - Thread Link Art Hendyna's home has a visual shaking effect when entered and zoomed in. - Thread Link Morning Stars (of the non-Fine Quality) are transparent in game and character creation. - Thread Link User Interface Targeting reticles persist after death if the creature is killed while moused over. - Thread Link Winfrith and Tenfrith's shops do not have name and values listed for items in the shop UI. - Thread Link Savage Endurance tooltip is showing too many decimals. - Thread Link Character Creation buttons can have a significant delay when clicked. Opening and closing the Area Map shifts 2D UI elements (Including character circles). - Thread Link Temp Status icons are sometimes appearing during combat (White Squares with Green Circles). Known Issues Save/Load/Persistence Save/Load causes the inventory paperdoll not to show weapons and shields until another character is selected. - Thread Link Save/Load causes character shadows to disappear on the East and West sides of Dyrford Village. - Thread Link Saving a paused game, closing and reopening the client, then loading that game via the Continue causes the game to load in paused. - Thread Link Memory usage increases after loading the game (closing the client and opening it resets this). - Thread Link Memory usage increases after transitions (closing the client and opening it resets this). - Thread Link Enchanted mods disappear after loading the game. Memory usage increases by 300-800MB after 1-2 Save/Loads or Transitions, this does not appear to worsen further. Save files can become unreadable if PC loses power supply while the game is running. Area Design The Water Wheel in Dyrford Village seems to be rotating in the wrong direction. - Thread Link The Temple Skaen entrance is visible on the area map without first moving the statue. - Thread Link Boar companion is left behind when Medreth leaves. - Thread Link Dengler's Store cannot be accessed after returning to the Dracogen Inn. Spells/Abilities/Classes/Gameplay Trap Triggered and other similar bark texts persist for too long. - Thread Link Miss/Graze/Hit/Crit Ranges are off by 1 value. - Thread Link The Goldpact Paladin talent Enduring Flames is causing Flames of Devotion to apply a permanent DoT effect. - Thread Link Best of Weapons are not showing the proper damage type in the combat log. - Thread Link Talents Resilient Companion, Faithful Companion, and Painful Interdiction are not working properly. Some new class abilities have been added for the druid, fighter, paladin, and wizard. These abilities have missing strings and temp icons. If the Ranger or their Companion are knocked out near an enemy while the other is far away, they will repeatedly fall unconscious. If you hire an adventurer when you have a full party, the adventurer will be made with no items. On death load doesn't function if a entire party is knocked out while one party member is dominated. Changing difficulty level in-game doesn't scale the number of opponents correctly. Art The Health bar indicators feel somewhat unpolished and appear to overlap the portrait. - Thread Link Items Cape/Cloak items do not align with character's shoulders and clip through character models. - Thread Link The Sabre will sometimes strike for 0.0 damage negating the attack entirely. - Thread Link User Interface Assigned Action Bar Hotkeys are duplicating ability UI and not unassigning previously assigned keys. - Thread Link UI screen borders are shifted offscreen in higher resolutions causing quest updates etc to become clipped. - Thread Link The level up button in the character sheet appears available even if you cannot level up. - Thread Link "Best of" weapons do not display their change in damage type in the combat log when the alternate type is used. - Thread Link Paladin's description is missing the word "Health" after the health multiplier. - Thread Link Accuracy shown in the Inventory and Character sheet do not reflect the bonus for single 1 Handed weapons and Enchant/Mod accuracy effects. Character Creation attribute allocation arrows continue to make SFX sounds if clicked after they have disappeared. - Thread Link White damage values in the combat log only display whole numbers and not decimal values (Makes DoT effects misleading). Time stamp font is small in when viewing saved games. - Thread Link Traps and Hidden Secrets change the mouse cursor when hovered over (before they are discovered). - Thread Link Saved games are not ordering properly and are sometimes resetting their play time. Stash access in the Shop UI needs to be switched to page format. Item tooltips often appear behind the inventory and loot UI. Audio Combat Music is no longer playing.
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