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Found 12 results

  1. Its hard to explain but sometimes when i close journal then it has problems making my characteres move or sometimes when i write it actually fires the hotkey instead of the letter i write ... uhm ... so yeah something is wrong, buggy !
  2. I was playing second playthrough. Not long after I entered Defiance Bay and Act II, suddenly I realized that my main quest has not been updated since Caed Nua. It was the quest named 'Old Watcher' and it said I should confront the watcher whose name I forgot. Of course, I already met him and killed him so that I could repair the eastern tower so I can get to Defiance Bay. Actually, main quest proceed with almost no trouble. I met Woedica's ghost follower at the First Fire and he directed me to the sewer. However, journal doesn't get updated and more importantly, I do not get any reward from the main quest. Concerning side quests, their journal updated normally and I get rewards normally, too. I already tried console command that force-proceed the quest progress with IE mod installed, but it didn't do anything on the main quest while the console command do its job on the side quests. I suppose it is because my main quest 'The Old Watcher' is already completed in my flags. Maybe I can just play with intuition to complete the second playthrough's main quest and fill the lacking XP from more side quests (another difficulty increase mode for myself, I guess), but the bug is quite unsettling and I want to fix it if there is a known solution.
  3. Description: When you enter Ionni Brathr your journal is immediately updated with the information Ondra gives you when you advance a little towards the pool of water. Steps to reproduce: 1. Enter Ionni Brathr in Cayron's Scar. 2. The "Lair of the Eyeless" quest is updated. Expected behavior: The quest should be updated after you've finished talking with Ondra.
  4. and not just specific to the game I''m playing. If I make a note about a trader with a nice item I want that note to be readable in every game I start afterwards. The notes are for me, not just for laughs for me to feel more like my character is real and keeping a diary
  5. It's a minor inconvenience, but when selecting Wood Elf, Aedyr and hunter, after talking with Calisca (?) at the very beginning having found the springberries, it will say "No background selected" in the journal at the second paragraph. I don't think the conversation options matter, but to be sure the problem can be reproduced: I selected 1,1,3,5 I don't think the rest of the character options matter either, but those I haven 't mentioned already: female, chanter Thanks in advance for fixing it.
  6. In the Journal entries, some lines of text run outside the border limit and are not legible. I have tried re-sizing the text, however it seems the window and borders are re-sized with it and the problem still exists. I've included a screen shot of the issue.
  7. It's a longer list, so I'll post it as a separate topic. Answering: No, they are not. It actually feels like the GUI designed for an old Infinity Engine games in some ways - we've really made a long way in improving GUI designs and as far as it is currently OKish... it's also needlessly tedious and doesn't always provide users with the info they need. That said though - PoE user interface is with no doubt much cleaner and more noob-friendly than say: BG, I don't want to see copying of old IE games interfaces, cause in many ways they were bad too, but I'd love if you'd take good things from them - like providing user with data he needs when he needs it, and most importantly: Good things from last 10 years of game development and design. Don't be afraid to embrace the awesome improvements and progress we've made in a last decade! If you are looking for some more detailed and constructive suggestions, here's the whole list, screen-by-screen for Inventory and Crafting, Character sheet, and finally: Journal. Inventory Search functionality in Stash (text input - you start type = you start search, similar to the way it's suppose to work on Google) Stash sorting functionality - should change depending on a tab - sort by value, sort by different damage types or damage resistances (depending if you're in Armors/Clothing or Weapons tab), etc. Ability to see ALL items in your stash (this preferably should be a default view) - I'm clueless why it's not in a game. o_O Button to move all items from my character inventory to stash (optionally: when clicked it should change to "restore", if I drag any new item to the character inventory - restore option should disappear) Search functionality for my character inventories (including items they got equipped) - when searching it should switch to the character that got this item equipped and highlight it (white border, or something like this) Ability to view a total sum of attribute changes to my character from all of the items equipped In character screen when hovering two numbers in End. Hlth. and Acc. it should show a tooltip saying "current" or "maximum" to make it clear why there are two numbers over these three characteristics (for our new players out there) When clicking attributes in the character or inventory screen it should show a popup screen explaining the attribute (how it affects combat or dialogs) and possibly also: display a break-down of how this attribute is affected by the equipment you have, for example: D.T. - Damage Treshold <<very long description here that currently appears as a tooltip which I can't even read whole cause it goes off beyond the screen>> Base: 0, Scale Armor: +7 ps. I added problem with tooltip as a bug report here. Inspect functionality in inventory screen - right now it allows you to inspect only the items. I'd expand it to explaining GUI elements:Clicking an empty slot should describe it - what kind of items fit there, tell that they can be added by drag & drop from the inventory or stash, etc. Clicking weapon sets should explain the whole functionality and how to swap between them in combat Clicking an empty spot in your character inventory should give you an explanation how it differs from Quick Items and Stash. Same with clicking on an empty slot in Quick Items or Stash icon - obviously Clicking on camping supplies should tell you stuff about using them and how to get new. ps. you already have most of these descriptions in the glossary - why you refuse to make use of them with Inspect functionality is beyond my comprehension. Inventory screen - 3D Character model - you can rotate him/her along just one axis. Please, make it possible to rotate him on both, to see character from above and in isometric perspective. And if we're on that: character model rotation should NOT reset when switching between characters. Inventory screen - Make it clear which weapon set is selected. In the UI, don't make me guess based on a looks of the weapons! Add a button to go directly from the Inventory screen to the character screen of a currently selected character. And back. and this: ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Crafting screen (it's sub-screen of an Inventory) Text search Filter by types (healing potions, combat AoE potions, etc. - you get the picture) Possibly sorting (turn off grouping by categories, and just sort all of them) - sort by value, uses, speed, etc., a nice drop-down - these items that do not have a certain property should be at the bottom of the list, separated by a horizontal line, order doesn't matter. Option to show only these items that I can craft with my current items (hide everything that's grayed-out, remove categories if they are empty) Anyone can tell me why the heck crafting potions in a field consumes money? It makes zero sense. Option to compare two potions / items. When having one selected and hovering another - it should bring a tooltip with an information similar to these Hormalakh gave in a quote above. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Character sheet Statistics breakdown - let us choose if we want to see records or statistics breakdown on a right-side part of the GUI.This should give you a nice set of tables, when relevant: show current, standard and base statistics. Current = all of the effects, spells and wounds + items + character, Standard = items + character, Base = character alone. That should also include a table with detailed breakdown of attack from your weapons, including it's default properties and properties after applying character modifiers. Current information of "+27% action speed" is meaningless if you can't easily compare an attack speed of different characters with their current weapons. Statistics breakdown should be a default view. Records are nice and all, but they do not help you with anything ahead of you! Tooltips on the elements. Make them more consistent. Eg. in my resolve stats I got a popup explaining concentration, but there is none for Duration (that's a duration of what? Spells? I guess, but could be potions or something very negative: attacks, as in: making them take longer). In my Intellect stat I got popup for deflection but none of Area of Effect. In Dexterity there is no popup for Action Speed. And so on, and so on. Active effects got no descriptions for... well... anything. Why some of the properties are clickabe for popup windows and some are hover tooltips? Be consistent - either everything is a popup or everything is a tooltip. XP bar.... Is that even a bar? Below Experience there's brown horizontal rectangle - it looks like a progress bar to the next level, but I can't see anything progressing there. Make it a proper, clear, progress bar or if it's not suppose to be one - replace it to a thin horizontal line if you need some separator in there. In general on a character screen I would prefer to see something information-wise more in a style of that: Image that forum doesn't allow me to put here You see all of the information in the right window? Like the actual number for your open locks skill after all the effects, actual number for your reputation, etc. My idea with tables goes further than that and shows you even more info, but this thing here is what I consider to be a bare minimum of what you should see on a character screen. Sadly PoE does not provide that, though overall - PoE character screen is much clearer and newbie-friendly - so keep that, it's a good stuff, but show us more data More data makes life easier, not more difficult, even if it might be slightly overwhelming at first. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Journal Text search - can be just in a titles, but still. It'd be especially useful with Glossary. Notes - this problem. Note the part about allowing users to select text there. Notes - allow us to remove them. Glossary - Equipment tab should contain descriptions of different types of equipment with their generic characteristics (eg. Armor tends to come in light, medium and heavy variety, describe their benefits and disadvantages, describe which types of characters should use which type of armor, etc.) Cyclopedia - after spotting a new type of enemy you at least should see it's name in a bestiary, just with no description. You know that they exist and what is the name - after all hovering them shows a tooltip with the name. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ I know this list is far from being complete as people gave some really decent suggestions here and there, but these are for me the most glaring issues - if anyone reading that post got anything more to add, feel free to do so.
  8. Just a little suggestion for a feature I kinda expected from the GUI: when you get a pop-up about a new quest in the upper left corner of the screen, it would be convenient to be able to click on it to bring up the journal. At least, that's what I did immediately upon seeing the pop-up for the first time (I mean, I clicked on it). The journal should of course open on the newly received/updated quest, so the player can review whatever notes are made about it.
  9. Yo! Windows Let me explain, in Baldur's Gate (I)nvetory is its own interface. What I'm curious about is if it could be handled like a Window screen. Statistics as well, perhaps the Journal too. Maybe I could customize it as well and press 1 button and bring up 4-5 windows on the screen. It'd be easier to drag and drop items to my team mates as well if I have Character 1 and Character 2 up on the screen at the same time. Tabs Customizable tabs in the Log, one could be for Dice Rolls in combat, one for purely Dialogue, I know there was a 3rd idea as well... perhaps a "Search" tab for finding traps or other stuff. It'll be easier to relocate what has been said with not having everything in one log. I could scroll up the Dialogue (A quick fix "Journal") to recall what has been said, the Journal would go a little bit more into detail of Quests and such. The combat log would obviously be important for combat, removing any subtitles of Battle Cries and such and mainly be focused on dice rolls. Sorry if I'm posting in the wrong section, thought it'd fit here better than Widgets but yeah, you'll be the judge of that Moderator [EDIT] Here are some links to other threads: Combat Log #1 Combat Log #2 Conversation Log & Combat Log Scrolling text log for dialogue and combat [/EDIT] And of course, what is your thoughts on the matter/topic?
  10. I hope the poll says it all Are you more into in character journal entries, or more into strictly objective based quest journal?
  11. We've got a crowdfunded project with many many rpg veterans chipping in. I'm ready for some innovation and experiments. Here are some features of my imaginary, perfect 'Project Eternity', add your own below! Resting Spells/abilities regenerate instead of becoming unavailable after use until the party rests. The party acts at 100% efficiency when well rested, but gradually becomes more vulnerable and loses effectiveness in all skills when tired. Spells not only cost mana, but tire casters independently. The same holds true for physical skills without consuming mana. The party can rest anywhere to regain up to e.g. 50% efficiency, but can only recuperate to 100% in designated resting areas. Familiar: As a tactical asset, it can spy, explore, steal, poison, play tricks etc. either on enemies/neutrals or companions. It's got character (I always thought Morte was a good familiar, if overpowered as a fighter.) It's not an ugly beetle. Dialogue Regular people share parts of a huge knowledge pool. Besides the traditional dialogue window, a kind of "google autocomplete searchbox" displays possible questions relating to the key words typed in. E.g. "Mr. X" would permit the questions: "What do you know about Mr. X?", "Where does Mr. X live?", etc. Choices Some painful, some impossible, and some to be proud of Example: "You paid dearly for doing the right thing. As a child slave, you decide to help a friend avoid punishment. You get caught and your hand is chopped off in retribution. Later on, you can't use bows and 2h-weapons. Furthermore, the wound is a stigma of a caught and convicted petty thief." In the later game, those friends' actions have special significance to the player, and create immersion. If later on a magic liquid metal hand that restores lost abilities, can shapeshift and execute killmoves happens to be found, it'll be enjoyed all the more. On the other hand, any injury can be avoided by not helping the friend in the first place. Not paying attention makes it easy to inadvertently go down the wrong path. You want to be a good guy? Be prepared to swallow rage and forsake the satisfaction of vengeance. Vigilante killings are recognized as such by society. It's not easy to be just, and almost impossible to entirely avoid being manipulated. Prudent choices such as "bringing someone in" instead of killing them outright are available. It's impossible to succeed every time, and players are confronted with moments of intense frustration. No guiding hand An immersion breaker in modern games is the relentless pace. Not in Project Eternity. Here it is important to pay attention to the dialogue. Little is gained by following quest markers or checking objectives. Facts are recorded, but the player jots down his/her own conclusions in the journal next to them, and chooses his/her plan of action. The minimap is not a substitute for looking at where you are going, players need to familiarize themselves with the game world. Help is readily available by talking to people, but the right questions need to be asked. Superior solutions to quests apparent only with understanding and immersion are available next to regular endings. Mystery The player is placed in a wondrous place, and is not all that powerful nor important. He/She isn't able to battle everything, and might need to run from a conflict without ever having a chance of besting an opponent. In PST the lady of pain set a great mood. Beating everything into submission does not solve anything, nor does it even seem a worthy endeavor. Themes Philosophy is fun and fascinating. Kierkegaard and Hobbes inspire fascinating dark characters whose dispositions and actions give a special flair to this RPG. There is no arch enemy, per se, the player develops a philosophy he/she needs to see through. Combat The trade-off for tactical mastery in turn based combat is the static feel. Especially during unchallenging encounters, parties approach each other, find the right distance, stop, and lose health until one dies. Not in Project Eternity. To start with, enemies have hit boxes which can be individually targeted. Moreover, terrain, obstacles, distance, position and stance are integrated as tactical elements. Attacks and spells can knock targets around. More action oriented players such as myself appreciate timed active actions (block, parry, riposte/counter, chain...), although these are optional in the game menu. Both classic rpg lovers and action oriented gamers appreciate differentiated combat stages, where party characters dynamically adjust their standard attack according to distance. Long range, mid range, and melee. A melee character needs to consider how to approach through a debuff focused mid range without penalty (by fog, evasion, cover, long range stun/knockdown...), thus making the "approach and hack" tactic less feasible. Different armors equal different strengths and weaknesses. Weapon changes during combat are quick and necessary. Semi-scripted melee and spell combos bring joy to all (thief hamstrings an opponent from behind, fighter bashes his head in) Romance During the last years games have opened up a lot in this respect. We saw more LBGT friendly interaction, and a lot more skin. Since all bases are covered in Project Eternity, a large cast of characters is needed. Most characters are regular boring heterosexuals, not that much interested in sex in any case, because immersion doesn't permit otherwise. A true romance (and with good reason not everyone wants to go there) seeps out of the confines of dialogue. Combat changes, as do expectations from partner and party. Interaction is more frequent and natural. A darker side of romance is the power to influence/manipulate/control one's partner, and some evil bastards take advantage of that. Leveling A Fallout approach is chosen in lieu of fixed classes. It's possible to pick up formerly unknown skills during the story which are not included in a skill tree/pool, and different types of equipment have unique actions. Toolset Whatever wishes stay unfulfilled, a toolset brings them to life. Modders not only add or change content, they change gameplay, fix bugs and update graphics. A toolset for a game is the gift that keeps on giving. (Check out the oblivion/skyrim/fallout3/falloutnv nexus if you haven't already, it is insane what these people deliver)
  12. One thing I'd like to see in a game like this is a more personal quest journal for tracking quests as opposed to the rather impersonal ones that are usually received in these games that tend to outline quests in a very sedate and to-the-point kind of way. I know there's often the ability to make notes yourself, but I still feel it would be nice if the quest journal actually felt more like an actual journal or diary that your hero is writing themselves and less like an emotionless listing of what you've done and what you need to do. By incorporating the dialogue choices you made into the journal instead of just the outcome, I imagine it could a good job of reflecting this. However, there is a possible downside to this I realise, and that's the fact that players could feel that their journal is telling their character who they are instead of actually expressing their character. I know I'm not a fan personally of a game taking too much control over my character in an RPG and telling me why I did something or forcing me to do it when I don't feel it would suit the character. So I suppose for it to work the dialogue choices and nature of resolving issues would have to be clear and defined with next to no room for error. I'm curious as to how other people feel about this. Would you guys like a more personal journal too, or would you feel it would overtly step on your toes, or would you simply prefer a less dynamic journal that gets to the point more like a quest log with perhaps the option of additional notes?
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