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Everything posted by AGX-17

  1. You must search all the rooms carefully, furniture is not what it appears to be Scan every pixel with your cursor, no "hold tab to highlight all interactive objects" here. Probably not a good idea to play at a resolution greater than 640x480.
  2. There is no "epic level." You're never going to be a WoW style stupidly-flashy ubergod whose glowing aura, stupid glowing armor and weapons and flaming eyeballs causes peasants to kowtow in awe at your presence. There will be NPC reactivity to the player. But how exactly would one of them distinguish between a level 1 PC and a level 10 PC? There's not likely to be much more than differentiation between peasant rags and well-maintained steel plate. Or the chiseled abs of a competent monk.
  3. Oh god, not this thread again. Why didn't you just commence a necromantic ceremony on your previous iteration?
  4. So... my doubts follows: Having the Dungeon the best loot and the hardest fight can lead to some problem in my opinion. Knowing the Dungeon has the best loot will lead the player to just level up enough to go down again and loot shinies to easily overwhelm the enemies in the main quest-line. Last but not least if I just ignore the dungeon... how the main campaign will be balanced? I will have anyway a decent gear to finish the game? And again, if I just stop myself before the last boss to go into the dungeon? I'll steamroll everything till the last floors? And when i've completed even the dungeon, with an extremely easy feelings, i'll come back with a huge xp boost, an overflow of powerful items and just steamroll even the final encounter of the main compaign? Did you not read the many quotes from Sawyer about how loot is not leveled and the ultra-mega-super dungeon is not something that low/mid-level characters can survive beyond a given few floors? It's designed to be challenged incrementally over the course of the game. He also has stated that there are many areas designed to be highly challenging to characters of a given level, with loot appropriate as a reward for succeeding at the challenge, which will be obsolete and worthless once the player is at a level where said dungeons/quests are easy to clear.
  5. Shouldn't you know how to differentiate between summoned/invading players and the "host" by now?
  6. "Dark Post-Apocalypse" What are you saying, that Wasteland 2 is too light-hearted? Too much of a fantasy game? Obsidian shouldn't make fantasy games? Existing post-apocalyptic games are too brightly lit?
  7. Well, IMO science has the greatest potential to make the lives of the most people better with the greatest efficiency, so... goody-two-shoes have a valid reason to like it. Of course, but that doesn't mean someone like a priest or paladin would consider it good if they held conservative/traditionalist type beliefs or their religious creed defined it as something in opposition to what they define as "good." Not far removed from reality. But this is a wild tangent that should end or have a Morality of Animancy thread for itself.
  8. Anor Londo probably means "City of Giant Flopping Titties."
  9. Listening to the BBC Radio 4 production of Neil Gaiman's Neverwhere, which is available to us dirty foreign pig-dogs for a week. It's phenomenal.
  10. I hadn't actually paid any attention to this game's development and media coverage, but I looked at some recent screenshots and my immediate reaction was that this is "Guy With a Stupid Dragon Helmet in a Land Which is Totally Not Skyrim: The Game - Featuring Uncanny Valley Varric and Female Hawke"
  11. http://www.polarisgo.com/video/rYPZk2b5g8Or/category/all/tag/all/series/polaris
  12. I want a male equivalent of Lara. Oh please god no. I think we got enough of this with that sniper dude from Fallout: New Vegas. Explain to me how Boone is the male Lara Croft. By all means. I'm sure you have a well-reasoned, logical, valid argument to put forward on the subject.
  13. Entirely subjective, which is why it should be in off-topic or C&C. OP's definition of "maturity" doesn't even apply to P:E, as it stipulates realism as being a necessary part. It also stipulates stories about (real-world) adults, as though children are not a real thing. Last time I checked, one of the strongest motivators for real-life human adult behavior was children, one of the most dread and malign words in the RPG community.
  14. Science for science's sake doesn't fall under the purview of "good," it's really a neutral thing unless you're part of a cult that believes the pursuit of knowledge for its own sake to be the definition of "good." Good would want to do ethical science for the benefit of all, or at the fringe, even unethical science if one believes the ends are significantly beneficent. We all know how the third row would see these things.
  15. Making a game hard by making it unbalanced is just bad game design. I stopped reading there because it's clear your ideas are bad if you think that's how to make a game challenging. If you're mad about MMOs, don't play them. Games are meant to be winnable, there's no point to a game nobody can win in, except to make some kind of indie artsy nihilistic allegory about the meaninglessness of life.
  16. Every possible, chargen is my favorite part of any RPG.
  17. I love my taste in music when I'm completely hammered (not quite up to a pint of bourbon, yet.) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u3l-7ZmZQOg
  18. "Fanservice companions"? As in, companions should be characters that fans of the game/developer hate and find intolerable? In that case, didn't they succeed by making you find them intolerable? Besides, I don't recall any wildly jiggling, gravity-defying breasts. Did I miss that part?
  19. The mod to skip the fade is a really good coolant, I've found.
  20. http://www.familyfriendlygaming.com/Reviews/2013/The%20Elder%20Scrolls%20V%20Skyrim.html The Konami code is just about officially dead now.
  21. TF2 killcam shots are still the most brilliant.
  22. Sensible folk have no appreciation for tension or excitement. They also have no right to complain when I spoil the plot for them.
  23. I wish I could say I was playing Walking Dead S2, but I'm already done. Oh my god Telltale, why do you make us wait?
  24. Only if you're a white man on the internet with a thing for god, guns and capitalism.* *Living in his mother's basement, unemployed: +10 to Irony rolls.
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