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Everything posted by AGX-17

  1. Mass Effect's explanation was that toxic waste "ELEMENT ZERO" (in elaborate sci-fi font,) causes space magic mutation, mystery solved! How does it work from there? Space magic.
  2. Elves are just little fiends that steal your children in the night, cause disease and/or nightmares. Insects reproduce rapidly, contrary to the implication. Though I do like the comparison of elves to maggots.
  3. It should go without saying that there's something of a problem with people who are primarily focused on the issue of whether or not they'll be able to go on a child-killing spree (in lieu of a child molesting then killing spree, I assume,) in any given RPG. That's a traditional prehistoric/pre-civilization/pre-20th century concept. Nobles in Þe olde tymes had their kids in arranged marriages for political gain all the time. In most, if not all, cultures prior to the 20th century, successfully passing puberty was the only prerequisite for being considered an "adult," especially in the case of females. It wasn't until the mid-20th that the concept of a "teenager" as a distinct phase of biological and social development came into being.
  4. 1.2 quadrillion cookies were produced during a single run through P4G. I thought it was only Japanese TV shows that used video game music. Then again, it's non-fiction Japanese TV shows that gratuitously use video game music in scenarios having nothing to do with video games. I'm sure there are a lot of stock sound effects, I hear the same metal grate/door opening sounds I heard in Resident Evil 2 back in the 90s in games today. The camel sounds used for Imps in DOOM still show up here and there. I'm sure there are sound studios that specialize in producing generic sound effects they sell to various media producers.
  5. ...That's the fantastic aspect to you? Not the blatant anachronisms and geographic falsities splattered all over the game world? The definition of fantasy as a genre is an arbitrary use of a word which has a vastly broader meaning. From Merriam-Webster: "1fan·ta·sy noun \ˈfan-tə-sē, -zē\ : something that is produced by the imagination : an idea about doing something that is far removed from normal reality : the act of imagining something" By your standard, a sexual fantasy (obviously the most common type of fantasy,) must by definition include magic, orcs, medieval settings, etc.
  6. Because they haven't expressed any interest in doing so. That's essentially what Mass Effect was. It was space fantasy. Space wizards using space magic (under the woefully misused term "biotic") left and right. Besides which, I don't see how "someone should make a carbon copy of Star Wars without the Star Wars license but also with knights and damsels and dashing princes and horse-mounted blaster dueling combat in spaceships" is a positive thing.
  7. There's actually a link in the video description to the study. Apparently the University of Pennsylvania is a hive of pseudoscience that somehow worms its way into reputable scientific journals. http://www.ppc.sas.upenn.edu/articleseligman.pdf That said, one study alone cannot be considered concrete confirmation of a hypothesis. Correlation is not causation, as so many laymen fail to understand.
  8. The original game or the Wiiware port? Because you should have the Grail, either way. The Wiiware/etc. version pretty much flat out tells you where to get it.
  9. Got State of Decay, it's a concept I'd wanted to see for a while. It's good, not great, definitely feels like the Beta it is. I guess Dead State is really the only beacon of hope for the time being. I felt like the ultimate message of the game is that you might as well just stay right where you are.
  10. No, just a den. BSN is the Zoo. BSN is more like a sprawling wildlife preserve with a toxic waste dump in the middle. Like Utah? I didn't think SLC counted as a toxic waste dump.
  11. No, just a den. BSN is the Zoo. BSN is more like a sprawling wildlife preserve with a toxic waste dump in the middle.
  12. Molyneux
  13. That's... an unusual opinion. Are you ready to argue with evidence why it's true that Skyrim's visual/particle/magic effects are inferior in quality to Oblivion's?
  14. It's not transsexual if everyone is born "unisex." Of course, it's not a sex if it can't engage in procreation (that's the sole reason for sexes to exist, after all. Gorillas making a fuss are rather entertaining.
  15. There's no conflict if there's no antagonist. That said, I'm not trying to support the OP and its ilk. Antagonists can take many forms. Protagonist doesn't mean "good guy," and antagonist doesn't mean "bad guy." Protagonist's Greek root basically means "lead actor," antagonist's Greek root means "rival," "opponent" or "competitor."
  16. beep bloop blob is obviously the real title, hidden in plain sight.
  17. That's really a quality that applies to any fiction, even the fictions we create in our heads every day.
  18. You are a remarkable individual.
  19. At the very least I want the the next two stretchgoals. I doubt it can reach 900k, which makes me sad, because I want Hero Mode so bad. Playing through the game as Rotty Tops would be awesome. 700k is all I wanted. Edit: I'm happy to report that Uwe Boll's Postal 2 movie has gotten less than 15% of its $500k goal halfway through the campaign.
  20. I just lost a bet.
  21. I've had Cookie Clicker running for several days on my computer while playing real games, and doing other things. 26 trillion cookies thus far. Daud was just an assassin hired by the aforementioned Spymaster.
  22. Sure, but nowhere near as good as the original free Windows version (you can't get much more indie than that,) since they sadly had to casualize it for Wii audiences. Lost a lot of charm and all the mystery in the process (tell you the story in the intro that you couldn't piece together until near the end of the original game.) I really wish someone would fix the original game to work properly on versions of Windows newer than XP.
  23. http://cloud-2.steampowered.com/ugc/631918095226126996/219A9C41F7A973CAF121F3B053064A54DD9C8FDE/ I titled it "Welshman's Paradise." Also applicable to New Zealand. OH BUUUUURN!
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