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Everything posted by Nakia

  1. I voted don't care. The world will be a diverse one, some groups isolated but all having a common language. Different factions would have their own slang. As far as I am concerned it is up to the devs. Can it be done easily,with little cost? There is simply no way that everyone can every thing they want. It is the game play that is important. Frills are fun and can add to the game but let's let the devs get the basic down.
  2. Since I have been playing the TES games I am used to being able to do that. I am against permanent clothes. My character wants to put on a nice comfy robe after a hard battle.
  3. I am sick of mindless undead staggering around, sometimes headless and falling apart. Ghost I don't mind but haven't met as man of those. Lich can be interesting. Vampires are overdone especially idiot ones who actually have no vampire skills, strengths.
  4. No, give them the tutorial set to easy. Let them have their moment of fun and lull them into thinking the game is easy then the step into the real game world, easy vanishes and the net tightens. Everything gets harder, more complex.
  5. It is really hard to say. The Devs may not have decided yet. So no harm to speculate. I like Godhammer Citadel not only because of the name but something has already happened there. They have said the even is a supernatural catastrophe so killing off a bunch of pilgrims would be rather catastrophic. Destroying a small village might be catastrophic for the villagers but would it be sufficient to get you worried enough to investigate why? It is going to be interesting to see how they justify your being in the area. Traveling some place for some reason yes. But the details? Something monumental needs to be wiped out, something that really catches your attention, scares you, intrigues you. If anyone can do it Obsidian can. All I ask is that I am not a prisoner of some sort. Just a simple wayfarer going to the big city to seek my fortune.
  6. I like the day/night cycle. I did play DA:O but I also used the camp which gave the illusion of day/night. I have played TES games including Skyrim and they all have day/night cycles so I am accustom to it. Plus if I play a stealth character I really like it. Yes I want a day/night cycle.
  7. Congratulation, Obsidian. Congrats Mac Users. Maybe we will pick up more Mac backers now that that tier has been reached. I estimate the pledges will top out around 4 mil. I think the next tier will be reached Friday or Saturday.
  8. Alchemy, enchantment, spell improvement Yes. I have mixed feelings about crafting. It can be abused. It is something I prefer to add after I have a played the game a couple of times. Make your own arrows as a perk for archer types would be handy. Cooking? How much talent does it take to stick a haunch of meat on a spit? Smithing? Would that be a perk skill as in Skyrim? As for alchemy and enchantment I did like the way it was handled in Skyrim.
  9. Achievements? Voted #1. I ignore them. If I want to replay the game it is because the game itself makes me want to replay it.
  10. If by hardcore you mean depth and complexity of story and characters, fights that vary in difficult and make you use strategy. Yes I want hardcore If anything I want more than the old games had. I want real choices, choices that make a difference. Actually Arcanum had but that wan't a 90s game. As for the boss fights those should be fair. The Boss should be hard to kill but you should be able to level up and so the fight should be more or less equal. The final battle should encourage you to explore and increase you skill levels, have excellent equipment. It shouldn't be easy but it shouldn't have to resort to cheese. Cheese is for mice and Sheogorath.
  11. I think the OP was referring to more casual relationships of NPCs rather than to possible romancers. Nuances of homosexuality are fine with me as long as it is not forced or flagrant. Heterosexuality is accepted and remarked upon so why should homosexuality be? Unless there is some gameplay reason.
  12. Personally if at some later date Obsidian wants to make a console version that does not matter to me. The initial game is being made for the PC. The final decision is Obsidian's, If the initial game was being made for consoles I would not have pledged. However what ever other versions they end up making does not affect me. I am not against a console version as long as it does not affect the PC version in any way.
  13. I do like the way the TES games handle spell casting. There is no limit on how many times you can cast normal spells but you have a magic meter. Each spell takes X amount of magic to cast. Then the meter needs to recharge. Potions can help recharge magic or increase it. Probably the easiest method is to tie it to stamina/mana.
  14. I understand that it would be difficult to make an isometric game for consoles. Maybe if consoles upgrade and become less limited that could be done but first the consoles need to change. Games geared to consoles don't do so well when translated to PCs so which ever direction you go there would be problems.
  15. I think the inventory system I liked the best was in Prince of Qin. You had personal inventory that consisted of your equiped items then you had party inventory. You also had tabs for different types of items. To pick up items you simply clicked on the item and the nearest party member went and got it. Arcanum was cute because party members would walk over and stand on an item to pick it up but also annoying because you had to go into their inventory and get rid of the junk.
  16. which means that we are thrown in medias res into the story. except if they make some prologue (similar to Dragon Age) which then leads to this event regardless what we do. I agree. I don't care where the player starts as long as he or she is not a prisoner of some sort.
  17. Yes, at least in side quests. In the main quest it might not work so well. If you fail a quest or only partial succeed in the MQ then I assume you have to reload and try again. That could be annoying. Side quests could be failed without affecting the over all game. Arcanum had this feature.
  18. I feel there are three major classes: Warrior, Magic User, Stealth. Then there are sub-classes. I would like my character to be customizable and I gather from what Obsidian has said that this will be so. I do think there should be limitations. Something such as DA:O had. I do not want to be everything there is by the end of the game. One thing that annoyed me with Skyrim is that I had an Orc Warrior using two handed swords primarily but the so called main quest forced me to join the Mages College. I had intentionally kept him away from magic except for a couple of low level healing spells. This just spoiled the character for me.
  19. I loved the companions in the Baldur Gate series, their interaction with each other and the PC was memorable. Each character came alive and make the game so much fun. They should be voiced. I agree with the OP. To make a character great depth is needed.
  20. BG games had different coins and when you collected money you could turn it into special gems. I have no idea how hard that is to do but the idea of everything being tied to gold I find silly. Call it something else at least. I either end up with little money or richer than Midas. Currency should have some meaning.
  21. No level scaling. Nothing is more boring than random encounters with things you can easily kill. I am hoping this will be a challenging game.
  22. I liked the journal in Arcanum. I would like to be able to add personal comments to quest.
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