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Everything posted by AGX-17

  1. P3P. Should have gotten it before, but then again, maybe I shouldn't. Was up way too late last night getting carried away with Hamuko.
  2. Shouldn't this be "glorious purebred slav master race thread"? At least be a man about it.
  3. 1) It's actually partially subjective, and partially objective. 2) Since the subjective desires of the players are part of the aim of a game's design, even the subjective aspect is relevant to the objectivity of the design. Just for what it's worth... 8P It's entirely subjective. some people legitimately think things commonly held to be **** to be the "best." You know, like juggalos. In the proper context, maybe some people prefer silent killbots or poorly written mary-sues. Just look at the world of fanfiction.
  4. It's a different engine. And horses still suck in TES. And how would Oblivion melee/magic/bow&arrow mods apply to guns? Also it's Colt, not Cold.
  5. It's a bit early to expect a computer to be capable of the same level of intelligence as the human brain such that it could spontaneously generate new scenarios with any reliability.
  6. Horses couldn't survive in the Mojave in reality without human intervention and the investment of significant resources and logistics of the kind nonexistent in a post-apocalyptic world. It's not like any Vault had records on how to tame and train wild horses (assuming they still exist in the Fallout universe, or at least the general region of the southwest, which is unlikely given the fact that it's mostly desert.) A horse can't subsist on Death Valley borax and the most parched Earth in the US. "Mounts," as a term and general concept, can stay in World of Warcraft. All of this is disregarding the combination of iffy Gamebryo engine mechanics and the fact that the game world in NV is far too small to justify a motor vehicle. The car in Fallout 2 worked because the region was full scale (the F3 and NV maps are basically scale models, you sure as hell can't see the Appalachians from anywhere in DC, Maryland or the Eastern half of Virginia,) and even by Highwayman it took days to traverse distances that take a couple of hours at most in reality with paved roads. And the idea of bicycle travel is just silly. Mountain/offroad biking isn't more energy efficient than walking, and it would leave you more vulnerable to attack. A cyclist can't outrun a car moving 2-3x as fast, how can a cyclist outrun bullets travelling 50-100x as fast? Walking is the most efficient form of transportation for humans, both in reality and in fiction, unless humans in fiction are powered by jet fuel. The NCR's railroads are honestly the most believable rapid/long distance transportation solution given the setting.
  7. Rise of the Triad. This game is everything Duke Nukem Forever claimed it would be, but wasn't. Honestly, the most hilarious thing so far is the Donkey Kong Country style island map with little SNES style character sprites moving from level to level. I knew I was home when two eyeballs hit the screen and slowly slid down while my character belched.
  8. The problem with DA and especially DA2, is that combat is designed and balanced entirely for a specific unflexible party composition, which is exacerbated by the fact that DA2 requires the use of inter-class combination attacks to do more-than-adequate damage. Regular attacks are really just there to make players feel like something is actually happening while they're waiting for their activated abilities to cool down. There's nothing wrong with the fundamental concept, but Dragon Age is not the best example.
  9. 1x chance for making the thread, 2x bonus for making that statement.
  10. HD, Journey.
  11. Would he really go to the press and just "boast" about a falsified story when he's got $2.9m in possibly rabid fans out there? I don't see why this is so suspect, it's not like it's a Bethesda game.
  12. Just look at his sig. The women in this thread are dirty mongrel mixed-race abominations. Only purebred master race non-Western whites (i.e. Russians,) are worthy of his attention. For the record, mixed "race" = best "race."
  13. This sounds kind of sadly desperate. Besides, who's going to take the Steam version of the game to begin with?
  14. So, I wasn't aware Far Cry 3 took place in Mordor. Ohhh, ooooh, ooooooooooh, that hurts. That really does. An ork socialite is funny and all, but it's unfortunate that you went with the useless etiquettes for (I assume you're playing Dead Man's Switch, correct me if I'm wrong,) Dead Man's Switch. Depends, what game are we talking about?
  15. No ****. I am incredulous. /sarcasm
  16. There's no reasonable cause to differentiate Fallout 1-2's combat from what you call "true" turn-based combat. AP was simply a system that defined what actions a character could make during their turn.
  17. In SRR, there's also this whole "defense" aspect of moving around. Standing out in the open is stupid and gets you hurt/killed. If that's how you played through the available campaign, well... Try playing X-COM:EU (whose combat system SRR is suspiciously similar to,) with those "tactics" and see how long your squaddies last ("not" is the answer.)I'd wager it's because very few cRPGs are games about shooting guns or vaguely realistic-ish damage, so developers of them aren't focused on/experienced in robust cover mechanics/AI/level design. Most of what you're suggesting has been done in games that aren't cRPGs. Some of it is already done in RPGs anyway, i.e. "heavily telegraphed highly damaging attacks."
  18. I want to say KotoRII or New Vegas in addition to others, but both of those are lumped together with games that have lesser or bad companions. Not to mention the fallacious implication that only RPGs can have great companion characters.
  19. Yeah, it's pretty goofy overall. You know something's up when the first significant armor available for a quickness-centered character is a ninja costume. Most of the ones that look good have a mediocre armor rating and really specialized bonuses. But it doesn't really matter since the character models are so small due to the perspective and so low in polygons. It's not like that stealth catsuit is going to make your ass look better when your ass is 12 triangles.
  20. No, you have to it's a given that Blind Lucy isn't Coyote.
  21. Don't care about sound effects. Music probably won't be coming in until they've got the actual game elements solidly established, no longer subject to major changes. It doesn't make much sense to make music for something that then gets cut from the game, only be left with a totally out-of-place track that doesn't work with any of the areas or situations present in the finished game.
  22. I figured copycat killer, since she got her ****ty biological eyes replaced with swag cybereyes.
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