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Everything posted by AGX-17

  1. If it consists of furry pictures or sonic the hedgehog (which also falls into the realm of furries,) fanart/comics/original characters (i.e. "TYLER THE HEDGEHOG HE IS SANIC'S BROTHER WHO IS EVEN MORE SUPER SAIYAN RODENT THAN SANIC GOTTA GO FAST OC DO NOT STEAL I KNOW YOU'RE ALL JUST JEALOUS OF MY ARTISTIC SKILL WITH NO. 2 PENCILS AND CRAYONS",) then count me in.
  2. Technically yesterday, but I was stopping for pizza (schmizza,) for dinner on my way home last night and a businessman ahead of me legitimately pulled out a wad of cash in a money clip to pay, there were at least two $100 bills, and that's in a wad that must have been an inch thick, folded in half. He didn't have a top hat or a walking stick with a solid gold eagle-shaped cudgel on top. That surprised me.
  3. People actually drive more attentively and cautiously in situations where there are no signs, signals or sidewalks and the roads are shared by pedestrians, as demonstrated in a number of European cities and towns.
  4. Insert query as to whether or not this can be used with Desert Eagles, the greatest firearm ever made. DEAGLE CLIPS (cue /k/ rage.) Technically speaking, in terms of efficiency, it's not even close to the energy contained within two sandwiches. Now if you had two antimatter sandwiches, and let them contact "matter," the energy release would be 100%, so even if the Earth survived it would be uninhabitable, not that any humans would be left to enjoy the planetary debris. After all, an H-bomb releases less than 1% of the energy potential of the hydrogen fusion reaction. It's important to be afraid, after all.
  5. What? I can't solve this riddle. I think if I've seen sounding and split ****s, I should have heard of this if it was that disgusting. P.S. You are responsible for any derailment. You are Pandora and you have opened the box. I will not be held accountable for any personal physical or mental harm that befalls anyone as a result.
  6. They didn't have honor rolls 150 years ago when kids worked in coal mines as pack animals because donkeys couldn't fit in mineshafts. They didn't have honor rolls when daughters were a liability that you traded for an item of value, like a goat (or in the cultures where that's still true today.) They didn't have honor rolls when infant mortality was 50% or higher. Living to puberty was achievement enough, nobody gave out special recognition for the people who managed to not die of smallpox by the age of 15. Then it was the private financial reward that motivated you, not the public recognition as a NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRD. Also you just told kids not to aim for the top (i.e. AP calculus and chemistry.) Isn't that a little antithetical to your rage about abolishment of honor rolls? Isn't it just that you weren't good enough?
  7. This implies you earnestly believe that Obsidian's designers will knowingly and willingly place +8 enchanted swords of enchantment in the bodies of sewer rats. Why are you even here? Also there is a quote function.
  8. http://www.ted.com/talks/jackson_katz_violence_against_women_it_s_a_men_s_issue.html
  9. Multiple threads on this subject. nearly all of the loot is going to be handplaced, as confirmed in updates and forum posts by devs. One in the top 5 threads on the Gameplay & Mechanics board. Where you posted this new thread. Without looking at the "Random loot or fixed drops from certain mobs?" thread. http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/64505-random-loot-or-fixed-drops-from-certain-mobs/ A thread which includes developer responses confirming the situation.
  10. A population simulation which doesn't take into account a scarcity of resources vital for life and a radioactive environment, or that humans are not mer-people who emerge from the seas isn't particularly suitable for anything.
  11. TF2's latest Halloween event, not that I ever stopped playing TF2. But it's not like regular TF2 servers will exist/be regularly populated until after 11/11. Still, pretty fun with the spells (summon Monoculus and whatnot, destroy opposing team, quite entertaining.) Not so impressed with the influx of brony garbage. Try Shoshone if you've ever been frustrated by garbage results from ancient ruins and early barbarian problems. Massively OP civ for the early game, that confers a big advantage, especially in science, right off the bat (scout replacement unit is as strong as a Warrior, gets to choose Ancient Ruin yield, only balance is a short cooldown on each reward.)
  12. I always liked Fallout/2's large-scale map style where you can click on any spot as a destination and a mostly uneventful (save for random encounters,) journey takes place over an extended (albeit accelerated for gameplay purposes,) timespan. It makes the game world feel much larger. Based on what evidence? It's not like mountains in a fantasy world are impassable walls while being minor reducers of travel pace in a post-apocalyptic wasteland. If they chose to do a Fallout style map they would design it to work, they wouldn't just arbitrarily follow your worst-case-scenario ideas because they're too dumb to design travel to work with the map they use.
  13. Potential for OP characters/imbalance, presumably. Although I have full confidence that Obsidian could make a well-balanced system that allows for multiclassing. I like it when it's well done (i.e. not a classless TES-style system of "be the best at everything." Yeah, I'm ragging on Bethesda game design, as usual.) It allows for interesting skillsets/characters.
  14. So you're one of those Bethesda fans who got all mad when told about areas in which Fallout 1 & 2 were better and said they sucked because of the perspective without ever playing them? Did you contribute to the kickstarter? Most of us did because we, along with Obsidian, wanted an IE-style game, with the requisite isometric viewpoint. You haven't proposed a superior perspective to 3/4 isometric, and even if you had, it's a matter of opinion, not objectivity. If you declare the isometric perspective to be objectively inferior to any/all other alternatives you're just a zealot whose opinion is even less valuable as a result of your unwillingness to entertain the idea of trying anything you're not comfortable with.
  15. Legitimate post this time: What's in all those crates and barrels?
  16. I'm all kickstarted out. Waiting on my 12+ games. I don't even remember what half of them are.
  17. There will certainly be less problems in the compiling than you personally encounter when coding. Like teknoman touched on, there will be a lot of if/then/else statements. I've played plenty of games where even that fails and NPCs target a character they should know has high resistance to a particular type of damage despite the presence of an equally viable target that is weak to the given damage type. Video game AI is a misnomer, it's not intelligence in any true sense of the word. And last I heard, Min-Maxing was a metagaming/powergaming strategy to minimize the known dump stats and maximize the known useful ones in order to maximize combat capabilities at the cost of the RPing experience. i.e. 9 INT (+ INT bobblehead,) 1 Charisma in Fallout 3, in which Charisma's only effect was to boost the speech and barter skills, which Bethesda, either deliberately or out of incompetence, designed as a dump stat by providing ways of maxing the Speech and Barter skills out without Charisma's involvement. Not that there was much RPing to be done there beyond the karma system. Computers are not very good at Chess. Games like P:E or the IE games are not Chess, or comparable to it in terms of game design, rules, mechanics, etc. It took a warehouse-filling supercomputer devoted solely to playing Chess to defeat a human grandmaster at Chess. And the rules of Chess, which are quite ancient, are what give you restrictions, not the AI.
  18. A theater and a forum are different things, too. So don't call a theater a forum, or vice versa.
  19. I lost it at Russia's "matriarchal society." 10/10
  20. 10/29/13 will forever be remembered as the Great Hedgemaze Freakout of '13. When we're all doddering old coots, we'll see hedgemaze freakouts and scoff, telling the kids that the Hedgemaze Kerfuffle of of 2038 is nothing compared to that day in October of '13.
  21. Herp derp not gonna happen, ludicrous idea from the start. DLC was already done for F3 and NV. Like Sawyer said when doing his NV mod, that ship has sailed, the lights are out, they've moved on. You said it yourself, it's "barebones." It's not robust, it's not technologically advanced. You've listed a bunch of games which were not technologically impressive or visually ahead of the curve at the time of their release. Valve's Source 2007 can perform dramatically more advanced feats than the latest iterations of Gamebryo, i.e. parametric animation (best example being TF2's still-impressive-after-5-years animation.) It's true that Bethesda's products would come out better if they used official updates/new iterations of Gamebryo rather than Frankensteining their own in-house modifications, but it's still not exactly CryEngine or UE. Civ 4 ran like ass. On a scale of garbage to feces, how did your PC rate? I mean, really. Civ IV.
  22. I haven't had any trouble with one from them, except for a defective video card (which was nVidia's fault, not theirs,) and which was replaced for free.
  23. I usually create a character, play for an hour or two, go back and create a new character, play for an hour or two, create a new character, play for an hour or two, rinse, repeat until I get the best feeling character. Then I'll usually have a hard time resisting creating a similar character when replaying the game after finishing when I'm supposed to try a totally different build.
  24. I've considered buying it, depending on how the bosses have been changed (i.e. from FPS garbage in a game which is not in any way an FPS to Deus Ex not-garbage.)
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