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Everything posted by Nakia

  1. Meaningful choices. I want what I do to make a difference. I liked that in Arcanum.
  2. No it isn't unreasonable to ask for information but it is unreasonable to expect to have a whole game laid out when four days ago the developers didn't even know if they would get the funding for it. They still don't have the money. These are pledges not cold cash yet. Asking them to lock them selves into something right now is unreasonable and unproductive. Give them a chance to catch their breath and do some work. We, at least some of us, have complained that it is the publishers that have put pressures on developers to develop mediocre and shoddy games do we want to do the same thing? Once Oct 16th has passed what is next? Crying that we paid money but don't have the game? Come on guys be fair. I do not need a day by day report on what they are doing. I want them working on the game and giving us periodic reports. Not jumping at them because it is 10 AM my time and only 7 AM their time and I haven't heard from them. I pledged because I like Obsidian's games and I trust them. They have NOT given us bad communications.
  3. The people I have met Online from Australia and New Zealand always seem to have good common sense. Maybe because it is already tomorrow there?
  4. Thank you, Dev Adam, it is kind of you to reply to this thread. :D Now get to work. Information wise you are doing fine.
  5. Inventory control is never realistic. You are out in the wilderness and have just killed off a dozen or more bandits, found loot in chests or lying around. The bandits all have various weapons and armour. You are already wearing armour, have collected various items, have potions and you want to collect as much as you can. Whether slots or weight or a combo of the two doesn't matter. That diamond weighing little will take up one slot. That suit of armour weighing 100 pounds will take up one slot. No matter what it just is fantasy. I handle inventory by pulling up suppression of disbelief. Grab everything I can that has any value, drop the junk or low value stuff and wish for a pack mule. What ever the developers come up with I will learn to live with it. What I would like is an inventory sorter.
  6. I defiantly want a modding toolkit but the first prioity is to get a good game set up. One that is stable and bug free. Then provide a good toolkit that is reliable and does not conflict with the game. If the two don't work properly together the toolkit is of little value. Game first Toolkit second
  7. This game was announced Friday. Then came the weekend. We have had three updates already. The devs need time to do their planning, now that hte base funding has been pledged, the first stretch goal pledged and we are well on our way to the second stretch goal they can get down to exactly what they can and cannot do. Hire the people they will need to work on this project. We can help by spreading the word. I have posted it on my FaceBook page, on Google+ and other sites where I am active. I know that at least a few people have pledged because of this. Tell you friends, family and anyone you can reach about the project. I found out about the project because someone posted about it on a site I frequent. If you know how to get it advertised in game publications do that.
  8. I love good voice acting but I would rather money was not spent on expensive stars. There are plenty of young people out there who would love to do voice acting and are studying it. The studio is located in California near Los Angles. I would imagine that Obsidian could find young actors, middle aged actors, even old actors that would love to do some voice overs for a reasonable price. People with a variety of accents not just poring so called standard American English.
  9. No short text for me. I am more concerned with the size of the text. Not every one who plays these games has 20/20 vision. I am one of those. I would rather have text that can be made larger or smaller depending on the needs of the player.
  10. Although I use Windows I am in favor of a Linux version. I am in favor of anything that increases competition to Windows. So go for it Obsidian.
  11. I like the automatic idea, if you camp you eat. If you go to an inn you can buy food and again rest and eat. It can and has been done subtly. There does not have to be any micro management. If you have a residence again it is an automatic feature. While the game is fiction and a certain amount of suspension of disbelief is involved I still like it when the characters act like real people. I also like in BaK that enemies sometimes fled.
  12. They said the house would be upgradable so I would like to start with a nice house and either as I level up or tied to quests be able to upgrade it to a larger residence prehaps fortified or a stronghold. In Morrowind one of the players residences was actually a small village. I liked that one the best.
  13. Betrayal at Krondor, my first cRPG, did that. You and your party members had to carry food and the party ate once a day. The food gradually diminished. When you camped at night weapons were automatically cleaned and repaired. No actual management was needed by the player. If you went for a period of time without food you did begin to starve. As I said I never used sleep mods because they were in my opinion unrealistic and broke immersion instead of helping. Depending on the game I had my party or PC if solo rest. In the BG games and some others I often did wish when going to an inn or residence that my group could have a meal. It just seemed to fit the scenario. Often they could have a drink. I remember in Arcanum you could get drunk. Things have been suggested for the game that do not add to the as far as moving through a quest line or fighting in a dungeon crawl or chasing bandits but do add to the feeling of the game, making the characters seem more real and adding to the role play aspect. It is a matter of balance and of taste. You have to go and sell off your loot or at least store it some where so why not take the time for a little rest and relaxation? Why not take the time to hear a bard sing or even do a bit of singing yourself? Why not have a little fun? Does the game need to be all slash, hack, bash? There are plenty of games out where you can do that.
  14. If the game follows the BG model the party will need to rest after battles. After a really hard battle I found I needed to rest. I disagree with the idea that food is purely maintenance. What you can make you sleepy or perk you up. What you eat or drink is important. For me seeing your party and other NPCs behave like real people does add to the immersion and fun of the game. Role playing to me is a lot more than being the greatest warrior, mage, thief, assassin. Perhaps it could or should be tied to a hardcore level or something that is optional. I like options. I hope, beg, plead for a modding toolkit because mods do give players more options. That way you can add the things you like to your game.
  15. Old school with custom portrait imports if possible.
  16. I may have missed it there is a lot going on here but I haven't seen this addressed. I was wondering how this subject would be handled. Most games of this type do have the characters get tired when they fight but few have them get hungry or thirsty. I often add mods to games to change that. However it needs to be handled very carefully. When in a fight situation adreniline kicks in and you are concentrating on not getting killed and on killing the enemy. After the fight is won then you should be tired, certainly thirsty and possibly hungry. Forced sleep I don't usually include because it is intrusive and in my opinion silly because if someone is trying to kill you you are not going to think about sleeping. I think eating should at least increase your stamina and even health. We will probably have potion that help with fatigue and health and magic but just having a drink of water as you wander the wilderness, delve into caves and ruins would be help and be natural. I know it would probably be tricky to implement as once you spot an enemy or are spotted by an enemy you won't be thinking about anything but the battle. In BG games I loved taking my party to a nice inn after a big battle even if they actually didn't need to eat or even sleep. It just seemed the right thing to do. Part of the role play for me. A nice meal, a little conversation, a comfy room to rest in is something any adventurer would want I think. Even just setting up a camp and chatting around a camp fire about how well you did or how to do it better next time seems natural to me. Cleaning and repairing your weapons, checking your spells, maybe learning new ones.
  17. Read the thread. You may be unable to see problems with it, but that doesn't mean other people don't. If you like it fine, then sure, chalk that up to a vote for DRM. I am a pirate myself, and I know how it works, I lurk lots of pirate forums, and a strong DRM does work to make profit, because some people just can't help it, and go and buy the game because they don't have the patience to wait for a crack. Some of us also believe that pirating is stealing and that it hurts the developers of a game who do deserve to be paid for the work they have done. I opt for a DRM free copy that I have paid for and have a legal license to use.
  18. I really do not want hundreds of spells. I would like to see spells increasing in strength. As for schools. These should be available to everyone who can do magic. 1) Restoration: healing yourself and others leading to the ability to bring people and creatures back to life. Maybe buffing should be included here. 2( Enchantment: The ability to enchant items, especially weapons, robes and armour. 3) Illusion: The ability to affect others minds. Includes the ability to make clones or the illusion of clones of oneself. 4) Conjuration: Summon various creatures, monsters, demons. I think it should include the ability to cast protective spells. This could also include the ability to conjure weapons or armour. 5) Destruction: Of course, Fire, lighting, ice all those handy things that are so much fun. 6) Telekinesis: Moving items including bodies. A nice transport spell to get out of those dreary dungeon crawls would be nice. 7) Necromancy: Although I am rather tired of undead creatures I suppose it should be included. I don't care how the schools are named those are just general suggestions. Should certain spells be limited to classes. Say there is a Mage class, a Sorcerer class, a Priest class. Should they have they own special set of spells?
  19. I agree. When I heard about this at 4:50 PM EDT on Friday I jumped over to the Kickstart page because I had played games Obsidian had developed or had some input into the development. It was their track record that drew me in. i am sure they have been discussing an plannning this for a while and have good idea of the general basics of the game. They have opened up this forum where we can make suggestions and ask questions and they have shown an interest in it. The Obsidian Devs have to make the final decision of what is reasonable, doable, works but they need us the investors. They won't please all of us 100% but I am sure some of our ideas will be implemented. Options 3 & 4 are not good. I enjoyed DA:O but it wasn't the game I really wanted. I did want a spiritual successor to Baldurs Gate, to Planescape/Torment.
  20. In Arcanum your choices did make a difference to the ending.Much as I loved BG I & II you still ended up at the big ending battle. In TES games what you do doesn't really matter just go out and do what ever you want, be what ever you want. I have had a lot of fun with TES games and I try to role play but I do not consider them role playing games. Probably the only perfect cRPG for me was Betrayal at Krondor and that only because it was my first cRPG game and it was a new and fun form of entertainment. Game players are growing older and we are getting jaded. What ever Obsidian come up with some people will love it, some hate it and others find it fun but still complain. Players like to complain even when we love a game. You cannot please all of the people all of the time. This forum is showing that clearly. The best game that Obsidian can make is the one they want to make. The game they can put their hearts, minds and souls into. We can suggest but we cannot, must not rule.
  21. Player's choice but let there be consequences. My most fun game in BG/ToB was playing smart evil. Being smart evil simply means being self centered. You aren't out to kill just for the sake of killing. Neither are you out to save the world at any cost. Oh and companions should get part of the loot. "Follow me" "Why? What do I get out of it?"
  22. I did not vote as I feel it is up to the Obsidian execs to decide who should be on their team. It is a team and the people must be able to work together. Making the team top heavy could be a mistake. My opinion is the should hire good, the best possible second and lower tier workers. People who know what they are doing rather than go searching for high salaried stars. Leave it up to Obsidian.
  23. I don't care. It is quality I am hoping for. If it has replayability then I get more play time. Also the longer the play the longer to make the game. April 2014 is actually a short time. I would prefer less play time with an expansion . Please just make the game as bug free as is humanly possible. Quality over Quantity.
  24. I think Longknife is correct. The pledges have slowed down. I have put the information out where ever I can and know some people have pledged because of that. Pass the word around. Once we get more information, more screenshots, more videos showing us something the pledges may pick up some.
  25. A lot of things get implied in a game. Why the assumption that party members staying at you residence are passive? They could be practicing their skills, learning improving. If you go to a trainer do you spend a lot of time actually training? I do like it when there is actual training of some sort. Shooting at a target gives you some XP. Sparing with a partner gives XP. That sort of thing. Tea Parties? Did I hear a mention of those? As a recent arrival from Skyrim I want mead parties! Milk drinkers all of yah.
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