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Everything posted by Nakia

  1. Having the game in other languages not only benefits Obsidian now and in the long run but it is simply the right thing to do. I have played games from other countries which have been translated into English, sometimes the text and sometimes by voice over. I would not have been able to play those games without the translation. Not every one can learn a foreign language easily and it takes time. Some of you probably learned English in grade school. I applaud Obsidian for doing this. It is the right thing to do.
  2. Include pirates in a stretch goal. An underwater civilization ala BG II? The mega dungeon some were discussing. Make sure they have an outstanding Quality Control department team. I am still suffering from seven patches that didn't really patch a game.
  3. Remember this is a USA company located on the North American continent which connects with Central America and South America. What other languages are spoken in the Americas besides English? Spanish and Portuguese. Hmm where is the Portuguese translation?
  4. The artist is Polina Hristova, and you can check out her other stuff here. Here is the source of who the artist is and were to find more of her art.
  5. I found the artist's pictures rather interesting. Those of the monster and the bird were fantastic and very imaginative in my opinion. The others I saw tended to be photographic. Completely different styles. Obsidian should turn her loose on the monsters.
  6. Where do heroes come from if not from 'ordinary' people. A hero is someone who is willing to act. The quest giver may actually be better fitted to do the quest but is not willing to act. The Hero may start out an ordinary person but as he or she acts he discovers abilities and powers within himself he was previously unaware of. He learns new things, new ways of doing things. The Hero sees that something needs to be done and does it. I have played and enjoyed many games with a "Chosen One" I have nothing against the concept I just think it has been over used and I would like a change. No prophecies, no gods, no special birth just someone who chooses to be the Hero. Who chooses to act. I don't want to be "The Chosen One" I want to be "The One Who Chooses".
  7. Welcome to all the new members of the Order. Remember it takes time to get the list and the titles updated. So please be patient.
  8. As already said the pledges raised by the translations will pay for the translations. We are not talking voice acting but text. I played a demo of a Chinese game that had Chinese VAing and English text. I was about to pre order it when they came out with a demo that had voice over in English and Chinese script. I didn't get the game. Ed Air does remind me of someone but I can't think who. Who ever he looks great. A major character? Good is that a tattered cloak I see? Wonderful.
  9. I echo that prayer. Thanks for the update. I like the way the human fighter looks. My language is English but I am happy to hear that my friends will get the translation they want. Good news. I am looking forward to the novella.
  10. Sorry but that was the age I taught . I am infamous for my middle form speech. But please do be sensible. The devs are being very good and also patient. Let us not behave like eight year olds.
  11. Me? I have been and other things too. I did taxes at one time and worked horrendous hours at times. The developers need their rest and R & R just like everyone else. I have seen them browsing the forum at all sorts of odd hours. You want them to throw together an update based on what? They are working be reasonable. Please.
  12. First while a large number of fans are from Europe not ALL fans are from there. Plus Obsidian is on the West Coast of the USA the people who work there live in that area. Come on, guys, be fair, be reasonable, don't make gnats out of yourselves. The Updates go on the Kickstart page first and then get copied to the forum.
  13. Obsidian is on the West Coast. It is only 1:15 PM there. Have some patience and remember time zones.
  14. We do seem to have some interesting members. Lich BattleMage, Fallen Knight, Assassin, Rogue, Dreamer/Pervert and I've lost track. Sheogorath is very pleased.
  15. All the voice actors for the BG games are twelve (12) years older. The voice does change as you mature. Plus I would rather see money spent on other things than "stars". This is a new game even if based on old ways. I don't want a clone of BG or PS/T or any other game. I just want the things that made those games so outstanding. Story, depth, challenges etc. New voices for a new game is my vote.
  16. http://forums.obsidi...tion=boardrules Hate to say it, but this guy is correct. Most of your shields are breaking the 150 pixel rule. My shield copied from mieu's is 100 x 97 according to Paint.net. We have been asked to drop the subject and there is also a rule against members taking on the role of moderators. Those of us who found the criticism offensive should have reported the post. We were wrong in our reaction.
  17. Does everybody have to shut the **** up in here or what? Is that your "German" rule? These were only my thoughts, nothing else. I am not forcing any rules upon anybody, I am just asking what everbody thinks and those are my thoughts. I really don't care if anybody uses a shield or not, I am just trying to be democratic and respect what everybody thinks. Sorry, I think we have only one person who finds the shields offensive. I think they are fun.
  18. If people dislike my shield I will remove it. Nakia is a rogue and not a knight. I just found it fun and enjoy fooling around with what mieu so kindly started.. Avatars and signatures are a matter of choice and some I like and some I don't. None of the shields are official. I do not have PS. I used Paint.net. On this I am adamant that I will not change my avatar except at the order of a moderator. My signature will reflect who and what I support. Shields should not be mandatory.
  19. Since this is a fantasy game and not real life we could look at this way; we are the One Who Chooses. We choose to play the game thereby becoming the hero of the game. As long as the game doesn't start out with my PC being the Chosen One I will be happy. I have chosen to back this game and now the developers are the gods who decide the fate of my character. Lead on Obsidian, Masters of my destiny.
  20. Volourn, I disagree. To be a Chosen One someone must choose you. TNO was driven by circumstances. Yes he was unique, special as I have said but no one said "You must do this. You have no choice." I agree the Bhaalspawn was not a chosen one. Said that in a prior post. The heros of Dragon Age:Origin aren't Chosen Either at least not at the very beginning. Circumstances force them into making a choice. Once set on that path you could consider them chosen. That is how I see it. Fate does not choose me unless there is some guiding force behind that fate. I may be influenced by many things but I always have a choice. Always. Even The Chosen One. Theoretically.
  21. Interesting that people are saying The Nameless One was Chosen. Special yes. Unique Yes. When I played the game I just thought of him as someone trying to find out who he was. In a sense representing Every Man. (person)
  22. mieu's shields are very easy to customize. I used Paint.net to do mine which is subject to change at any time.
  23. As far as I am concerned the whole leveling thing is artificial. It attempts to reflect real life in an artificial fantasy world or science fiction world or what ever fictional world. We are not born with equal talents, equal intelligence, equal strength. No matter what the developers do I doubt we are going to be 100% happy. I am a versatile person. I taught, I was an account, I did arts and crafts, I read many different types of books, I fixed locks and some basic electrical things. I learned to repair computers . I can't sing. I will never write the Great Novel or create a game like this one but there are many things I can do. So why not have some versatility in the game? If I play a warrior I want him or her to be intelligent, if the PC is going to lead a party then he or she should have some brains. Brains means being able to do different things. No I don't want my character to be able to do everything. There have to be some limits. If I want a character who can do it all, be it all I can go back and play a TES game. I want choices, challenges and some versatility. I think Obsidian is headed in the right direction.
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