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Everything posted by Aoyagi

  1. The poll is biased, incomplete, grammatically incorrect and most importantly, I think it's irrelevant. Obsidian has already stated (and you quoted it) that they are dealing with this issue, so: Imagine you are a wizard and you can select any armor you whant. Which armor would you select? I'd select the armor best fitting the type of wizard I would be playing. So your not just picking in armor because of the look but also because of its advantages. Which advantage would you like most if given from an armor? No, I'm, in fact, picking armor 50% because of its looks. The other 50% is how it fits with the rest of my equipment with its bonuses and stuff. In the last point you just named several simple examples of types of wizards that might be implemented by Obsidian. Damn, I feel mean this morning.
  2. I don't know how did I not think of this. I've been praising similar feature that is in GTA 4 (flashback-like save, it goes like 40-60 seconds to past) and I guess PE would make a good use of replay features (no matter how executed)...unless it's too complicated to integrate, in which case there are better things to do.
  3. Agreed. But I think it's been discussed somewhere already. If I recall correctly, there will be option to turn it off and Expert mode will have it off by default.
  4. What? What do you want, heroic combats full of fire, explosions, magic and acrobacy like in Devil May Cry? For all I care, "bosses" can only be slightly different from the rest of the group, unless it's some large lone demon, in which case standard "throw at them everything we have!" applies. Stages are something I find extremely annoying unless it happens once or twice during the gameplay and unless it's logical. You either want large, powerful and monstrous boss with no/few minions or you want a boss with 'army and its general' paradigm. I don't know why would you want to mix these two or how would you make it work. Lastly, from my point of view, the boss him-/her-/itself doesn't need to be challenging. Only the way to him should, be it traps, his minions, decisions, whatever. What you want is something very Diablo-like. I'm not sure I'd like that.
  5. Considering the technical realization of how the world is rendered, I really doubt there will be any nonscripted environment destruction/interaction. I didn't miss it in any other game before, be it something newer (NWN2, AP, Two Worlds, DA:O, etc.) or older (Fallout, IWD, etc.), so I chose "I really don't care". Diablo 3 (A.K.A. 'DiAuction 3') and Grim Dawn (which I can't wait for) are action RPGs based on combat, rewarding killing and the feeling of destruction. It's incomparable to PE. And again, I say yes for violence, but no for long 'movie like' killing moves, combos or other modern action elements.
  6. Where is the option "yes, but only in a limited manner and only in places where it makes sense, also not so much that it would get frustrating"?
  7. I'd prefer if druids were a subtype of clerics to deepen variety or make them very different... But that might be out of the question, I dunno
  8. People should seriously stop asking for ports, additional controls and things alike. Port to XBOX! I want controllers! I want to touch it! I want to drive it with a wheel! Or move with a joystick! I want voice control! It wasn't mentioned during the KS campaign so there is near to zero chance that any of the suggestion will be heard. It's becoming ridiculous. Only the capacitive ones
  9. I'm surprised you're even interested in PE with that attitude. And no, these things change when you decide to change them. So you believe that having 11 buttons instead of 100+ wouldn't impede the gameplay? Amusing. Not to mention that you need mouse to point to stuff instead of telling the cursor 'go this way' with your analog sticks.. Why would you want to use a controller for that and deliberately cripple your effectiveness is beyond me.
  10. Daym, I searched for it but apparently, not very thoroughly... :/
  11. Oh, I forgot to include the option Two Worlds uses - quivers, which have unlimited ammo but vary with damage and/or magic attributes.
  12. I can imagine that, stacking limitations for ammo can be a pain in the a*se, but if it was unlimited or very high? It's not very realistic, but realism is not very fun in this case, as you pointed out. Edit: That also brings me to next question - will inventory be space limited, weight limited or both? But that's for another discussion ^^
  13. Well, it's quite simple - are we going to get ammo for guns, bows, crossbows, slingshots and whatnot or are they going to be ammo-free and shoot infinitely? If there is going to be ammo, will it be only one type (of bullets, arrows, stones) like in Diablo, leveled kinds similar to Elder Scrolls (wooden, stony, iron, steel, obsidian), enchantable like in NWN (and possibly any other D&D game)(+1 fire damage, 30% stun chance) or mix of the two above? I hate doing polls, makes me feel like an attention woor, but this question is rather important to me and I didn't find the answer :S
  14. I think that really depends on how the companions are acquired. I sort of presumed it would be similar to NWN2, meaning they joined the hero on their own and would stay in hero's place until summoned again But if some mercenaries will be included - as I understand it, they will be included in the Adventurer's Hall - it would make perfect sense if they wanted some not-that-small sum of money upfront and then took a small/medium share of the money loot, ingredients ('crafting', alchemy, etc.) and other consumable stuff.
  15. Or it could be located outside this city. Or even better, you could choose to build it there. Building place options providing some minor differences...mmm, I'd like that That's the point. But fortuntek and I have already agreed that further discussion on this topic is pointless so I don't know why are you bringing it up again.
  16. Good point. So what I would like to have in the Stronghold is spa, sauna, elven gardens, school, ballista, inventor's tower, walkable dungeon+torture room+kill room where I can actually do stuff. Oh and some livestock would be nice too. Maybe a rat problem or two, no more as it would become obnoxious.
  17. Of course not, Bioware is under domination of the evil EA overlord (har har) and makes a mix between action, RPG and movie for mass entertainment.
  18. About that... have you seen this? If I was Obsidian, I would be pretty pissed. Does this mean war? ^^
  19. Sigh, always quakenet ^^ But it's nice to have a channel no matter the network, of course.
  20. The times when Black Isle existed were...different, methinks. But, of course, you might be right. However, we'll never know unless some of the mentioned people share their thoughts, which is unlikely. Besides, I meant it more of a community thing, bothering the devs with it would be contraproductive and arrogant Uhh...I wouldn't say Battle.net. There is no annoying auction, DRM, serverside playing, social network features or...well, basically anything else except for the chat.
  21. Project Eternity is most likely not going to have community based gameplay (also known as multiplayer), but that doesn't mean the community shouldn't bond, does it? Obviously, what I'm proposing is creating an IRC channel, preferably with ops that are somehow related to Obsidian (forum moderators and such). It wouldn't even have to be solely focused on Eternity. Obsidian very has a large fanbase around the previous games as well, so it could be a general Obsidian chat that would be alive and have its use for eternity! But seriously, I've been wishing for an Obsidian backed IRC channel for a while and now that the forums boil with activity, it might even happen. ...preferably on Esper.net :3
  22. If the "quest" means a fighting arena or something similar, then sure, why not - even if it's only for limited runs or re-runs open when reaching certain points in the main plot.
  23. No, it would discourage people of taking different approaches and classes.
  24. This reminds me, I have recently discovered and took a liking in RAGE, one of the reasons are the sounds. Westeland desert sounds exactly like I would expect it to sound, it feels great. Shotgun sounds like something that can punch a hole in your face. Awesome! Yeah, I fell for that game and sound is one of the reasons for that... But I'm unsure how would multichannel (or even surround) sound help. Maybe I lack the imagination for that, but as I see it, as long as you don't rotate the camera, you don't need more channels. Actually I found it pretty disturbing in a game I can't recall name of... All of the saved processing / memory could be used for more sound layers \o/ But maybe I'm missing the point and quite possibly most of what I said is nonsense.
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