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Everything posted by Nakia

  1. I think things like this, necromancy, witch hunting, distrust of magic should not be an overwhelming feature of the game. They should be limited to certain regions maybe causing tension between neighbors, distrust of certain races in a region. It is natural for people to feel distrust of what is strange to them while other people may want to explore it and learn about it. Some tension can add to the game play. Depends on how it is done too much can be annoying and even get boring. I am sure in a game where we have been promised diversity there will be some.
  2. Seriously if they got PayPal set up I think that would cause a spike at least for a couple of days. Some people are waiting for more information.
  3. Being the chosen one has become boring. It was fine in the early games when things were new but after game after game it is not a novelty. Even being born the Bhaalspawn didn't make you the Chosen One because there were other Bhaalspawn. You had to grown into the part. I just want to start out a normal, ordinary guy and gown into being a hero, probably a reluctant hero.
  4. Over 2/3 rds are over 25 which makes sense. Haven't done a bean count but it looks as if there are a lot in their 30s which also seems reasonable to me. Would have been interesting to see how many are over 50 at least.
  5. Nah the goal should be they'll make the greatest RPG ever. If they don't hit that goal, it will just be a mediocre game and the donors will be to blame for it. Now that is a brilliant suggestion.
  6. I think we are jumping to conclusions here based on insufficient data. As I understand this update we can decide which we want to focus on: combat or non-combat. The details are still being worked out. I am sure we will be updated when the developers themselves have worked this out. This is an important part of the game but it is only part of the game. Different games give different ways of giving XP and leveling up. I have survived and enjoyed many games. My main interest is the game itself, the story, the challenge, how much fun I have with it. In fact I find this whole leveling up and picking skill perks rather boring and intrusive. "Oh yegads I just leveled up! Do I put that one point into health, stamina or magic? Do I pick sneak attack or dual wield?" If I can save points sometimes I do. This gives me the illusion of having some real choices and doesn't break the flow of the game so much.
  7. Actually I wasn't that fond of the D&D system. Never did really understand the 3.5 ed either. With that system I felt I needed a course in it to be able to do it right. I like the system the Devs are proposing. combat and non-combat separated. You gain XP for accomplishing something.
  8. My point was that if you have a Strong, Intelligent, Dextrous, Cunning, Conversationalist Warrior then there isn't much left to do in another playthrough. All options are available to you, of course you can only pick one but you get to see them all if your one character can be everything. If it was impossible for a Warrior focusing on the Strength stat to reach the max level of Lockpicking for example because the max level of Lockpicking requires a high Dexterity score then you might find certain locks inaccesible to you. Sure you could throw points into dexterity to get the max level and you can do that if you want, I'm not saying you shouldn't be able to but there is a cost involved, the cost of the points that didn't go into more Strength to hit things harder. This is where I'd like to see more info. If you can make a character that can see all options simply by being everything at once it will be a bad system in my opinion. For example there are certain skills you might choose to ignore because they have less impact on your game choices, particularly dialogue or thievery encounters. Like Herbalism, there might be certain conversations that utilize a high Herbalism skill level but they will probably be few and far between. On the other hand something like Bluff, Picklocks or Disarm traps would have much more impact on your gameplay. What I am saying is there has to be some cost to trying to be Mr Everything. I don't think they have said you can be Mr. or Ms. everything. They indicated that you can focus on combat or non-combat skills. Your choice. They have also said it is early days yet and they are working on the dtails. No harm and maybe helpful to express your opinion but let's not jump to conclusions. I think we will need to make choices and that it won't always be easy. Do we know what the attributes will be? At the moment we have only a broad outline of the game. Isometric, party based, classes, skills both combat and non-combat. The engine ha been chose. There will be a variety of ways to travel. There will be gods mucking things about and the soul will be very important. There will be cultural diversity. What did I leave out?
  9. I played many of the IE games, the D&D games, other games that the developers have been involved in. In every game there are some things that I don't like. I have also played games of various genre outside of those games. No game is perfect. There is always going to be something that I wish they had done differently. I think at this point the one thing that would get me very, very upset is to have a game released prematurely and then be patched 7 times and still be buggy. I do like the sound of how the skills are going to be handled. In Oblivion my stealth character was able to quickly close the Burma Gate without killing anyone. I really enjoyed that. Racing the clock to see how fast I could do and just streaking past enemies. Sneaking around an enemy, pick pocketing or if you wish being an assassin and striking that lethal blow are much more challenging to me than simple slash and bash tactics.
  10. It is in this poll. Considering the age of Baldur's Gate I am surprised there are people under 25 here. Guess Planescape/Torment drew them in.
  11. It is also Sunday here in the Northern Hemisphere. Patience is a virtue held by few. Including me.
  12. I am really looking forward to this. I am eagerly looking forward to what other races we will have and what the classes will be.
  13. I like that book idea. Nakia, rogue, Obsidian Order, died from consuming too much honey mead. Not very silly but the best I can think of right now. Welcome to all the new members.
  14. This is the funniest poll on age I have seen. A year ago I did some research on the gender and age of game players. It came up with around 40% of game players being women. The average of gamers players was in the 30s but 27% of game players were over 50. My age? Way over 25. My favorite game? Quite a few vie for that spot.
  15. I am very happy with the info in Update 7. I prefer getting XP for completing quests. I have never played any 4E D&D and probably never will. Not getting XP for killing things doesn't mean you will not be able to increase you skill ability as you the skill. Sword, magic, ranged. True, you can't please everyone but I am pleased.
  16. Oblivion and Skyrim both had them and I seldom used them. 1) Yes, if doesn't cost too mucj and they are useful. Can carry stuff, run from opponents, everyone can use the, that means if the player gets a mount companions get one too. You can cast spells while mounted as well as do archery and melee combat. 2) No if it is costly 3) No if they are mainly just eye candy
  17. :D Could mean they haven't figured out how to do it yet. You get XP for your accomplishments. Hopefully we will get more details. Once they know hat they will do. Have faith, my friends, have faith. Edit: This may mean I could solo my thief if I wished.
  18. This is going to upset some of you as it sounds to me as if actually using the skill is going to be important. You get different points for combat and non-combat. No experience for killing things. I hate to quote my self but you really should read the update 7 on the Kickstarter page.
  19. This is going to upset some of you as it sounds to me as if actually using the skill is going to be important. You get different points for combat and non-combat. No experience for killing things.
  20. Update on Kickstarter Page. http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/obsidian/project-eternity/posts/314089?ref=activity non-combat skills are separate from combat skills, use different resources and are all useful. It is possible to use them to avoid combat. Check it out.
  21. No actual details on the house itself but quests are mentioned. A store. Wonder if it will be player owned and produce some income.
  22. Nakia

    Hi Dana, love your avatar. You have such lovely ones.

  23. Who the hell does this kind of thing? Seriously? Are you just speculating here on what some players could potentially do if they wanted to, or do you have some kind of proof that X amount of players did such things? I don't think it's right trashing an entire gameplay concept just because a very small number morons go to extreme lengths to level up their character in a singleplayer game. Who the hell does this kind of thing? Seriously? Are you just speculating here on what some players could potentially do if they wanted to, or do you have some kind of proof that X amount of players did such things? I remember plenty of players posting about such methods on the official forums. Another method was to make your character swim into a corner to level up athletics. Is it stupid? Yes. But it also proves my point that such a leveling system rewards grinding. Hi Kana She speaks the truth. People reported various cheese bits of how they leveled up a skill. Since I frequently play a rogue I myself would find a sleeping beggar at night and run around to get a couple of levels. No game play benefit received there.
  24. Personally I like having the skills I use level up. XP could be used to get points to put into any skill you wish. Hmm Skills level up slowly but no points. XP for completing quests, kill things in what ever manner and that gives perk points. Wonder if that could be done. Please let's cut the argument and comments about Skyrim. Whatever our personal opinions about the game it has nothing to do with the discussion of skill leveling adding points vs XP adding points.
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