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Everything posted by Nakia

  1. Betrayal at Krondor a very old game used the the method of leveling up a skill according to how often you used it. Please let's not insult each others preferenes in games or skill/perks advancement. Obsidian has probably already decided the basics of how they will do this. Each system has it advantages and its diadvantages and using Skyrim as an example of how to use the level up a skill to get points for perks is not a good one. It took a step in the right direction for doing that but didn't quite succeed in my opinion. Maybe this should be a poll. Actually why couldn't a hybrid method. It is Obsidian's call not mine.
  2. I must protest. I loved Morrowind, liked Oblivion after some really good mods were made, Played Skyrim quite a bit and got my monies worth. I role play those games. Hokay, part of the reason I played Oblivion and Skyrim so much was I couldn't find RPGs to play. Except the old ones. Skyrim, well, afraid there isn't too much to say about Skyrim. It has been a disappointment to even long time TES fans. I am sure the skill leveling system or rather the XP system will resemble the older games. I trust Obsidian to know what they are doing.
  3. @BatNat, that is great! Thank you so much. Idea; I do have some amateur voice over experience but we need younger voices I think. In fact I think different voices should do each verse. Surely we have others here who like to do voice overs and have some decent mikes and a sound editor? Seven verses if I counted correctly. If we can get some volunteers I would be willing to splice it together. Then hopefully one of our talented graphic artists to put into a video. Use that shield perhaps? Put it up on YouTube. Bet a lot of us have accounts there. Stick it on other forums? Sneak a link into the Kickstart page? Come on! We can do this.
  4. I am not much of a poll maker although I vote in most polls. I am a good poll taker. I may give it a try if no one else does it soon.Assuming I can figure out how to do it. Needs multiple questions I think.
  5. I have received extras for pre-purchasing games and I see no reason for not doing something similar. I doubt that it will be something that unbalances the game. It could also be something that is unlocked further into the game but backers get it right away without effort. It could be included in an expansion. Depending on our pledge we are all getting something that will not be available to those who buy the game. Giving people who gamble on the game something extra is good business practice and in my opinion fair.
  6. Of course, rogues and assassins need that ability to be rogues and assassins. Especially assassins.
  7. Those who jump to the conclusion that they know more than the developers of the game may mean some monetary loss to Obsidian but in the long run it is better if they withdraw from the project now. Those types will always feel angry about something and cause trouble. Isn't that the problem with publishers that they think they know better than the developer what should be done?
  8. Adding infinity engine NPCs would I believe be breaking copyright laws. Also I am not sure it is that easy to boot something from one engine to another. The problem might be in taking items from one game into another game and that would not need a toolkit devised for the game. Skyrim had that being done long before the Creation Kit was released.
  9. I would prefer companions integrated into the game with back stories and interaction but if other want to make their own companions let them. So I voted "I don;t care"
  10. EDT is now 7 AM which means West Coast time is 4 AM. Please take time zones into consideration.
  11. Wolves have been way over done and not even correctly in most cases. Alien creatures should be the main ingredient of the game. Also why do all animals need to be unfriendly and attack on sight? The BG series did have some interesting and tough monsters. The walking trees of Shivering Isles were interesting. This is an alien world (I hope_ so yes please give us alien creatures.
  12. One of the developers has suggested a pole which I think we should do. I have been thinking about it. As a resident of the USA I am concerned that people will sterotype us. We humans tend to do that. We have so many accents here. Various southern accents, mountain accents, the way the Amish speak. The so called standard American accent was actually created by professional voice coaches for radio announcers. We have also been brained washed by games? It takes place in the middle ages? Oh then we must use European accents particularly British. I would like Obsidian to think outside of the box. Why do dwarfs have to be so stereotypical? Obsidian has already said that the dwarfs of the south will be different from the ones of the north. Why do we assume this is Europe? This is a fantasy world. I lies in another universe. In BG I never played a human and in IWD no humans were in my party. What would you like to see in a poll?
  13. A Nord accent would be great for elves but unless you are a highly talented mimic only Nords can do a Nord accent. It is a pitch accent.
  14. Archmage of the Obsidian Order? Obsidian Order Archmage? Don't think I would like the Order getting elitist. $8 will be affordable to many. But I think $88 is pushing it.
  15. Obsidian is based in the USA, California to be more exact. We have a multitude of accents. I have lived in New York City and have heard so many different accents. I like the idea if it is possible of unique accents. This is unique project, a unique world, a unique concept even if based spiritually on the older RPGs. I don't want a clone of BG, PS:T, Arcanum etc. I want the spirit, the depth, the story, the challenge of those games which has been lost.
  16. I like accents. The problem with the USA accent is that is what is called standard American and does not actually reflect the variety of accents we have. I see no reason why just because it is a 17 th century type setting accents should be restricted to European accents. The world is going to be varied so what would be wrong with having some down home accents? Since the game is not going to be fully voiced let's have some unusual and different accents.
  17. Depends on the poll. Only the developers can actually answer that question. A poll will give a quick show of how many want something which I would think could be helpful.
  18. Nakia Rogue of Obsidian Order A little Halfling from IWD II is looking forward to this game.
  19. Although I originally got Arcanum because of the technology vs magic theme there was a great deal that I liked about it that had nothing to do with that. It had choices that made what you did important. You had multiple possible endings. You had quests that were just plain fun, You could fail quests. I did add a mod or tool that made it possible to upgrade and edit you companions, most of them. It had Dog. I loved watching the party slipping and sliding on the icy snow. I just loved that game. In my opinion one of the best written games.
  20. Other than using some of the mods made for the older isometric games I am not familiar with tools for those games. I do have some experience with 3D game modding. Nothing great but enough to know what can and cannot be done. Modders making unique items, doing texturing and re-texturing use third party tools. Quest mods, campaign mods need a toolkit for the game. Since those are the types of mods I like, ones that add to the playability of the game I would definitely like to see a game toolkit.
  21. I hope modding will be possible. Mods to extend the life of a game keeping alive and on the market much longer. It benefits both the player and the developer.
  22. I am not sure how valuable subforms would be at this point. Most people will be convinced that their favorite desire is a good suggestion. It could cause a lot of work for our already overworked moderators trying to keep threads in the proper forum. Someone already suggested a subforum for updates which sounds a good idea to me. Maybe a subforum devoted to romances and related subjects.
  23. Depends on what free will is. We are governed by our genes, our culture, our experiences. We are influenced by the people around us and we influence them. Since there will be different types of souls in the game it would seem that what ever type of soul we have would govern what we can do and be. Maybe when we do character creation we will choose our would and that will decide if the character is combat oriented, magic oriented, stealth oriented. Seems to me the developers have picked an interesting but challenging system.
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