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Everything posted by AGX-17

  1. see
  2. http://www.teamfortress.com/tf01_ring_of_fired/
  3. I'm willing to bet it'll get funded, primarily by trolls who know that there are people who will be crapping blood as a result of the news that a bunch of trolls ponied up $500k for Uwe Boll to make a terrible movie based on a terrible video game. It's pretty telling about Capcom that it's gotten to the point where Megaman devs are now making their own blatant Megaman knockoff because Capcom has banned Megaman forever. It looks much better than just another Megaman sequel, anyway.
  4. But they've already said 4 is the "conclusion," SR isn't Alpha Centauri and the PA you get at the end of the game has all the powers you get in the sim.
  5. Yeah, it's no wonder this is the end of the series, it'd be hard to find a top to go over from here (assuming the end credits aren't a preview of SR5 concepts.) A good game, but I still think 3 was the best overall.
  6. http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=216538263 "Researchers in Sweden have confirmed the existence of element 115. It sticks around for a surprisingly long time. Scientists believe it may bring them closer to the mythical 'island of stability' a whole slew of super-heavy elements that could last for days or even years."
  7. Why fix what ain't broken? That's a matter of individual character design. Besides, this isn't Fallout Tactics.
  8. Probably because it's so old hat. Meanwhile, in the 21st century... August 25, 2013. A date which will live in infamy.
  9. I was actually scared for a moment, before I realized what was going on. And the more territory you take control of, the "buggier" the area gets. Ordinary NPCs and vehicles start to spawn like them. So a hooker with two eyes bigger than her fat head strolls by slenderman driving an invisible car. And here I thought the UK game industry was just stuck in a Forklift Truck rut.
  10. SR4, P3P, TF2, DDC, ACNM. That last one stands for acronym, not Arcanum. [insert disdainful reaction image here]
  11. Probably in a similar way to importing saves from PS to PS2. There were at least a few PS2 games that utilized PS saves from previous titles in a series to unlock bonus content. All you have to do is make your game capable of reading the save data from the previous game, it's not like it's hardwired or part of the OS.
  12. "Believe it or not, before a character is even written, the process starts with a concept artist." That's where I stopped reading.
  13. Survival against bugged NPCs (as in the deliberate game-within-a-game type) = absolute hilarity.
  14. Hold up there, chums, why is this suddenly a civil discourse on fantasy novelists and not an argument over the homogay homosex in the video games? Won't somebody please think of the children? The children.
  15. What are you doing posting on a sub-human forum utilizing a sub-human technology (the internet)? Since Russians didn't invent the internet, it's not even human technology. [insert response claiming Russian responsibility for any/all technological developments in human history] It's like chimpanzees using a stick to pull ants or termites out of a mound. Isn't this ape's game of ant-fishing beneath the superior master species Homo Slaviens that stands at the peak of the mountain of evolution?
  16. Because of the possible prospect of torture?
  17. It's not a matter of "the game" lacking an "open nature," because it's not so much a game as a rulebook/devkit. The overarching purpose of the product is the production and consumption of user-generated content.
  18. Rebecca Sanabria (the original female voice #3 in SR2 and 3,) was the best. It's funny how they've cleansed SR's female player cast of all ethnic minorities. So now it's middle/upper-middle class WASP, WASP doing a fake french accent and Paula Deen. Frenchie is the least bad of the selections, but all of them are bad to me since I can't import my SR2-3 character anymore, since she was a muy caliente chica for two games and suddenly now all hispanics and blacks sound like white people.
  19. What's wrong with the already confirmed book bashing melee for wizards?
  20. Shouldn't it be a given that different in-game cultures have their own particular aesthetic tastes and design preferences? You don't need to vomit a bunch of photos of non-fictional weapons to make that point, it cheapens the concept of the game world having its own unique cultures by just suggesting they be copies of real-world cultures, which is the status quo for fantasy games.
  21. It's completely off topic. Your unrealistic (to say the least,) expectation that they would consider making every companion character into, essentially, a fully implemented player character is simply absurd.
  22. Are the only games you play Square Enix JRPGs for tweens?
  23. Guerilla warfare is wildly outside the combat concepts of this type of game. Stealthy combat =/= guerilla warfare. Firstly, a guerilla group operates within a limited territory, with their sole/primary interests lying within that territory. The player is not going to just spend the entire game camped out in one location attacking passersby on the nearest road. By your line of reasoning, any form of combat outside of wearing flashy bright colors and charging headlong into an army would count as guerilla warfare. This is, of course, ignoring the fact that a party of, what, 9 characters does not constitute an army. A fight with bandits would not be defined as a war by pretty much anyone.
  24. Explain to me how an atmospheric/lore choice constitutes "personal quests." You couldn't be a dwemer searching for the answer as to the fate of your people in Morrowind (even if you could, every other race would be able to do the same thing, which makes it irrelevant,) it was just lore/design justification for comparatively "high-tech" dungeons. The player had no personal connection to, well, anything in Morrowind or Oblivion. Or Skyrim, for that matter. Being wronged by the authorities as an introductory plot hook has become such an overdone cliche in TES that it has no value in narrative terms.
  25. There's nothing wrong with exploiting a stupid financial system for personal gain.
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